R7-A7 was an astromech droid belonging to Ahsoka Tano. He was considered quite aggressive. However, he was particularly adept at plotting hyperspace routes and repairing Tano's ship.
R7-A7 was an astromech droid belonging to Ahsoka Tano. He was considered quite aggressive. However, he was particularly adept at plotting hyperspace routes and repairing Tano's ship.
R7-A7 war ein Prototyp der R7-Astromechdroidenserie, der sich während der Klonkriege im Besitz von Ahsoka Tano befand. Er reparierte und wartete ihren Delta-7B Aethersprite-Klasse Sternjäger und kämpfte mit ihr unter anderem auch gegen Vulture-Klasse Droiden-Sternjäger und Buzz Droiden.
R7-A7 is a Star Wars: The Clone Wars minifigure introduced in 2009.
R7-A7 was a lime green and dark red astromech droid used by Ahsoka Tano during the Clone Wars. It participated in the Battle of Ryloth during the Clone Wars. It flew in Ahsoka's Delta-7 starfighter. A minifigure of R7-A7 was released in 2009 with the 7751 Ahsoka's Starfighter and Vulture Droid set.
아소카 타노의 R7-A7의 드로이드는 스타워즈 클론워즈시즌 1부터 나온 드로이드이다. R7-A7 과 함께 비행중인 아소카 어떤 행성에 착륙해서 인증샷 날려 주시는 군요~(초록 광선에 기포가. . . .) 근데 R7-A7 이 어깨밑으로는 너무 싼티납니다. R7-A7이 탑제되는 부위에는 아무런 기믹이 없다. T자 모양 기믹이 들어간다. 용도는 미사일 발사다.
R7-A7 был астродроидом Асоки Тано во время Войн Клонов. R7 был первым в группе специальных астромехов,ориентированных на джедаев при помощи новых специальных программ. R7-A7 летал с Асокой на истребителе Delta-7B.
[Source] R7-A7 était un droïde astromech rouge et vert de série R7 qui appartenait à la Jedi Ahsoka Tano pendant la Guerre des Clones. Le droïde était considéré comme particulièrement agressif mais cela ne l'empêcha pas d'être particulièrement habile pour calculer des routes hyperspatiales ou encore de réparer le vaisseau de sa propriétaire.