| - James Marcus is a character in the Resident Evil series. He appears as the main antagonist in Resident Evil 0. Marcus was one of the original founders of the Umbrella Corporation, alongside Ozwell E. Spencer and Edward Ashford. Marcus was assinated by Albert Wesker and William Birkin, under the orders of Spencer. Marcus was resurected by his experimental leeches, and eventually put to rest permanantly by Billy Coen.
- 120px|thumb|right Il Dottor James Marcus è uno dei principali antagonisti della serie. Compare per la prima volta in Resident Evil 0.
- James Marcus is the main antagonist of Resident Evil 0. He was one of the original founders of the Umbrella corporation and creator of the original t-Virus. He was the person behind the t-Virus outbreak in the Arklay Mountains.
- Dr. James Marcus was an American virologist who pioneered 20th century viral weapons research. He was one of the founders of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, which developed the t-Virus. A brilliant and enthusiastic scientist, he held a dark reputation for unethical experiments and mysteriously disappeared in 1988.
- First head of Umbrella's Management Training Facility. A founding member of Umbrella Corporation and one of the pioneers who discovered the Progenitor virus. He was so involved in his research he began to use Umbrella employees as test subjects in his experiments. The number of sacrifices totaled nearly 20 people.
- Né en 1918, Marcus se lia d'amitié avec Edward Ashford pendant ses études, où il se révéla rapidement être un expert en biologie et virologie. Après avoir quitté l'école, Marcus et Ashford s'associèrent en tant que partenaires de recherche, et commencèrent à faire des recherches sur le virus Progenitor, et demanda de l'aide à l'un des amis proches d'Ashford: Lord Oswell E. Spencer, qui leur fournit suffisamment de fonds jusqu’à ce qu'ils découvrent le virus en 1967.
- Nacido en 1918, Marcus fue amigo de Edward Ashford durante su época estudiantil, cuando demostró ser un experto tanto en biología como en virología. Tras dejar la escuela, Marcus y Ashford se volvieron colegas en la investigación que los llevaría a descubrir el Virus Progenitor en 1967, tomando provecho de la ayuda financiera obtenida de uno de los amigos más cercanos de Ashford: Lord Oswell E. Spencer.