| - He chose the planet Tatooine as his Capital, due to its proximity to Geonosis, a rife source of slave labour. His kingdom stretched all the way from the outer rim to the colonies region. Carapar joined Pridak and the other members of the league in a rebellion against the architects in 50,000 BBY . When this failed, he was sentanced to death. But before he could be executed, Botar appeared and instead teleported him and the other Barraki to the pit of Ghalon Mahri . For millenia he was in suspended animation, until a massive asteroid impact destroyed the pit and freed the Barraki. However, contact with water caused their bodies to mutate.
| - He chose the planet Tatooine as his Capital, due to its proximity to Geonosis, a rife source of slave labour. His kingdom stretched all the way from the outer rim to the colonies region. Carapar joined Pridak and the other members of the league in a rebellion against the architects in 50,000 BBY . When this failed, he was sentanced to death. But before he could be executed, Botar appeared and instead teleported him and the other Barraki to the pit of Ghalon Mahri . For millenia he was in suspended animation, until a massive asteroid impact destroyed the pit and freed the Barraki. However, contact with water caused their bodies to mutate. Carapar spent several years roaming the ocean floor and wreaking havoc. He was often hypnotized by Takadox, whom he would supply with food while in this trance. When a second impact sank the city of Mahri Nui, Carapar saw his chance to flee. Like the other Barraki he spent the next 5 years terrorizing and looting the city, trying to find the technology that could get him offworld. When the mask of life was discovered beneath the ocean, carapar tried to claim it for himself, realizing he could trade it in exchange for transportation away from Ghalon Mahri. Carapar struck a deal with an Aquus Knight by name of Lesovikk, the mask in exchange for a large starship with which he could escape the system and reconquer the galaxy. After Nocturn escaped with the mask, the Barraki turned their armies against one another. Like the others, Carapar managed to escape in one of the starships orbiting the planet. His present whereabouts are unknown, but he must wear advanced breathing apparatus to survive normal atmospheric conditions, and he has been unable to reverse his mutations. Lesovikk, whom Carapar betrayed, and his fellow warriors are still hunting him down.