Note: For enemies with a 0% drop rate, this item can only be obtained with Riki's Yoink! ability.
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| - Chosen One
- Chosen One
- Chosen One
| - Note: For enemies with a 0% drop rate, this item can only be obtained with Riki's Yoink! ability.
- AlbumLovers, Lore and Loss Sung by NovelArrow's Flight (novel) Lyrics by Music by Talia sings about the Grove-Born Companion Gwena emerging from the trees of the Sacred Grove to Choose Princess Elspeth. Listen on YouTube
- "The Chosen One" is a title canonically given to Anakin Skywalker of the Star Wars continuum, and to Harry Potter of the Potterverse. Generally, the bearer of this title is destined for individual greatness, and who (presuming they succeed in their mission) are considered the saviour of their country / world / universe / whatever. It is therefore no surprise that many Mary Sues try to call themselves such, and that it is a fairly common charge.
- According to prophecy, the Chosen One would bring an end to Mammoth Mogul's destruction of the multi-verse and bring about a new era known as The Great Harmony. These signs point to Tails as the most likely candidate for the Chosen One, and this was later proven true by the former Guardian Athair. (StH: #56, #149, #150, #169, TMS: #3)
- A person hallowed by prophecy or circumstances to sit in the Aldryami Council of Elders
* Both Lord Pavis and Errinoru were Chosen Ones. Sources: Pavis and Big Rubble, Guide to Glorantha
- Chosen One is a song by A2 for the video game Shadow the Hedgehog. And I'll try to save the world, 'cause in the end I know... Something's turning me upside-down You made me, and I love you The Ch-ch-ch chosen one [GUITAR BREAK]
- While on a mission, Anakin Skywalker was transported to Mortis by the Father to see if he was the Chosen One. After controlling his Son and Daughter, he passed the test, as only the Father or the Chosen One could tame them. As he was dying, the Father asked Anakin to take his place so that when he died, he could control his children. Anakin refused, and the Father warned him that his selfishness would haunt him throughout his life which would eventually led him to the dark side of the Force as Darth Vader.
- The Chosen One is a being prophesied of by the Ancient Walkers, together with the Avatar and another champion. According to prophecy, the Chosen One would bring an end to Mammoth Mogul's destruction of the multi-verse and bring about a new era known as The Great Harmony. These signs point to Tails as the most likely candidate for the Chosen One, and this was later proven true by the former Guardian Athair. (StH: #56, #149, #150, #169, TMS: #3)
- "Chosen One" – temat muzyczny lekko dobrej ścieżki z gry Shadow the Hedgehog. Jej autorem jest A2.
- The Chosen Ones were human children whom Fairies would protect and avenge if harm came to them. Eventually, the Fairies would claim these children and take them to their "Lost Lands". Once there, the children would become Fairies themselves. The Fairies required these children to continue their race, despite being immortal (or near-immortal). In 1909, after a night of heavy drinking among his unit, some of Jack Harkness's soldiers accidentally ran over and killed a Chosen One in Lahore. In retaliation, the Fairies killed all his men, sparing only Jack.
- The Chosen One is a legendary figure revered by the Ben-Shui Monks and others as a being of great wisdom and a peacemaker. According to Ben-Shui legend, the Chosen One has lived a thousand lifetimes through the process of reincarnation, with each Chosen One eventually gaining the memories of their predecessors. In the present, various omens led the monks to Uncle's Rare Finds in search of the new Chosen One, and they came to believe that Tohru was their prophesied new leader. However, when the High Mystic failed to awaken any memories of the previous Chosen One in Tohru's mind, it became apparent that he was not the one they were looking for.
- The prophecy of the Chosen One was a Jedi legend that foretold the coming of a being who would destroy the Sith and restore balance to the Force. During the final years of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn believed he had found the Chosen One in the form of Anakin Skywalker, an exceptionally powerful Force-sensitive who ascended the ranks of the Jedi Order before falling to the dark side of the Force. As Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, the former Jedi Knight became a key figure in a systematic purge that all but annihilated the Jedi. Two survivors, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, sought to train Vader's son, Luke Skywalker, in the hope that he would defeat the Sith.
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es lore
| - Selecciona 1 Carta de Monstruo y 2 Cartas que no sean de Monstruo de tu mano. Tu adversario selecciona al azar 1 de las 3 cartas. Si es una Carta de Monstruo, es Invocada mediante una Invocación Especial y manda las 2 cartas restantes al Cementerio. Si no, manda todas las cartas al Cementerio.
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - 自分の手札から、モンスターカード1枚とモンスター以外のカード2枚を選択し、相手はその中からランダムに1枚を選択する。相手が選択したカードがモンスターだった場合、そのモンスターを自分フィールド上に特殊召喚し、残りのカードは墓地へ送る。違った場合、選択した3枚を墓地へ送る。
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it lore
| - Seleziona dalla tua mano 1 Carta Mostro e 2 Carte non Mostro. Il tuo avversario seleziona a caso 1 delle 3 carte. Se la carta selezionata è una Carta Mostro, questa viene evocata tramite Evocazione Speciale e le 2 carte restanti sono mandate al Cimitero. Se non è una Carta Mostro, le 3 carte sono mandate al Cimitero.
pt name
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| - Select 1 Monster Card and 2 non-Monster Cards from your hand. Your opponent randomly selects 1 card among them. If it is a Monster Card, it is Special Summoned and send the remaining 2 cards to the Graveyard. If not, send all the cards to the Graveyard.
pt lore
| - Selecione 1 Cartão Monstro e 2 Cartões não-Monstros da sua mão. Seu oponente seleciona aleatoriamente um cartão entre eles. Se for um Cartão de Monstro, será Invocação-Especial e envia os 2 cartões restantes para o Cemitério. Se não, envie todas as cartas para o Cemitério.
zh lore
| - 選1張自己的手卡的怪獸卡和怪獸以外的種類2張卡。對方在這之中隨機選1張,如果選中怪獸卡的場合場上特殊召喚,其他的2張卡送去墓地。選不中的話,全部送去墓地。
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ko lore
| - 자신의 카드패로부터 몬스터 카드 1매와 그 이외의 종류의 카드 2매를 선택한다. 상대가 그 중에서 1매를 랜덤으로 선택하여, 그것이 몬스터 카드였던 경우 필드상에 특수 소환되어 나머지 카드를 묘지에 보낸다.다른 경우, 모두 묘지에 보낸다.
de lore
| - Wähle 1 Monsterkarte und 2 Nicht-Monsterkarten aus deiner Hand. Dein Gegner wählt zufällig 1 der 3 Karten. Wenn die gewählte Karte die Monsterkarte ist, wird sie als Spezialbeschwörung beschworen und die verbleibenden 2 Karten werden auf den Friedhof gelegt. Andernfalls lege alle 3 Karten auf den Friedhof.
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fr lore
| - Sélectionnez de votre main 1 Carte Monstre et 2 Cartes autres que monstre. Votre adversaire sélectionne au hasard 1 des 3 cartes. Si la carte sélectionnée est la Carte Monstre, celle-ci est Invoquée par Invocation Spéciale sur votre Terrain et les 2 cartes restantes sont envoyées au Cimetière. Si ce n'est pas la Carte Monstre, les 3 cartes sont envoyées au Cimetière.
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| - Special Summons from your hand
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