| - [Source] Ood Bnar était un grand Maître Jedi Neti originaire de Ryyk qui servit l'Ordre Jedi pendant près d'un millénaire. Son sabre laser utilisait un cristal de Solari et son apprentie était Shaela Nuur.
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- Ood Bnar was a Neti Jedi Master who lived for over five thousand years, from before the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY until 10 ABY. Bnar was born on the planet Ryyk, but found himself stranded on Myrkr during his youth. He eventually joined the Jedi Order, and over time became one of the most respected and revered Masters of the era. Bnar specialized in the history of the Sith, and preferred to avoid combat where possible, though he often advised more martial Jedi on how best to fight the dark side. Eventually, he had such knowledge of Jedi and Sith lore that he recorded a holocron, which was passed down through the generations for centuries.
- Ood Bnar was a male Neti Jedi Master who had been alive since before the Great Hyperspace War. Bnar was born on the planet Ryyk, but found himself stranded on Myrkr during his youth. He eventually joined the Jedi Order, and over time became one of the most respected and revered Masters of the era. Bnar specialized in the history of the Sith, and preferred to avoid combat where possible, though he often advised more martial Jedi on how best to fight the dark side. Eventually, he had such knowledge of Jedi and Sith lore that he recorded a holocron, which was passed down through the generations for centuries.
- Ood Bnar fue un Maestro Jedi neti, con una apariencia extraña y distinta, que vivió por más de cinco mil años, desde antes de la Gran Guerra Hiperespacial en el 5.000 ABY hasta el 10 DBY. Bnar nació en el planeta Ryyk, pero quedó atrapado en Myrkr durante su juventud. Eventualmente se unió a la Orden Jedi, y con el tiempo se convirtió en uno de los Maestros más respetados y reverenciados de la era. Bnar se especializó en la historia de los Sith, y prefería evitar el combate siempre que fuera posible, aunque con frecuencia le daba consejos a los Jedi más marciales sobre cómo combatir mejor al lado oscuro. Eventualmente, adquirió tantos conocimientos sobre los Jedi y los Sith que grabó un holocrón, que perduró por generaciones. Fue el primer guardián del Holocrón Tedryn.