| - Mission Statement and Strategic Plan Sunday December 17, 2006, 10AM - 12PM Present: Kimbra McCaul, Matthew Singh, Leo Romero, Elise Engelhardt
* Last meeting we discussed: Asset-based community development (ABCD), appreciation of diversity, and integrity
* This meeting we discussed:
* Social innovation (one of the leaders in the citizen journalism movement)
* Community collaboration
* Have positive stories (Leo: "relentlessly sunny!"). In other words, we won't dig for dirt on people or try to ruin a person's reputation
* Below are some ideas that we will be putting into a cohesive mission statement.
* Tell stories of those involved nonprofits
* Encourage civic engagement
* Internships/volunteer in order to give student leaders a platform in which to p
| - Mission Statement and Strategic Plan Sunday December 17, 2006, 10AM - 12PM Present: Kimbra McCaul, Matthew Singh, Leo Romero, Elise Engelhardt
* Last meeting we discussed: Asset-based community development (ABCD), appreciation of diversity, and integrity
* This meeting we discussed:
* Social innovation (one of the leaders in the citizen journalism movement)
* Community collaboration
* Have positive stories (Leo: "relentlessly sunny!"). In other words, we won't dig for dirt on people or try to ruin a person's reputation
* Below are some ideas that we will be putting into a cohesive mission statement.
* Tell stories of those involved nonprofits
* Encourage civic engagement
* Internships/volunteer in order to give student leaders a platform in which to practice what they've learned
* Change public view of community service - esp high schoolers. Service is not just Key Club or Interact, is not just picking up trash or working with the elderly
* We should get feedback on the mission statement draft from community leaders and members
* We should also clearly define what problems we're addressing (even though the problems may be implied in the statements above)
* Publish the magazine online, with potential of going to print later
* Get people to write each other's profiles
* Provide program and contact information for nonprofit organizations so people can get involved
* Establish an internship program
* There's the possibility that we may start with a program targeted at high schoolers or college students, but we need to define the (dis)advantages for creating a focus like that.
* For instance, we might need to use different recruitment strategies, and a college student might want more autonomy than a high school student.
* Establish and maintain directory of nonprofits
* Matt: Working on strategic plan, filing for incorporation, etc. Mention Public Allies special edition to Bethtina.
* Leo: Working on articles
* Kim: Working on articles
* Someone: Let's get business cards!