| - Big Dawg doesn't consider himself primarily a superhero. As he puts it: "...being a superhero isn't my main gig. I do it largely to keep my cred. People like doing business with superheroes who make the papers, y'know? My MAIN gig is I'm a businessman. I started with the usual: posters, action figures, memorabilia, all that crap. Then I got smart, and diversified. Now, I own seven apartment buildings, five gas stations, three Burger Clown franchises, nine laundromats, two car dealerships, a produce distributor, a building supply firm, a cement and asphalt contractor, and a recycling outfit. I'm a silent partner in two record labels, a radio station, and I'm bankrolling three movies, including a horror movie franchise in its fifth installment. My business is retooling and refurbishing ailin
| - Big Dawg doesn't consider himself primarily a superhero. As he puts it: "...being a superhero isn't my main gig. I do it largely to keep my cred. People like doing business with superheroes who make the papers, y'know? My MAIN gig is I'm a businessman. I started with the usual: posters, action figures, memorabilia, all that crap. Then I got smart, and diversified. Now, I own seven apartment buildings, five gas stations, three Burger Clown franchises, nine laundromats, two car dealerships, a produce distributor, a building supply firm, a cement and asphalt contractor, and a recycling outfit. I'm a silent partner in two record labels, a radio station, and I'm bankrolling three movies, including a horror movie franchise in its fifth installment. My business is retooling and refurbishing ailing businesses, and getting them profitable again. My specialty is getting obnoxious parasites that are driving the business into the ground to bug off, because they know if they fuck with me, I'll feed them their own kneecaps." Recognizing entrepreneurial talent in a young meta named Chiller, he took the boy as an apprentice in order to turn him from a small-time thug into an honest businessman.