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- They are the most numerous enemy of the Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy. (StH: #103, #104)
- Brass Knuckles is a trophy in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. It is awarded when the player has gotten 100 melee kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games. It only becomes available after the Drake's Fortune Multiplayer Pack has been downloaded and is not retroactive. As it is part of a DLC pack, it is not required to earn the Uncharted 2 platinum trophy.
- The brass knuckles are one of sixteen bludgeon types used in rumbling. They can be purchased at shipyards. On subscription oceans, this bludgeon may only be used by subscribers. The brass knuckles are the only bludgeon with all 5 colors in its single-row sprinkle pattern. It's also the cheapest bludgeon with over 4 colors in its single-row sprinkle pattern. Since it has 5 groups in its single-row sprinkle pattern, it is a good weapon against players that don't strike very much. However, since it has all 5 colors in its single-row sprinkle pattern, it does very poorly against players that strike often.
- Brass Knucles is a Knuckles-class artifact in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. It is Sveta's default weapon.
- Item number: 6 Type: Weapon Selling price: 8 gold
- Stats 2 Attack - 2 Defense
- Brass Knuckles are daggers that deal slashing damage.
- From: [[]] For the removal of life's little difficulties. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
- This character was introduced in a web short of Fairly Odd Parents when Timmy first faced the Body of Evil. He was defeated by the Crimson Chin in a 10 round wrestling match, but then combined with Copper Cranium, Gilded Arches, Bronze Kneecap and Iron Lung to become the Body of Evil mech, but was thwarted by Timmy making a last minute wish to become a new hero called The Heart of Gold. Later in "The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad", he, along with the Bronze Kneecap, Titanium Toenail and Iron Lung were broken out of the Essential Crimson Chin comic book by the Nega-Chin, only to be beaten back by a combonation of Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad and the Chins Across the Eras. His sole power is to punch through any material.
- Brass knuckles are a form of simple weapon used in hand-to-hand combat.
- [[Afbeelding:Brass knucles.png|thumb|CJ met een boksbeugel.]] Brass knuckles of boksbeugel is een wapen die het hand-slot vervangt. Als je iemand met een boksbeugel slaat, dien je dat persoon meer schade toe dan gewoon met de vuist.
- Brass Knuckles a limited-time currency released during the Superheroes 2016 Event. They used as the event's Issue 1 Personal Prize currency.
- Brass Knuckles is a store in Saints Row 2. Because sometimes, you really want to beat the hell outta people — Brass Knuckles slogan
- The Knuckle Dusters (known as Brass Knuckles in the 3D Universe) is a type of melee weapon featured in every 3D Universe game since Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and are featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, as part of the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 Update.
- Brass Knuckles is a hand-to-hand combat villain who has attempted to defeat the Crimson Chin in battle. He is a member of The Body of Evil.
- Enenra's signature Brass Knuckles, they are studded with spikes and are capable of transmitting chakra to increase their power. Enenra typically utilizes them in close-combat, giving him an upper-hand in close combat as well.
- Brass knuckles are one of the basic type of gauntlets in ADOM. They usually have stats of [+0, +0], though these stats may vary on rare occasions. Most notably, they increase the PC's punching (melee unarmed) damage by 3 while worn. Cursed gloves/gauntlets do not allow to equip/unequip rings.
- Brass knuckles were a type of personal hand-held melee weapon. The imposing Human male Brooser, who frequently engaged in brawling, often carried brass knuckles on his person.
- The horseshoe design provided greater hand mass, and defensive guard, but resulted in larger weapons, not easily concealed, and difficult to learn. An improved horseshoe tekko featured the two horseshoes welded together. However, the popularity of the horseshoe tekko faded, as attention turned to the smaller, more concealable horse stirrup.
- Brass Knuckles are the first weapon introduced into Crossfire to feature two seperate melee weapons held in each hand.
- Make sure to use sneak attacks, because you can easily die if you're attacking head on. Stay away from the enemy and fire at them.
- Metal ring and knuckle style weapons date back to ancient times and have been used all over the world for many hundreds of years. The Nihang Singhs used a early varient called Sher Panja in the 18 century. Cast iron, brass, lead, and wood knuckles were made in the United States during the American Civil War (1861–1865). Soldiers would often buy cast iron or brass knuckles. If they could not buy them, they would carve their own from wood, or cast them at camp by melting lead bullets and using a mold in the dirt.
- Brass knuckles, also sometimes called knuckles, knucks, brass knucks, or knuckle dusters, are weapons used in hand-to-hand combat. Brass knuckles are pieces of metal, usually steel despite their name, shaped to fit around the knuckles. Designed to deliver the force of punches through a smaller and harder contact area, they result in greater tissue disruption and increased likelihood of fracturing the victim's bones on impact. Brass knuckle come in various designs, including ones with spikes so they can work like small daggers.