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Father of Boba Fett, and at one time, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.

  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett, to Mandaloriański łowca nagród żyjący w okresie Wojen Klonów. Posłużył on jako pierwowzór do stworzenia armii klonów dla Republiki. Uważał się za ojca Boby - niezmodyfikowanego klona - którego wychowywał i traktował jak syna. Po nieudanej rozmowie i walce z Obi-Wanem Kenobim na Kamino postanowił polecieć z Bobą na Geonosis. Podczas bitwy na wsześniej wspomnianej planecie zabił mistrza Jedi Colemana Trebora i usiłującego go zabić Rekka. Ostatecznie zginął w pojedynku z Mace'em Windu.
  • Jango Fett era un umano Mandaloriano maschio nato sul pianeta Concord Dawn. Entrò a far parte fin da subito dei Veri Mandaloriani.
  • Father of Boba Fett, and at one time, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.
  • Jango Fett- antagonista z serii Gwiezdne Wojny. <default>Jango Fett</default> Personalia Pełne imię Przydomek Dom Nazwisko w oryginalnej wersji Rodzaj Gatunek Model Płeć Zajęcie Strona Bronie Cele Los Status Powód śmierci Rodzina Ojciec Matka Rodzeństwo Miłość Dzieci Dziadek Babcia Wnukowie Inni Występowanie Aktor Dubbing angielski Dubbing polski Inne wersje językowe dubbingu Filmy Seriale Gry wideo Książki Komiksy center|200px
  • The Jango Fett has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
  • Jango Fett Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži
  • Sen konfliktin lopputuloksen seurauksena Jango jätti Mandalorialaiset ja ryhtyi palkkionmetsästäjäksi, ja rakensi itselleen pikaisesti mahtavan maineen yhtenä galaksin parhaimmista palkkionmetsästäjistä. Myöhemmin hyväksyi Darth Tyranusin pestin kloonisotilaiden muotiksi, jotka sitten muodostaisivat Tasavallan suurarmeijan kloonisotien aikaan. Kun jedimestari Obi-Wan Kenobi paikansi Jangon ja Boban Fettin Kaminon asuntoonsa, Jango taisteltuaan ja melkein hävittyään pakeni Slave I:llä Geonosikselle kreivi Dookun luokse. Vaikka Mace Windu tappoi Fettin katkaisemalla tämän kaulan areenalla, hänen perintönsä jatkui. Nimittäin hänen poikansa Boba Fett jatkoi galaksin parhaan palkkonmetsästäjän uraa ja käytti värjättyä mandalorialaishaarniskaa.
  • Jango Fett was in de decennia voor de Clone Wars één van de beruchtste Bounty Hunters in het universum. Hij werd door Tyranus uitgekozen om als rolmodel te fungeren voor het geheime Clone leger van op Kamino. Buiten de grote som, vroeg Jango ook een onveranderde clone, Boba Fett, die hij opvoedde als zijn zoon. De Mandalorian kwam aan zijn einde tijdens de Battle of Geonosis toen Mace Windu hem onthoofde.
  • Kills: 169 Mission Record: 1-1 Force Points: 452,472 Holocrons: 8
  • Jango Fett is the secondary antagonist of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and the main protagonist in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. He is one of the Star Wars galaxy's most formidable bounty hunters, and the original host in the creation of clone troopers. All troopers were made by cloning from him. The cloning process was made possible by the Prime Minister of Kamino, Lama Su. He is also the father of classic Star Wars villain Boba Fett.
  • Jango Fett, a Mandalorian warrior turned bounty hunter after the crushing defeat of his clan. He was eventually hired by Darth Tyranus and became the genetic basis for an army of clones grown at Kamino, one of whom was left unaltered and later became Boba Fett. He took some involvement in the Clone Wars, but was killed by the Mace Windu in the first major battle.
  • Jango Fett war ein pansionierter Kopfgeldjäger und Vater von Boba Fett, welcher sein genetischer Klon war. Fett war der Anführer der Mandalorianer von 34-52 VSY und später wurde er der Genspender der Klone für die große Armee der Rebuplik.
  • Shortly after the defeat of the Mandalorians at the Battle of Galidraan, Fett escaped the asteroid prison of Oovo IV, unlike many of his comrades. Only he and one other are known to have escaped; the other being Montross, a long time rival of his and the cause of death of his adoptive father Jaster Mereel at Korda IV.
  • Jango Fett was een Premiejager die werd gebruikt als proefmodel voor de Clone Troopers.
  • Born on Concord Dawn, Fett had a happy childhood, but was very short lived. At a very young age, his parents were killed by the merciless Death Watch, and his sister was missing, also believed to have been killed as well. Found by the Mandalorians, he was adopted by them, as he was left without parents.
  • [Source] Jango Fett est un célèbre et redoutable chasseur de primes mandalorien devenu le bras droit du Comte Dooku lors des débuts du mouvement Séparatiste.
  • Jango Fett is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He first appeared as the secondary antagonist in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
  • Jango Fett was a bounty hunter before the Clone Wars and was the genetic template of the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic.
  • Jango Fett is a Mandalorian bounty hunter. He was paid by the Republic to be cloned to create an army of soldiers that could defeat the Trade Federation. One of the clones he raised as a son and named Boba.
  • Jango Fett is a minifigure based on the Star Wars bounty hunter of the same name. He has appeared in four LEGO sets over the years and has been a playable character in all four LEGO Star Wars video games, although save data from the first game must be available to the console to play as him in the second.
  • Jango Fett was the dad of Boba Fett. He was killed by Mace Windu (one of Kota's friends).
  • Jango Fett was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
  • Jango Fett is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He first appeared as the secondary antagonist in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.
  • Jango Fett stammte vom Planeten Concord Dawn und war einer der besten Kopfgeldjäger der Galaxis. Schon sehr früh in seiner Kindheit verlor Jango Fett seine Eltern und wurde von Mandalorianern gefunden. Diese zogen Jango auf und trainierten ihn zum harten Überlebenskämpfer. Er war die genetische Vorlage der Klonkrieger und Vater von Boba Fett, seinem (als einzigem unveränderten) Klon. Er wurde von Darth Tyranus rekrutiert. Auf Kamino traf er auf Obi-Wan Kenobi, dem er nur knapp entkam. Obi-Wan verfolgte Fett nach Geonosis. In der Schlacht auf Geonosis wurde Jango von Mace Windu getötet. Jango Fett arbeitete regelmäßig mit der Gestaltwandlerin und Kopfgeldjägerin Zam Wesell zusammen. Diese war sowohl Rivalin als auch eine Art Freundin für Fett. Jedoch war er gezwungen, sie auf Coruscant zu t
  • Jango Fett was a renowned Mandalorian bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary, and the "father" of Boba Fett, a genetic clone of his, whom he raised as a son. A Human from Concord Dawn, Fett was adopted by Mandalorian warriors following the murder of his parents and the disappearance of his older sister Arla in 58 BBY. Years later, he would go on to lead them through much of the Mandalorian Civil War as Mandalore. After being imprisoned by Jedi, Fett was responsible for destroying the Death Watch, a Mandalorian group who killed Fett's mentor, Jaster Mereel.
  • Jango Fett was a male human bounty hunter, widely regarded to be the best in the galaxy in the years preceding the Clone Wars. Fett wore a set of Mandalorian armor as a bounty hunter, though he was considered a pretender by the New Mandalorian government of Mandalore. At some point prior to the Clone Wars, Fett was recruited by the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus to be the genetic template of the clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Republic. Unlike Fett, these soldiers lacked much of his independence, as they were designed to be entirely loyal to the Galactic Republic and its cause. Fett had only one request for the Kaminoans: a single unaltered clone whom he would raise as his own child, Boba Fett.
  • Jango Fett is a bounty hunter and one of the many heroes of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Jango Fett is the source of the DNA used in creating the clones used for the Republic's army. The first glimpse of him in the films is in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones when he kills a Clawdite bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, working for him with a poison dart. This leads Obi-Wan Kenobi to conduct a search into the origins of the dart, eventually leading him to Kamino, as the dart was called "Kaminoan saberdart" by his friend Dexter Jettster, where he found it to be the residence of Fett and the cloners.
  • Jango Fett ([68 f.s.YLEGENDS] - 22 f.s.Y.) var i sin tid ansett som den beste dusørjegeren i galaksen. Etter at foreldrene hans ble drept tidlig, ble Jango i en alder av ti år plukket opp av den mandaloriske lederen Jaster Mereel, som lærte ham å bli en kriger. Han ble imidlertid drept da en gruppe gjorde opprør mot ham, og Jango tok etter dette over som leder etter Mereel. De gjenværende mandalorierne ble senere nærmest utryddet i slaget på Galidraan, av en kommandogruppe jedier, ledet av grev Dooku - Jango overlevde imidlertid.
  • Jango Fett was an infamous bounty hunter and MANDALORIAN. Such was his fame, many believed he would someday become the head of the Bounty Hunters Guild. He refused, however, because he didn't have a head for business. Personally, I don't think that kind of attitude will get you ahead in life. Although it was known that, in perilous situations, Jango often lost his head. He had no love for Jedi, and always tried to keep ahead of them. Things came to a head on Geonosis when he was killed by Mace Windu. He was shot in the chest, I think.. However some people say that he died because he slipped and fell on Mace Windy's... I mean, uh... Windu's tool. Either way, Boba Fett was seen eating his corpse in the traditional Mandalorian way of disrespect. Despite getting pwned by Mace Windu, Dookie tho
  • Jango Fett var en mänsklig prisjägare som föddes på Concord Dawn som, efter sina föräldrar blivit dödade, blev räddad av Jaster Mereel och dom andra Mandalorianerna vilket började hans karriär i gruppen. När Jaster blivit förråd av Montross och dödad av Tor Vizsla i slaget om Korda 6 så blev Jango Mandalorianernas ledare efter Montross blivit bannlyst. När Mandalorianerna blivit utrotade i slaget om Galidraan a Jedier så fick Jango hamna i fängelse. Dock så lyckas han fly för att leta upp Vizsla vilket ledde till Vizslas död. Efter det så blev Jango en Prisjägare som strax efteråt fick ett meddelande från Darth Tyranus som ville att Jango skulle bli hans medhjälpare för den onda plan som Darth Sidious hade planerat och skulle bli slutet för Republiken. Jango blev då sedan originalet för en
  • The name Fett carries with it a cold air of dread and competence. To those with the credits to hire him, it is synonymous with success. To those with reasons to fear, Fett means capture or death. The name and reputation are just two of the many things Boba inherited from his father, Jango. In the final years of the Republic, Jango Fett was regarded as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. A proficient marksman and unarmed combatant, Fett was covered in a sleek armored suit that concealed his scarred visage and strangely tattooed forearms. His combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry, including retractable wrist blades, a snare, dual blaster pistols and other more exotic tools of the trade.
  • Jango Fett fue un cazarrecompensas humano mandaloriano, asesino, mercenario, y el "padre" de Boba Fett, un clon suyo, al que tomó como hijo. Era un humano de Concord Dawn, Fett fue adoptado por los guerreros Mandalorianos tras el asesinato de sus padres y la desaparición su hermana mayor, Arla en el 58 ABY. Años más tarde, los guiaba en la Guerra Civil Mandaloriana. Después de ser encarcelado por los Jedi, fue el encargado de destruir a la Guardia de la Muerte , un grupo de Mandalorianos que mató al mentor de Fett, Jaster Mereel.
  • Jango Fett egy híres ember mandalóri fejvadász, orgyilkos és zsoldos volt, valamint saját genetikai klónjának, Boba Fettnek az "apja", akit saját fiaként nevelt fel. A Concord Dawnon látta meg a napvilágot. Szülei halála és nővérének, Arlának az elrablása után YE 58-ban mandalori harcosok vették magukhoz és nevelték föl. Évekkel később Fett harcolt a mandalóri polgárháborúban, amely konfliktus során egy jedi fogságába esett. Rabszolgasorba került, de miután megszabadult, Fett felszámolta azt a mandalóri csoportot, a Halálőrséget, akik felelősek voltak nevelőapjának, Jaster Mereelnek a meggyilkolásában.
  • Jango Fett var en dusørjæger, lejemorder, lejesoldat og far til Boba Fett, en genetisk klon af ham selv, som han opfostrede som sin søn. Som et Menneske fra Concord Dawn blev Fett adopteret af de legendariske mandalorianerkrigere efter hans forældres død i 58 BBY. Adskillige år senere leder han dem gennem en stor del af Mandalorianer Borgerkrigen.
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Jango Fett
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Джанго Фет
  • Bad
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Τζάνγκο Φεττ
  • Blaster
  • Wojciech Paszkowski
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