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  • RICO
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
  • Rico
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  • Rico (リコ, riko) is a NPC character from Summon Night Ex-These: Yoake no Tsubasa.
  • It has been speculated that the name and acronym were selected in a sly reference to the movie Little Caesar, which featured a notorious gangster named Rico. The original drafter of the bill, G. Robert Blakey, refused to confirm or deny this. G. Robert Blakey remains an expert on RICO; his former student Michael Goldsmith also gained a reputation as one of the nation's leading RICO experts.
  • Rico is a member of the Innocentz gang (Skullzy set) and a minor villain character in film Sudden Violence, Manhunt series, and Scarface: The World is Yours.
  • Rico est un Capitaine de Navire Marchand, qui vend des Outils de défrichage, des Objets d'évolution des Réserves et occasionnellement des .
  • Rico is both a character in the roleplay of Ninjas and Pirates, and the person who created him.
  • Rico was a member of the Salusan Militia. During the Battle of Zimia he and Jaymes Powder were ordered by Tercero Xavier Harkonnen to work with med-response teams and fire-suppression squads.
  • Rico es un personaje de la saga GTA que aparece como secundario en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Es miembro de la banda de los Cubanos.
  • Rico was a Barksdale Organization soldier who only appeared in the a few episodes in the first and second season and became a brief recurring character in the third season until his initial demise.
  • Azrael war ein Mörder und Attentäter, der gefühllos und kaltblütig seine Opfer tötete. Doch irgendwo in den endlosen Tiefen seiner Seele keimte immer stärker das Verlangen danach, all diese Taten hinter sich zu lassen und ein neues, friedlicheres Leben anzufangen. Dieses Verlangen manifestierte sich über Jahre hinweg schließlich als eine zweite Persönlichkeit, Rico. Es ist schwer zu sagen, wann sich genau die Seele des Kämpfers in zwei Fragmente gespalten hat, Tatsache ist aber, dass diese in einen ständigen Konflikt gerieten. Der schlussendlich nur dadurch gelöst wurde, dass Rico einen Weg fand, Azrael einen eigenen Körper zu geben. Durch ein Versehen allerdings gelang Rico in den dafür vorgesehen Körper, den eines Saiya-jins.
  • During the Xorda's attack on the planet, Rico and Sigma-Alpha 2 were among the G.U.N. soldiers on the field of battle against the Quantum Dial, working under Commander Hugo Brass. (StH: #125)
  • Rico is a character appearing in Pokémon: Advanced.
  • Rico is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He was a human G.U.N. trooper and member of Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2. He and the rest of the team were responsible for the capture of Sonic the Hedgehog who had been framed for the theft of a Chaos Emerald that had actually been stolen by Shadow the Hedgehog, although Sonic escaped their custody while flying in a helicopter. He would later meet Sonic again as an ally during their mission to defeat the evil Dragon, Zan. He and his teammates were ultimately captured, brainwashed and made into a member of the Eurish Dark Egg Legion.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Mordred | Zuma | Surtr File:WaterIcon.png Water: Origa File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Sylvasaur File:LightIcon.png Light: Bright Blight | Verona | Ultimecia File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Prime | Bahamut File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Time)
  • Rico ist ein Charakter des Spiels Lost: Via Domus. Er ist der Ladeninhaber seines eigenen Pfandleihgeschäfts und heuert Elliott an Fotos von seiner Ehefrau zu machen, die ihn betrügt. Als Gegenleistung beschafft er Elliot Informationen über Zoran Savo. Lisa Gellhorn fragte Rico nach Informationen über Zoran Savo, aber Rico verschweigt ihr diese aufgrund seines Deals mit Elliott. Locke versucht Rico seine Campingausrüstung zu verkaufen, was dieser aber ablehnt. Lost: Das Spiel Kategorie:Lost-Das Spiel Kategorie:Medien und Merchandise
  • Rico es un personaje de flashback en el videojuego Perdidos: El Videojuego. Es el propietario de una casa de empeño que contrata a Elliott para que haga fotos de su esposa, que le está engañando con otro, a cambio de información de Zoran Savo. Lisa Gellhorn pidió a Rico información sobre Savo, pero Rico no se la reveló debido a su trato con Elliot. También atendió a Locke, que intentó vender a Rico unos utenilios de acampada.
  • Rico is a fake bounty hunter and the secondary antagonist of Disney's 2004 film, Home on the Range. He was idolized as a hero by Buck, a horse who longed to fight by his side in capturing outlaws. However, near the end of the film, Rico was revealed to be in on Alameda Slim's scheme (as his partner), removing any evidence that may lead to the latter's capture, much to Buck's disappointment. He was voiced by Charles Dennis.
  • Pippo is one of Fenoglio's three grandchildren.
  • Rico is a survivor in Dead Rising: The Survival. No other information is known or available about Rico.
  • Rico is a cut character in Fallout 2.
  • Rico is a lieutenant of the Hurricanes.
  • Rico is the Chiei Star in Suikoden III.
  • thumb|143px|Rico.Rico on hahmo Grand Theft Auto: Vice Cityssä.Rico on Cubans-jengin jäsen.
  • "RICO" is the eighth episode of the first season of Better Call Saul and the eighth episode of the series altogether. Jimmy demonstrates to Chuck that he's willing to do almost anything to win a case, even if it means getting his hands dirty.
  • Rico — jeden z więźniów, z którym w celi siedział młody Stan w kolumbijskim więzieniu.
  • Rico – Pingwin białobrewy, specjalista od zadań wybuchowych. Członek oddziału Skippera.
  • Rico is a police officer in Rutherford, Ohio. He's Don's coworker and friend.
  • Rico is a Merchant Trader, who can offer , and even possibly .
  • Rico is one of the main characters in Infinite Undiscovery. He is the Twin Brother of Rucha. Rico is a Beast Master, meaning he can turn enemies into allies for short periods of time.
  • Rico is one of the penguins in The Penguins of Madagascar, Madagascar, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted and Penguins of Madagascar.
  • Rico – postać występująca w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Po raz pierwszy występuje w misji Wyzwanie z łodzią, gdzie ma sprawdzić, czy Tommy umie prowadzić łódź. Następnie widzimy go w czasie dwóch akcji wymierzonych przeciwko gangowi haitańskiemu. W czasie misji Bitwa morska jego łódź z nim na pokładzie zostaje wysadzona przez Haitańczyków - Rico jednak unika śmierci i pomaga później wysadzić haitańską fabrykę narkotyków.
  • Rico是Rico商店的老闆,亦是金髮女子的前夫。
  • Rico is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a supporting character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
  • Rico is a Judge serving in Mega-City One. A clone of Eustace Fargo, the father of justice, Rico has the same DNA as both Rico Dredd and Judge Joe Dredd and others.
  • Rico is a penguin that can regurgitate multiple things from his gut. He joined the S.P.P.P. just for a single mission but he stayed because he liked the place.
  • Portrayed by Ralph Manza [Episode #136: "Hello, Columbus - Goodbye, America"].
  • Rico is the hidden secondary antagonist in Disney's 2004 film, Home on the Range. He is a bounty hunter who works for Alameda Slim. He was voiced by Charles Dennis.
  • Rico is a street thug who is also one of Victor Carmado's bodyguards.
  • Rico is the name of Alana's dog from Dora and Friends: into the City.
  • Rico was in an MMA bout with transplant recipient Danny. He was unable to land any serious blows and Danny easily won the fight. However, as Danny stood over him enjoying his win, Danny soon collapsed and died.
  • Rico is a construction worker that works alongside Ernie Potts.
  • Rico é um personagem de flashback na história do jogo para vídeo game Lost: Via Domus. Ele é dono de uma loja de penhores que contrata Elliott para tirar fotos da esposa que está o traindo, e em troca dá informações sobre Zoran Savo. Lisa Gellhorn pede a Rico por informações sobre Savo, mas ele mantém tudo em segredo por causa do acordo com Elliott. Ele também já fez negócios com Locke, que tentou vender a rico um equipamento de acampar. ("Via Domus") ("Forty-Two")
  • Rico is a cute young boy who adores the taste of traditional Spanish food. He has a Spanish origin.
  • Rico, is the most successful bank-robber ever, in the case that he quit the Penguin Group to rob banks, and then he took EVERYTHING in the Penguin Group.
  • Rico is a character who is a stylist at Hottyz in King of the Hill.
  • Rico ist der Explosionsexperte der Pinguingruppe und ein ausgesprochener Draufgänger. Er denkt und spricht nicht viel (und wenn, dann häufig unverständlich), dafür handelt er lieber und ist für jede Action zu haben. Daneben ist er ein wandelndes Allzwecklager und kann jederzeit jeden benötigten Gegenstand hervorwürgen. Außerdem liebt er Fisch und seine Puppe.
  • Rico is a overnight orderly at the Buena Vista Apartments in Panorama City, Los Angeles.
  • Anywhere more than five people are gathered, Rico turns up with his moneybox and his scare tactics, "just a little something to save the city". He's not particularly good at it but he doesn't give up and in the end he always manages to collect a bit of money, or at least enough to keep the clan going.
  • → antonyme(s) : pobre
  • |style="text-align: center; font-size: 100%;"| | This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it.] |} Rico is a character in the Inkworld trilogy.
  • Rico (リョウ Ryō en japonés) es un cazador Pokémon y un personaje eventual del anime que apareció en el ¡El cazador furtivo! (ES) / El cazador furtivo (HA) ‹№›.
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Rico is one of the four penguins from the DreamWorks Animation film Madagascar, and as such, he is also one of the main characters of the spin-off series The Penguins of Madagascar. He is the team's weapons and explosives specialist, who mainly communicates through grunts and squeals.
  • E.P. 004 alias Ricothumb ist einer der fünfköpfigen Gruppe, die sich auch E.P. nennt, die eine Unterheinheit der Dark Egg Legion ist und war (genauso wie die anderen auch) ein ehemaliger G.U.N. Soldat und kann gut mit der Laserkanone umgehen. Jedoch ist er, genauso wie Vincent und Dutch einer der Überlebenden. Alle Anderen wurden von Omega vernichtet. Kategorie:E.P.s Kategorie:Menschen
  • Rico est un personnage du jeu vidéo LOST: Via Domus. C'est un commerçant qui engage Elliott pour prendre des photo de sa femme le trompant. En échange il lui donnera des informations sur Zoran Savo. Lisa Gellhorn lui demande des infos sur Zoran Savo, mais Rico se tait à cause de son deal avec Elliott. Il a aussi a faire à Locke, qui essaie de lui vendre du matériel de camping. (Via domus ; Quarante-deux)
  • Rico wore a diamond. One night, after entering The Copacabana, a hot spot located north of Havana, as he was being escorted to his chair, Rico saw the Copa's featured dancer Lola. After she had completed her dance routine, he called her over. Her paramour, a bartender named Tony, objected to Rico's advances, saying that Rico had gone "a bit too far." In short order, punches were exchanged, resulting in various chairs being damaged in the ensuing fight. A handgun was produced at some point and a single shot was fired. Questions remain to this day as to who fired the weapon and who was shot:
  • Rico is a character in the novel Final Destination: End of the Line. He is the leader of a Hispanic gang. While walking through the zoo with his gang, he and his cronies shoved Mary-Beth Bradbury out of their way, almost pushing her down. Peter stood up to the gang and shouted at them to watch where they were going, angering Rico. He spun around and placed his knife against Peter's cheek after he saw him back away in fear. Peter, knowing that he was about to die just so Rico could brag about killing him to his friends, and knowing that Mary-Beth would die too for being a witness, punched Rico in the stomach and began to run away with Mary-Beth. Rico and his gang chased Peter and Mary-Beth throughout the zoo, although they lost track of them when they hid inside the pitch-black insect house
  • Tier: 9-B, 7-A with an atomic bomb Name: Rico Gender: Male Age: 25 (Unknown if it is in penguin years or human years) Classification: Looks like a Pygoscelis adeliae (Adélie Penguin) Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, expert in hand-to-hand combat, expert in stealth, can vomit weapons/hammerspace Attack Potency: Wall level (Held his own against an elephant), Mountain level via atomic bomb (He has a bomb inside his stomach capable of destroying the whole state of New York, which would require 1 Gigaton) Durability: Wall level (Took attacks from an elephant) Stamina: Unknown
  • __INDEX__ Über Ricos Charakter ist nicht so viel bekannt, was aber daran liegt, dass er nicht oft redet bzw. nur einzelne Wörter sprechen kann. Allerdings kann er in der Serie manchmal (wie in In fischiger Mission) eine Opernstimme anwenden, er sagt dann „Fiiiiiiiiiiisch“. In Blitz und weg sagt er jedoch auch in ganzen Worten „Was weiß ich“.
  • Rico (ロスター Rosutā) est un personnage de Skyward Sword. Il intervient dans la quête des cristaux de gratitude, lorsque Link est à la recherche de Nacia. Il prétend avoir vu un monstre dans le cimetière de Célesbourg, qui aurait ouvert un passage secret en percutant et déplaçant la tombe la plus proche de l'arbre. Selon lui, il a survécu grâce à son excellente condition physique, et n'importe qui d'autre serait mort à sa place. Malheureusement pour lui, la plupart des habitants de Célesbourg ne le croient pas, car il est souvent saoul.
  • <default>Rico</default> Species: invid type Gender: Born: Died: Hair: Eyes: Height: Weight: Affiliation: Spouse(s): Children: Clones: Mother: Father: Clone of: Siblings: Relatives: Appearances: Voice Actor: Rico was one of the Zentraedi spies that was sent to understand life on board the SDF-1. However, he and his coworkers soon became infatuated with culture on board the ship, and lead a mass defection to the ship upon returning home. This was a great turning point of the war, as many humans on the ship and few off the ship began to contemplate peace with the alien race. In New Macross City, Rico and his fellow defectors found various jobs in order to survive in their new life style, always staying positive despite the odds. The three served as godfathers to Dana Sterling and helped ra
  • Rico Velazquez también llamado sargento Rico Velazquez es un verdadero ejemplo de ser un gran soldado, el prefiere "Disparar primero y preguntar después". Rico prefiere el combate cuerpo a cuerpo y el no tiene limites a la hora de hacer lo que sea para defender su patria. Durante los sucesos de killzone 1 fue a la estación espacial de la ISA junto con el capitán Templar, la comisario encubierta llamada Luger y el agente encubierto el coronel Gregor Hakha, al que tiene un cierto desprecio por ser mitad helghast y mitad humano.
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