| - Skrain G. Dukat was a Cardassian male and the son of Procal Dukat, He had seven children with his Cardassian wife. He also had an illegitimate Half-Bajoran daughter named Tora Ziyal with his mistress Tora Naprem. Several years later; Dukat then had another illegitimate Half-Bajoran daughter named Cerin Teresa after raping a Pah-wraith cultist named Cerin Mika. He was a Gul in the Cardassian Guard, holding the positions of prefect of Bajor and commander of Terok Nor in the Occupation of Bajor.
- Before the beginning of the show, I, Dukat served as the prefect of the planet Bajor, which was under Cardassian occupation protection because they were really weak, primitive and pathetic and didn't know how to take care of themselves. They needed Dukat, to govern and defend them and he was there to help. Unfortunately, at this time, Bajor was threatened by evil terrorists who wanted to overthrow the legitimate government of Bajor, expel their Cardassian protectors, and establish a planet-wide theocracy.
| - Skrain G. Dukat was a Cardassian male and the son of Procal Dukat, He had seven children with his Cardassian wife. He also had an illegitimate Half-Bajoran daughter named Tora Ziyal with his mistress Tora Naprem. Several years later; Dukat then had another illegitimate Half-Bajoran daughter named Cerin Teresa after raping a Pah-wraith cultist named Cerin Mika. He was a Gul in the Cardassian Guard, holding the positions of prefect of Bajor and commander of Terok Nor in the Occupation of Bajor. Following the Cardassia's withdrawal from the Bajor sector Dukat remained a prominent figure in the military and was eventually responsible for Cardassia's entrance into the Dominion and the subsequent Dominion War.
- Before the beginning of the show, I, Dukat served as the prefect of the planet Bajor, which was under Cardassian occupation protection because they were really weak, primitive and pathetic and didn't know how to take care of themselves. They needed Dukat, to govern and defend them and he was there to help. Unfortunately, at this time, Bajor was threatened by evil terrorists who wanted to overthrow the legitimate government of Bajor, expel their Cardassian protectors, and establish a planet-wide theocracy. Now, Dukat tried to be as kind as possible towards the Bajoran people, going out of my his way many times to hand out stuffed animals and apple juice. But the Bajorans complained that these had been produced in Bajoran work camps which for some reason upset them. Whatever, more Teddies for me. These happy work camps were created by the Cardassians to help train the primitive Bajorians in more modern ways of manufacturing (and to partially off-set the cost of protecting Bajor). Occasionally, we the Cardassians would ask the Bajorian government ask for a few volunteers. Later, it was revealed that the evil Bajorian government was forcibly sending people to these camps, a fact Gul Dukat was completely ignorant of. To counter the terrorist threat on Bajor, Dukat's evil advisers suggested he "send them all to 'Happy Land'", and he gave them free reign to do whatever they wanted, because he was too busy getting to know the local Bajoran women. When they admitted to Dukat that they were in fact killing the Bajorans, Dukat became very concerned, but he continued to let them do whatever they wanted because they informed him that they were only killing malcontents, who the other Bajorans wanted to be killed. I had no idea that they in fact did not want this until I was told by noted terrorist Kira Nerys, who was at the time knocking over his garbage cans and luring Cardassian children in her gingerbread house. Seeing the error of his way, he attempted to stop people from killing themselves, but he was knocked out by a brick to the head probably by Kira, that bitch. When he woke up, he was informed that all the Cardassians had left Bajor in panic, and that the entire planet hated him for no reason other than mass hysteria and widespread mis-information.