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| - Carbonite
- Carbonite
- Carbonite
| - Carbonite (also known as The Spice by users) was a highly addictive substance with which many people liked to get stoned on. However, getting stoned on Carbonite had dangerous health risks, especially if one overdosed. A notable example of these health risks was Han Solo, who with the help of Darth Vader and his buddy Boba Fett got himself stoned in Carbonite. When Han woke up he found himself surrounded by weird critters and a space slug, but it is believed that it was really just a dream brought on by the overdose. This did not deter him, and by the end of his life he was nothing more than a mental wreck who's only joy was to stone himself on carbonite every day or so.
- [[Fichier:Han dans la carbonite.png|thumb|right|250px|Han Solo dans la carbonite]]La carbonite est un alliage dont les composants sont souvent trouvés dans la même écosphère, ce qui facilite grandement sa fabrication. Son origine se situe dans le système de l'Impératrice Teta.
- Carbonite is a type of mineral substance that can be acquired by mining. In the 24th century, carbonite was one of the materials that was being mined from on the moon Davonia. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)
- During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and the clone troopers under their command froze themselves in carbonite to smuggle themselves into the Citadel on Lola Sayu. During the Galactic Civil War, Skywalker, now Darth Vader, intended to trap his son Luke in carbonite. Having blackmailed Lando Calrissian into letting him use the carbon-freezing facility on Bespin, he tested the device out on Han Solo. Boba Fett transported the carbonite block to Jabba's Palace, where Jabba displayed it as a trophy.
- Carbonite (periodic symbol C37T) was first discovered in 1902, in a cavern beneath the White House parking garage. Prized for it's ability to change easily from an impervious solid to a liquid without generating heat, the White House has used it for the past 6 years to contain President George W. Bush's white hot balls. Without a protective coating of carbonite, they would burn straight through pants, chairs, toilets, and the backs of those he rides on when he plays horsey.
- La carbonite era una sostanza immaginaria inventata dal capitano James T. Kirk quale bluff contro un attacco. Descrivendola come "un materiale, ed un dispositivo, che ci impedisce di venir attaccati", Kirk utilizzò il bluff della carbonite in almeno due occasioni.
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| - Carbonite (also known as The Spice by users) was a highly addictive substance with which many people liked to get stoned on. However, getting stoned on Carbonite had dangerous health risks, especially if one overdosed. A notable example of these health risks was Han Solo, who with the help of Darth Vader and his buddy Boba Fett got himself stoned in Carbonite. When Han woke up he found himself surrounded by weird critters and a space slug, but it is believed that it was really just a dream brought on by the overdose. This did not deter him, and by the end of his life he was nothing more than a mental wreck who's only joy was to stone himself on carbonite every day or so.
- [[Fichier:Han dans la carbonite.png|thumb|right|250px|Han Solo dans la carbonite]]La carbonite est un alliage dont les composants sont souvent trouvés dans la même écosphère, ce qui facilite grandement sa fabrication. Son origine se situe dans le système de l'Impératrice Teta.
- Carbonite is a type of mineral substance that can be acquired by mining. In the 24th century, carbonite was one of the materials that was being mined from on the moon Davonia. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)
- La carbonite era una sostanza immaginaria inventata dal capitano James T. Kirk quale bluff contro un attacco. Descrivendola come "un materiale, ed un dispositivo, che ci impedisce di venir attaccati", Kirk utilizzò il bluff della carbonite in almeno due occasioni. Nel 2266, la USS Enterprise venne catturata da un vascello della Prima Federazione, l'imponente nave di Balok, la Fesarius. Minacciato da una distruzione imminente, Kirk chiese consiglio al dottor McCoy ed a Spock su quale strategia adottare. Fu così che "spiegò" la natura della carbonite al suo antagonista: che si tratta di una sostanza che reagisce ad ogni energia distruttiva che viene in contatto con un vascello della Federazione, creando una reazione contraria capace di distruggere l'attaccante. Continuò coll'avvertire Balok che dalla comparsa della carbonite più di due secoli prima, nessun vascello nemico era riuscito a scampare la distruzione. Il bluff ebbe successo, rivelando nel finale che la belligeranza ed il potere di Balok erano altrettanti bluff. (TOS: "L'espediente della carbonite") Un anno dopo, Kirk ed i propri ufficiali anziani vennero colpiti da una malattia da radiazione capaci di farli invecchiare precocemente, obbligando un inesperto commodoro Stocker ad assumere il comando. Stocker portò la Enterprise in pericolo ordinando che si conducesse la nave all'interno della Zona Neutrale Romulana, provocando l'attacco Romulano. Nel momento in cui Kirk veniva curato, la nave si trovava sotto il fuoco di dieci Sparvieri. Kirk riutilizzò il bluff della carbonite inviando un messaggio alla Flotta Stellare in un codice decifrato, avvertendo che l'attivazione del "dispositivo della carbonite" avrebbe distrutto la Enterprise e tutto quello che la circondava fino ad una distanza di duecentomila chilometri, lasciandosi dietro una "zona morta" che avrebbe dovuto esser evitata per i successivi quattro anni. I Romulani lasciarono in fretta la zona, consentendo alla Enterprise di fuggire. (TOS: "Gli anni della morte") Informazioni di retroscenaIl riflettore della carbonite era una capacità speciale delle navi di Classe Sovereign nei giochi per PC Star Trek: Armada e Star Trek: Armada II. Rifletteva i proiettili nemici verso il loro punto di origine, come una torretta di siluri da un'altra nave o suo equivalente, oppure come le torrette del plasma Romulane e Klingon. Viene menzionato nel gioco per esser stato progettato da Geordi La Forge, ispirato dal famoso bluff di Kirk.
- Carbonite (periodic symbol C37T) was first discovered in 1902, in a cavern beneath the White House parking garage. Prized for it's ability to change easily from an impervious solid to a liquid without generating heat, the White House has used it for the past 6 years to contain President George W. Bush's white hot balls. Without a protective coating of carbonite, they would burn straight through pants, chairs, toilets, and the backs of those he rides on when he plays horsey. The use of Carbonite as a method of containment was popularized in the small independent film called Star Trek or something like that, where a dashing space smuggler (clearly a nod to Tek Jansen) is frozen in a block of carbonite and used to spruce up a giant banana slug's apartment. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and the clone troopers under their command froze themselves in carbonite to smuggle themselves into the Citadel on Lola Sayu. During the Galactic Civil War, Skywalker, now Darth Vader, intended to trap his son Luke in carbonite. Having blackmailed Lando Calrissian into letting him use the carbon-freezing facility on Bespin, he tested the device out on Han Solo. Boba Fett transported the carbonite block to Jabba's Palace, where Jabba displayed it as a trophy.