| - The Gallaghers celebrate Thanksgiving. Carl shoots a bald eagle and Lip now anxious, prepares himself for the arrival of his baby. Estefania's boyfriend Marco finally shows up as Steve agrees to let him use his identity. Frank tries to get his share of his mother's money from his brother Clayton. Ian sleeps with an older businessman named Ned. As the family sit down to dinner, Monica attempts to commit suicide, abruptly ending the family's gathering. Karen goes into labor, but the baby isn't as everyone expected.
- Jasmine decides to throw an end of summer party on a boat and invites Fiona, without telling her that Steve and Estefania will be on board. Lip tries to get back into Karen's good graces, even making up a prenuptial agreement for her and Jody. Ian continues to give Lip the silent treatment. Frank tries to get Fiona's help in dealing with Grammy.
- As Sheila overcomes more of her agoraphobia, a worried Frank finds a new financial plan in a fellow bar patron by the name of Dottie, whose declining health makes her a ideal match for him. Fiona juggles her job, family life, and a burgeoning love life, with even her friend Jasmine trying to set her up with a older man. Veronica takes some of the elderly people from the retirement home on a excursion. Lip worries about Karen's relationship with Jody. After being released from jail, Ian tries to land a job for Mickey at Kash and Grab, and Mickey reluctantly agrees. Debbie and Carl deal with their growth spurts and wanting more space around the house.
- Frank's mother is released from prison and forces Frank along to extort money from an old acquaintance. Fiona and Steve go on a double date with their respective partners and have a romantic encounter in the bathroom, causing Fiona's date to leave immediately. Karen and Jody have their wedding; Lip tells Karen he wants her to have an abortion; Eddie's life insurance goes to Karen, and Frank throws a tantrum, causing Sheila to kick Frank out of the house; Ethel runs away with Malik; Debbie informs Fiona of Steve's second life.
- Still trying to get her mind off Steve, Fiona decides to reconnect with Craig, an old high school crush. When she finds an abandoned purse with five hundred dollars in it, she assumes her luck is finally changing. Frank decides to do anything to get Dottie's money, including marrying her and intercepting the page telling her she has a new heart. After Harry, an elderly man who Debbie befriends at the retirement home, dies, Debbie becomes obsessed with death. Kevin thinks about buying the Alibi Room, much to the dismay of Veronica. Lip meets with a soldier to gather information for Ian about West Point. Jody is planning on asking for Karen's hand in marriage.
- While Jody and Sheila comfort a dying Grammy, Frank steps out and stops at the Kash and Grab, where he walks in on Ian and Mickey in a compromising position. Meanwhile, Lip wants to quit school, but Fiona tells him that if he reconsiders, she'll go back and get her GED; Lip takes Karen to a number of adoption agencies and doesn't like what she has planned; Steve decides to coach Carl's football team.
- After sleeping with Craig, Fiona is unprepared for the arrival of his irate wife. And on the family front, Fiona is concerned that she is dumping too much responsibility on the Gallagher children when stress causes Debbie to break out in a rash. Meanwhile, Frank begins to suspect his days in the Jackson household are coming to an end; Ian marches forward in his efforts to get into West Point; and Lip attempts to dig up dirt on Jody.
- When Eddie Jackson's body turns up, Frank thinks he should be in line to claim his pension and insurance benefits. Meanwhile, Fiona attends a high-class wedding with her sugar daddy Richard; Lip discovers startling news about Karen and Jody; Frank's room is rented to a hooker; Veronica suspects Kev of cheating; and Sheila uncovers the truth about what transpired between Frank and Karen last year.
- Frank, after losing a bet with a fellow bar patron, is now in over his head $10,000, and Karen refuses to let him steal the money from Sheila again; Frank uses Liam to win sympathy panhandling, until the bar patron takes Liam as collateral for the money. Lip wants to continue seeing Karen, who is now attending Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings and in a sex-free relationship with a fellow group member; however, he is also preoccupied with summer courses, running a fighting ring, and selling pot and alcohol out of an ice cream truck with Kev. Fiona and Veronica are waitressing at a local club; Fiona is seeing someone to get her mind off of Steve though V says her new boyfriend is "a rebound" and "even looks like Steve." Ian is still working for Kash and Linda, whose marriage is deteriorating despite her pregnancy; Ian also expresses interest in attending West Point, and Lip agrees to help him with his application and grades; he is also looking forward to Mickey's release from jail. Debbie and Carl run a babysitting service in the house to bring in extra funds. Sheila is simultaneously trying to find Eddie and working on being outside her home.
- Monica returns to party and plot scams with Frank, but the rest of the family suspects she hasn't returned to stay; Fiona reconsiders her decision to kick Lip out of the house; Grammy's death affects everyone differently, and leaves Frank determined to make sure he gets every last penny his mother left behind; Sheila and Jody think Eddie's ghost is haunting the house.
- Lip goes with Mandy to visit a younger half-sister of hers. Carl heads off to "cancer camp", though certain restrictions leave him less than happy. A frustrated Sheila asks Frank for advice on convincing Jody to be more adventurous in the bedroom. Fiona gathers a group of co-workers to discuss the boss's sexual harassment. Jimmy discovers his father's secret homosexuality, forcing Ian to reveal their relationship.
- Frank is forced to move Aunt Ginger's remains from the backyard due to sewer work being done in the area. Jimmy struggles to deal with his father's recently revealed homosexuality and goes to Estefania for emotional support after he and Fiona argue. Mickey kisses Ian. Veronica and Kev are forced to discuss alternative methods of having children when they discover Veronica is infertile. Sheila takes in a mute nun, who is less than grateful.
- Fiona adapts to living with Jimmy after he movies in while Jimmy deals with the sudden appearance of Estefania's father. Frank wakes up in Mexico and makes his way back home. After trying to steal a laser, Lip gets arrested and arraigned in bond court. Also, he, Ian, and Mandy compete in a robot fighting competition with the stolen laser mounted on top of the robot. Meanwhile, Sheila and Jody experience parental life with Karen's baby, Hymie.
- Lip contemplates his future post-graduation as Fiona contemplates her future after landing a full-time job at the cup company. And Frank contemplates having a future at all.
- Fiona decides to apply for a cashier job but is put off when the manager makes sexual advances toward her. Frank takes advantage of taking care of baby Jaime by using him to scam basketball tickets out of a childrens cancer charity. Veronica takes it upon herself to confront Kev's wife Cheryl while he attempts to make her sign divorce papers. Lip decides to take down a group of sex offenders in the area but is put off when one of them turns out to be a woman. Jimmy and Estefania create fake wedding pictures to protect her from immigration. Ian is left confused when Mickey sleeps with a local girl.
- As the family gathers at Aunt Ginger's fake funeral, Frank's cousin Patrick arrives with another forged will granting him ownership of the house.
- Fiona's life is finally going great - until Jimmy tells her he might go back to med Michigan. As the new star of gay rights, Frank is lured to the other side.
- Fiona prepares for the court hearing and decides to attempt getting full custody of the Gallagher children at the same time. To achieve this she enlists Veronica's help in creating a fake will of Aunt Ginger's. Jimmy and Estefania deal with a visit from immigration. Sheila get's a surprise visit from Karen and the father of Hymie, who want their child back. Debbie runs away from her foster family. Lip tries to file the fake will but discovers a relative named Patrick already filed Aunt Ginger's will].
- Fiona takes on a new role at work, complete with new challenges: party promoter. Estefania's father has Jimmy's ever move watched, much to his annoyance. Lip continues his community service. Micky returns. Veronica receives a surprise visitor, Kev's wife! Sheila and Jody struggle to adjust to the role of parents. Ian and Mickey continue their relationship.
- Fiona takes the kids on a camping trip. Essentially homeless, Frank seeks out the help of Carl who sneaks him into the Gallagher van for the night. Jimmy gets a surprise visit.
- Against her better judgment, Fiona continues her secret affair with Robbie. The situation nearly boils over when Mike shows up at Robbie’s apartment while Fiona is inside. Fiona is able to hide just in time before her infidelity can be exposed. Frank, in increasingly dire health straits due to liver disease, attempts to contrive an “accident” that will provide an ample insurance payout to cover the cost of a potential transplant.
- Carl connects with a troubled girl in detention; Lip grows close to his roommate’s ex-girlfriend; Debbie tries to make life miserable for the new girl in Matty’s life; Fiona struggles to get a job now that she has a criminal record; Sheila returns from her trip to the reservation with plans to adopt Native American kids; Mickey ignores the birth of his son to spend time with an erratic-behaving Ian.
- Fiona begins to enjoy the perks of living life just above the poverty line. She uses her newly activated health benefits to take the kids for checkups. However, when a road rage incident damages the company car, Fiona tells a much bigger lie about how it happened. Meanwhile, Lip seems to have lost his mojo as he struggles in school and with the ladies.
- Fiona goes wild and violates multiple terms of her probation by partying with Robbie’s degenerate friends. A search for her gets underway when she fails to contact anyone.
- Sheila fighting for custody of the Native American kids and clashing with Sammi over where they will all live once Frank is released. Meanwhile, Fiona passes a drug test, gets released from jail and lands a job at Patsy’s Pies with the help of her parole officer; and Frank begins to feel again like his old, troubled self.
- Fiona is taken to a correctional facility; Frank wakes up from his operation suffering from post-operative delirium; Ian crashes the christening for Mickey’s son; Amanda’s parents bribe Lip to stay away from their daughter; Debbie meets an older student with a dark ulterior motive.
- Lip is faced with being the Gallagher’s guardian when Fiona is released from jail and ordered by the court to remain inside the house, and Frank continues to be out of commission due to his illness. Fortunately, he gets some unexpected assistance from Amanda, his roommate’s girlfriend.
- Fiona rids the house of all suspicious items to prepare for a visit from her probation officer, but her efforts aren’t appreciated by Debbie and Carl. Meanwhile, Ian gets kicked out of Mickey’s house by a hammer-wielding Svetlana and makes a long-awaited return to the Gallagher house.
- The aftermath of Liam’s accident lands Fiona in county jail, unsure of Liam’s condition or her future. The family, minus Frank, wait nervously for any update on Liam’s status at the hospital. Meanwhile, after almost being killed by the sweat lodge, Frank wakes up in the emergency room and gets some sobering news about his declining health.
- Frank stalks his previously unseen daughter Sammi and is surprised to learn that she has a son. Meanwhile, Fiona and Mike get serious; and Carl steals dogs and holds them for ransom, so he can earn some drug money for Frank. Sheila has her first successful online date with a Native American cowboy named Roger Running Tree.
- Fiona’s series of bad decisions involving Robbie finally boil over. Meanwhile, Frank and Sammi pursue a cure for Frank’s liver trouble and try to catch up on missed father-daughter time; and Lip gets a surprise visit at college from Army investigators.
- Fiona is dividing her time between caring for the household and working at Worldwide Cup with her boss/boyfriend Mike Pratt. Lip attends college-and has a work study job as part of his tuitiion plan.Ian is missing; Debbie is growing up and discovering boys. Frank medically is worse than ever, Carl takes care of him. Sheila lonely, cleans Gallaghers house.
- Lip gets busted taking the SAT's for a number of other students. Carl gets in trouble at school and the principal demands to see one of Carl's parents, or he will face expulsion.
- Debbie steals a toddler from a birthday party while depressed from Aunt Ginger's departure. The family creates a plan that will return the boy to his family while avoiding the increased police presence in the area.
- Frank stops drinking , which pleases Carl and Debbie, but Lip doesn't believe Frank is capable of two sober weeks. Ian continues his relationship with Mickey. Fiona scrambles to find a better paying job while Steve's past starts catching up with him. Lip tours the University of Chicago campus and is offered an interesting opportunity. Veronica and Kev's foster daughter is a little different than expected, having come from a Mormon polygamous sect.
- Amy Smart guest stars as a school-mother in Debbie's class whose take on friendship leaves Fiona a little confused. Steve's "business" finally leads Tony to investigate what he's up to. Lip and Ian go on a search for Ian's real dad. Karen finds an extreme way to pay Eddie back for embarrassing her at the Purity Ball. Frank's worker's compensation is terminated and he searches for a new job to get hurt at.
- Frank has an interesting appointment with his disability doctor, who demands a biopsy of a strange third lump in his scrotum. Kev and Veronica fake a wedding to earn a lump sum of cash from Veronica's deceased father, to be given to her on her wedding day.
- Lip and Ian spend the night in jail on grand theft auto charges. Eddie finds out that Frank slept with Karen and goes in search of revenge, later joined by Lip. Fiona has a difficult decision to make when Steve asks her to run away with him to Costa Rica.
- Liam's paternity test reveals different results than expected, as does another member of the Gallagher family. Karen attends the Purity Ball with her father, Eddie, on the promise that if she "rededicates herself as a virgin", she can have the car. Fiona and Steve move in next door so Fiona can keep an eye on the kids while Monica tries to be their mom again.
- Frank is hunted by two ruthless thugs after he fails to follow through with an illegal money making scheme, and he must repay them $6000. The Gallagher family helps Frank fake his own death to convince the thugs to leave town. Steve takes Fiona to an expensive hotel to get away from her family and work stress. Linda has the cameras at the Kash and Grab fixed, which has implications on Ian's affair with Kash and there is a suprise for Sheila as she does something she hasn't done in years.
- Frank is in line for some settlement money but there's a catch: he needs his missing wife Monica to sign the paperwork. Debbie discovers a secret about Steve, and extorts him to keep it a secret. Ian has an eventful day at work, and Lip does some work for Steve to buy concert tickets for Karen.
- Fiona, having dumped Steve, decides to date Tony, a local cop who has had feelings for her since childhood. A woman from the Office of the Inspector General knocks on the Gallagher's door looking for Aunt Ginger, the owner of the family house, who has supposedly been living in a Wisconsin nursing home for 12 years.
- Frank, heavily intoxicated from the previous night, wakes up in Canada, with no memory of how he arrived there. The children and friends search for him, but one may be hiding something.
- Fiona's purse is stolen, but a handsome stranger named Steve helps her. Lip has suspicions about Ian's sexuality, and decides he should take him to Karen Jackson to confirm his suspicions.
- Fiona reunites with Gus after his tour but is torn by the fact that her friendly feelings for Sean have turned into love. Plus, Frank has his own love struggles as he works to keep Bianca happy - down in Costa Rica! Season finale.
- Ian begins to regain some of his senses - and finds himself under a mandatory hold at the psych ward. Meanwhile, Sammi is forced to take drastic measures to teach Frank a lesson. Plus, Fiona makes a decision regarding her potential romantic futures with Jimmy and/or Gus, Lip learns that his tuition is short twelve grand, Carl seizes an opportunity to make Chuckie his slave, and after V moves out, Svetlana moves in with Kev in exchange for the performance of some odd 'wifely duties.'
- Fiona is confused by the status of her relationship when Gus announces he's leaving to go on tour. Meanwhile, Carl is asked by his boss to run drugs to Indiana; Frank sees a way to get revenge on Sammi by using Chuckie as the mule and having him busted; and Lip, still in need of tuition money, convinces Kev to come to the dorms and sell drugs. Plus, as Ian refuses to accept his bipolar diagnosis, Debbie is tasked with minding his new meds.
- Frank has a check-up with his uptight doctor, Bianca, who's cracking up after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis. Discovering she hasn't truly 'lived,' he agrees to be her tour guide to the seedier side of life. Meanwhile, Fiona preps an uncooperative Carl for his sentencing hearing. Plus, Lip sleeps with a professor on the assumption he's only days away from being kicked out, Ian realizes it's time to get back on his meds and Kev finds himself enjoying college life as campus 'rapewalker.'
- Frank grows concerned as Bianca's behavior becomes increasingly more erratic and dangerous - but he'll do just about anything to show her a great time.
- Fiona's plans to announce her marriage to her family unravel. Ian's behavior grows more erratic and Mickey asks Lip for help. Veronica and Kev have relationship issues.
- Frank is having a ball with Bianca, his new sick friend and formerly uptight doctor. But when Bianca thinks Frank might be developing feelings for her she kicks him to the curb. Frank, however, returns to put up a fight.
- Fiona is thrown into chaos by the return of Jimmy. Ian steals Mickey and Svetlana's baby for a road trip in a bipolar episode.
- Fiona is officially off house arrest while Lip starts his first day of work for Tommy. But manual labor turns out to be harder than Lip thought and the brutal hazing from his co-workers doesn't help. Sheila considers an offer from two lesbians who want to buy her home. Frank tries to talk her out of it and begins warning everyone of the neighborhood's impending gentrification. Also, the father of boy whose liver Frank received invites Frank to a special father's day dinner with all the other organ recipients, which Sammi ends up crashing, further enraging Sheila. Meanwhile, a manic Ian plans his revenge with Mickey and Mandy against a homophobic military funeral protest. Fiona confronts Sean about her feelings for him. Kev bonds with Svetlana. And Debbie continues to struggle with her friends and boys.
- The gentrification of the Back of the Yards continues with the closing of the Alibi's illegal rub & tug. Frank enlists Carl to scare off the lesbians who are buying up more property in the neighborhood while pleading with Sheila not to cave and sell her home. But Sheila has big plans for her future, with or without Frank. Ian goes on a crazed cleaning spree of the Milkovich house and also wants Lip to help convince Mandy not to move to Indiana with her abusive boyfriend, Kenyatta. But Lip remains emotionally unavailable and pushes Mandy away, possibly for good. Meanwhile, Debbie throws a wild party at the Gallagher house and Carl discovers a hidden talent. In exchange for new brewery equipment, Frank sets the owner of a junkyard up with Sammi under the pretense the she'll sleep with him. And Fiona agrees to go to a concert with Davis, but when his girlfriend shows up Fiona makes a play for Davis's bass player, Gus.
- It's summertime again in Chicago. Fiona balances her job at Patsy's Pies and a crush on her older boss, Sean, as Lip says goodbye to college and heads back home to take a job working demolition. At the Milkovich house, Ian helps a pregnant Svetlana take care of baby Yevgeny. Meanwhile, Veronica goes to work at The Alibi as Kevin plays stay-at-home dad. And Frank, still recovering from his liver transplant, unveils the secret project he's been working on in Sheila's basement. Season premiere.
- Frank arrives at Lou's to pick up his six figure insurance settlement and is shocked to learn that he's already collected it. Meanwhile, Fiona and Gus continue to hit if off, so much so that Gus admits he's falling in love with her. Meanwhile, Lip visits Amanda and her family at her luxurious house in Miami. Carl starts a new job as a drug dealer but quickly realizes he's in over his head. Ian goes overboard when he starts stealing suitcases from the airport baggage claim.
- Fiona starts a new job and a new romance, while Frank may become the new face of the gay rights movement, thanks to an influential member of the Velvet Mafia
- Fiona begins to plan for her future; Monica causes trouble; Steve wants to reunite Estefania with her true love; Lip and Ian learn the identity of the father of Karen's baby; Sheila takes in an addict.
- The Department of Family Services remove the Gallagher children, leaving a desperate Fiona to get them back. Unable to locate Monica, Fiona is forced to get Frank a "Father of the Year" appearance in court. Everything goes well until it is revealed that Frank is not the solution to Fiona's problem, he is in fact the cause. Meanwhile, Kev and Veronica recruit Carol as a surrogate and Terry catches Mickey and Ian in an akward position.
- The Gallaghers reel from the recent events of Monica's attempted suicide and Karen's birth. Jimmy gets back into Fiona's good graces and decides to let her meet his family. Frank plots to free Monica from the psychiatric institution but things don't go according to plan when Monica reveals she has no plans to leave the institution and has found a new lover in a fellow patient . Fiona finds a letter in the mail and it states she passed her GED and tells Lip in order to get him to finish school. After Jody and Sheila decide to keep Karen's newborn, Karen makes them choose between her and the baby since Karen wants nothing to do with it. When Sheila says she plans on raising her grandchild, Karen leaves but not without Lip saying she will regret the decision in the future. Ian discovers when meeting Jimmy's family that Ned, the man he slept with in the previous episode, is really Jimmy's doctor father, Lloyd. Estefania and Marco have a fight which results in her knocking on the Gallagher door for help in leaving Marco. After talking over recent events with Mandy, Lip moves back home and brings his life back in order by going back to school.