| - Shake with ice and strain into shot glass.
- "KaMiKaZe" is a dungeon theme from Star Ocean: The Second Story as well as its remake Star Ocean: Second Evolution. It plays when the party visit Eluria Tower, the last dungeon on Planet Expel before they are transported into Energy Nede. Unlike themes such as Rescue Operation, Heraldic Emblem and Discord, KaMiKaZe is a sound track exclusive for Eluria Tower.
- Kamikaze – najlepsza metoda dotarcia na tamten świat, powstała podczas powstania Japończyków, którzy de facto jak powstali, to wymarli, bo wtedy powstała moda na bycie kamikaze. Dowódcy oddziałów kamikaze zaczęli masowo inwestować na giełdach w spółki ubezpieczeniowe lotniskowców USA.
- The Kamikaze (神風), which means 'divine wind', were suicide attackers from military aviators from the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World War II, designated to destroy as many warships as possible.
- Kamikaze (divine wind) was the Rokugani term for a super-taifun.
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