| - Gordon Jacob, a native of London, was educated at the Royal College of Music, and from 1926 on was a teacher of counterpoint, orchestration, and composition at the college until his retirement in 1966. Jacob ranks as one of the foremost contributors of original wind ensemble literature. Tribute to Canterbury is a three-movement suite, dedicated to the great cathedral in Canterbury, England, with each movement freely based upon Johann Sebastian Bach's magnifcent chorale Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God).
| - Gordon Jacob, a native of London, was educated at the Royal College of Music, and from 1926 on was a teacher of counterpoint, orchestration, and composition at the college until his retirement in 1966. Jacob ranks as one of the foremost contributors of original wind ensemble literature. Tribute to Canterbury is a three-movement suite, dedicated to the great cathedral in Canterbury, England, with each movement freely based upon Johann Sebastian Bach's magnifcent chorale Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God). The suite was comissioned by Trevor Wye (renowned English flutist and teacher) and the Kent Wind Society. The first performance was on March 1971 in the Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedrals, with Trevor Wye conducting. --Lori Rosenbauer Huff 02:04, April 16, 2007 (EDT) Tribute to Canterbury is a suite dedicated to the great cathedral in Canterbury, England, with each movement freely based upon themes from Johann Sebastian Bach's magnificent chorale Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God). Commissioned by Trevor Wye, renowned English flutist and teacher, and the Kent Wind Society, the Tribute was first performed in March 1971 in the Chapterhouse of Canterbury Cathedral, with Wye conducting. London-born composer Gordon Jacob ranks as one of the foremost contributors to the repertoire of original works for large wind ensembles. --James Huff 06:57, 13 May 2008 (UTC) (from the program notes of The Claremont Winds, submitted with permission) Gordon Jacob, a native of London, was educated at the Royal College of Music, where he subsequently taught counterpoint, orchestration, and composition from 1926 until his retirement in 1966. Jacob ranks as one of the foremost contributors to the expanding repertoire of original works for large wind ensembles through his compositions for military band. His orchestral and choral works include a ballet, concert overture, two symphonies, numerous concertos for wind and string instruments, many works for piano and for chorus, and a variety of chamber pieces, songs, and film music. Tribute to Canterbury is a suite dedicated to the great cathedral in Canterbury, England, with each movement freely based upon themes from Johann Sebastian Bach's magnificent chorale "Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott" (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God). Commissioned by Trevor Wye, renowned English flutist and teacher, and the Kent Wind Society, the Tribute was first performed in March 1971 in the Chapterhouse of Canterbury Cathedral, with Wye conducting. --James Huff 19:18, 28 November 2008 (UTC) (from the program notes of The Claremont Winds, submitted with permission)