Walking stick (formerly Kaskos Hopper, GoHopper) is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
The Walking Stick is an animal from Impossible Creatures. It belongs to the 15 animals within the Insect Invasion expansion.
The Walking Stick is a two-handed Elite staff.
This item can be purchased for 5File:Silver.png5File:Copper.png from:
* Dolman Steelfury in Dun Morogh
* Corina Steele in Elwynn Forest
* Oliver Dwor in Tirisfal Glades
* Grawn Thromwyn in Dun Morogh
* Geron in Eversong Woods
* Urtharo in Durotar
* Mahnott Roughwound in Mulgore
* Gordon Wendham in Tirisfal Glades
* Nabek in Azuremyst Isle
* Urumir Stavebright in Shattrath City
* Sleyin in Eversong Woods
* Jyn Stonehoof in Mulgore
* Uhgar in Durotar
* Kieran in Teldrassil
* Hillsbrad Apprentice Blacksmith in Hillsbrad Foothills
* Frast Dokner in Dun Morogh
* Trayexir in Durotar
* Shalomon in Teldrassil
* Zendo'jian in Durotar