| - Moderatoren sind ehrenamtliche Helfer, die von befugten Mitarbeitern des Herstellers ausgesucht werden. Bei Dofus unterscheidet man grundlegend zwischen Arten von Moderatoren. Zum einem gibt es da die Forum Moderatoren und die InGame Moderatoren (IGM). Ihre Aufgabe ist es, für Ordnung zu sorgen.
- Det er i alt fire moderatorstillinger. En moderator har gul farge på Spillere pålogget seksjonen.
- In theory, the people who maintain law and order on GameFAQs. But since there isn't a lot of law and order in the first place, mostly they just delete stuff, get yelled at by people who don't think that their blatant ToS violation should have been deleted, and then pwn them when they go to MBH and only tell half the story so it looks like the nasty mod is bullying them. We like Red13n and SineNomine, who tend to show up on Board8 a lot. We don't like Ail zomg 3 line sig!!!
- A moderator is a person whose job it is to run the game. They have different roles depending on their position
- Azimli Yazarların gönderdiği ispiyonları görebilen, yazarların entrylerini ve başlıkları silebilen, editleyebilen, taşıyabilen, ayrıca Olaya yazabilen yazar grubu.
- A moderator protects the wiki community and serves the community's needs. Moderators are capable of rolling back changes on pages to restore them if they are vandalized, and locking and unlocking pages to protect them at the author's request. A moderator is not a gatekeeper, but a guardian. We are currently recruiting moderators to help manage the Sentinels Wikia! For more information, please contact either Ravine or Ryouchia.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Moderator]] moderator.
- A moderator (also online moderator) acts to
- Een Moderator oftwel Mod is een persoon aangeduid door Jagex om spellen zoals RuneScape en MechScape aangenaam te houden.
- A Friendcodes Moderator is a user who frequently takes care of Friendcodes by cleaning up any spam/offensive content/anything against Friendcodes Rules of the forums to allow Friendcodes to be a more friendlier and organized place. A moderator is also a user who helps Friendcodes by bringing new ideas to the board as well as helping members of Friendcodes out alot.
- Ein Moderator ist eine Person, die bei einer Konferenz durch das Programm leitet. Bei einer Konferenz auf Bajor zur Aufarbeitung der cardassianischen Besatzung, erklärt der Moderator, dass Odo, trotz seiner Dienste für die Cardassianer während der Zeit, ein Vorbild im Einsatz für Gerechtigkeit ist. (DS9: )
- Ein Moderator ist 1.
* ein Angestellter in einerm Kernkraftwerk, der dafür sorgt, daß die Neutronen nicht abbremsen 2.
* ein Angestellter beim Rundfunk, der das Geschehen erklärt und bei Diskussionssendungen Schlägereien verhindern soll. Notfalls wirft er die Streithähne in das Abklingbecken.
- Ein Moderator (v. lat.: moderatio / moderare „mäßigen, steuern, lenken“) ist eine Person, die ein Gespräch lenkt oder lenkend in eine Kommunikation eingreift. Die Tätigkeit selbst bezeichnet man als Moderation.
- thumb|Moderator na przykładzie Billyboba. Moderator, to osoba oddelegowana do kontroli Club Penguin. Ma wszystkie rzeczy, które kiedykolwiek były dostępne i duuużo forsy. Zazwyczaj jest otoczony grupką pingwinów. Próbując się do niego włamać, pisze że jest zbanowany, podobnie jest z Rockhopperem i Ciocią Arctic. Pojawia się u niego w prawym górnym rogu "Gwiazdka Moderatora".
- Moderaattori (usein vain Mod) on henkilö, jonka avulla RuneScape pyritään pitämään nautinnollisena paikkana.
- Een moderator is een lid die op sommige boards de mogelijkheid heeft om posts de deleten, editen en topics te deleten, locken, sticky-en en moven. Bovendien hebben moderators toegang tot het modboard, waar de plannen voor PGM worden besproken.
- The next step up from Helper, they're here to help as well, but deal with bigger issues. The moderators have proved themselves as helpers and are trusted with powers to deal with the problems that helpers cannot. These people are where your reports should go, if you've been scammed or have found a bug, the in-game moderators are the people you should be looking to when you have troubles helpers can't deal with.
- She was the moderator of an anger management class that Locke, Helen, Francine, and many others attended. When Francine told the group of her current problem, Locke snickered and the Moderator convinced him to tell his story as he had been quiet for the entire month he had been there.
- A Moderator (often called a Mod) is a person designated by Jagex to keep RuneScape an enjoyable place. Just about the only requirement to become a Player or Forum Moderator is that the player in question has to be noticed by Jagex as a player worthy and trustworthy of the status. To become a Jagex Moderator, someone has to work for Jagex in person, as "over the web"-styled jobs are not offered. Different types of Moderators include:
- Moderatoren sind User, die freiwillig dem Administrator bei der Überwachung des Chats helfen. Administratoren können User zu Moderatoren ernennen. Es ist von Chat zu Chat unterschiedlich, was die Vergabe der Rechte betrifft. In einigen Chats wird man dazu berufen (man wird gefragt), in anderen Chats reicht das einfache Fragen. Als Chatbetreiber, sollte man User aber dazu berufen oder eine Ankündigung machen, wenn Moderatoren gesucht und gebraucht werden. Denn viele nutzen das Vertrauen einfach aus.
- A Moderator, also known as a Mod, is a term used to describe someone who is either a Forum Moderator, Player Moderator, Local Moderator, or Jagex Moderator.
- This is one of the ranks in urban rivals. To get this rank you have to be chosen by urban rivals staff. Moderators are there to help players and look after the open message boards.
- A moderator is the lowest level staff member on MCCP and most forums. They help out the Admins by enforcing the rules. They can delete posts, merge threads/posts, and ban users among other things.
- A moderator, or "mod" as they are commonly referred to, keep the peace in the various places they work. Appointed by administrators, their job is to make sure all the rules of a site are followed and to punish those that do not follow the rules. The moderators of the Feila forum standardly have a green username, although with the custom username colors available on the forum, there are some moderators that have usernames a color other than the standard.
- Moderators are players that have been granted special abilities in game to help manage the game environment. These special abilities are limited to: mute (5 mins and 30 mins) and kick off. These abilities do not affect the balance of the game; any moderator is the same as ordinary characters essentially. __TOC__
- Een moderator is het op een na hoopgste rechten niveau binnen de forums. Standaard kan een moderator alle taken uitvoeren binnen een forum of een set forums. Dit is inclusief accepteren, verplaatsen, muteren en verwijderen plaatsingen alsmede verbannen gebruikers. Als u een probleem heeft met een individueel forum is de beste plaats om te starten de moderator. Moderators behoren tot verschillende groepen die door de administrator worden geconfigureerd.
- A moderator protects the wiki community and serves the community's needs. Moderators are capable of rolling back changes on pages to restore them if they are vandalized, and locking and unlocking pages to protect them at the author's request. A moderator is not a gatekeeper, but a guardian. Kirin Tor Wiki needs you!
- A moderator protects the wiki community, serves the community's needs, and acts as an ambassador of the wiki service to the Earthen Ring community. Moderators are capable of rolling back changes on pages to restore them if they are vandalized, locking and unlocking pages to protect them at the author's request, and banning malicious users. However--for all this power--a moderator is not a gatekeeper, but a guardian and steward. Earthen Ring needs you!
- 200px|thumb|Moderator szuka spamu Moderator (inaczej mod; od ang. moderate – uciszać) – członek teamu administracyjnego na forach internetowych i panelach dyskusyjnych. Uprawnienia moderatora są ograniczone względem uprawnień administratora, obejmują możliwość edycji/kasowania postów i tematów, edycji profili użytkowników oraz udzielania ostrzeżeń, nie obejmują natomiast dostępu do panelu administracyjnego. Oficjalny trend na forach obejmuje całkowite ignorowanie uwag moderatorów z racji na ich przynależność do kasty rządzącej, nieoficjalnie natomiast pozycja moderatora jest obiektem pożądania i/lub zazdrości 99,9% zwykłych użytkowników.
- Moderators can do various actions in order to keep the hotel safe. One thing Moderators are famous for is the MOD Tool. The MOD Tool is a small tool that staff members use to communicate with players and to keep the hotel safe. The MOD Tool can: Kick individual players, kick an entire room, ban users from the hotel, alert users (messages in the form of pop-ups), and alert an entire room. Apart from the MOD Tool, Moderators also have various speech commands, some of them perform the same action as the MOD Tool. Examples of commands are :ban x, :kick x, :shutup x, :alert x, and :softkick x.
- Player moderator også kalt (p-mod) er en spiller som blir valgt av Jagex. Denne personen er ikke tilfeldig valgt. Jagex har fulgt nøye med på personen, og sett at han/hun ikke har gjort noe galt, ikke snakker stykt til andre og er pålitlig og snill mot andre. Hvis Jagex har funnet ut at du kan bli player moderator, vil det komme en melding til deg i mail box'en på RunaScape sin nett side. Der vil det stå at du må registrere deg som et tegn på at du selv har lyst til å bli en player moderator. I raporterings boksen vil du også komme opp et valg om du vil Mute den personen for 24 timer.
- A ROBLOX Moderator is a member who moderates, or patrols the website to ensure assets and other player-generated content, such as forum posts, thumbnails, and any other graphical content remain safe and appropriate for all players. Moderators have the ability to delete content that violates the ROBLOX Terms of Service, specific to the moderator's position. When you send in a report, the moderator team is the group of people who read them and decide what to do with it. Most of the time, a report is valid, and an appropriate response will be given to the account that broke a rule.
- A moderator protects the wiki community, serves the community's needs, and acts as an ambassador of the wiki service to the community. Moderators are capable of rolling back changes on pages to restore them if they are vandalized, locking and unlocking pages from unregistered edits to protect them at the author's request, and blocking and banning malicious users. However, a moderator is not a gatekeeper, but a neutral guardian and steward for the wiki. A full list of moderators may be found here We need you!