Robert Paulson is a deceased character in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
He first meets The Narrator at "Remaining Men Together" - a support group for men with testicular cancer. Later Bob joined Fight Club at Lou's Tavern, where he fought on Tuesdays and Thursdays - unintentionally avoiding The Narrator, who fought on different days. Eventually he joined Project Mayhem and was killed during Operation Latte Thunder after being shot in the head by a security guard while attempting to flee the scene of the night-time raid. Members of Project Mayhem have no name. Through his death, he had a name. His name is Robert Paulson.
Robert Paulson is a deceased character in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
He first meets The Narrator at "Remaining Men Together" - a support group for men with testicular cancer. Later Bob joined Fight Club at Lou's Tavern, where he fought on Tuesdays and Thursdays - unintentionally avoiding The Narrator, who fought on different days. Eventually he joined Project Mayhem and was killed during Operation Latte Thunder after being shot in the head by a security guard while attempting to flee the scene of the night-time raid. Members of Project Mayhem have no name. Through his death, he had a name. His name is Robert Paulson. His body was buried in the back of the Paper Street House.