|} Full: Caster increases his own Stamina, at the cost of losing Mana. Concise: Caster increases his own Stamina, at the cost of losing Mana. Requirements: 30.0 LM __TOC__
* Skill, gold: 30 LM, 150gp
* Reagent : 1 Resin
* Casting time:
* Range: Self
* Duration:
* Mana cost: 20
* Cool down:
* Projectile speed:
* AoE: Caster increases his own stamina, at the cost of losing mana. Frequent use of this spell is seen by primary melee/archers in transfering unused mana to aid stamina consumption for running away, sprinting, or continued combat maneuver endurance.
Attributes | Values |
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| - |} Full: Caster increases his own Stamina, at the cost of losing Mana. Concise: Caster increases his own Stamina, at the cost of losing Mana. Requirements: 30.0 LM __TOC__
* Skill, gold: 30 LM, 150gp
* Reagent : 1 Resin
* Casting time:
* Range: Self
* Duration:
* Mana cost: 20
* Cool down:
* Projectile speed:
* AoE: Caster increases his own stamina, at the cost of losing mana. Frequent use of this spell is seen by primary melee/archers in transfering unused mana to aid stamina consumption for running away, sprinting, or continued combat maneuver endurance.
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| - |} Full: Caster increases his own Stamina, at the cost of losing Mana. Concise: Caster increases his own Stamina, at the cost of losing Mana. Requirements: 30.0 LM __TOC__
* Skill, gold: 30 LM, 150gp
* Reagent : 1 Resin
* Casting time:
* Range: Self
* Duration:
* Mana cost: 20
* Cool down:
* Projectile speed:
* AoE: Caster increases his own stamina, at the cost of losing mana. Frequent use of this spell is seen by primary melee/archers in transfering unused mana to aid stamina consumption for running away, sprinting, or continued combat maneuver endurance. (info obtained from: DarkFall forums)
* edit me: needs proper values