| - This is the Song that Infel designed to bring the Sublimation Project to everyone in Ar Ciel. Basically, what this Song does is take the minds of every living being in Ar Ciel, separate them from their bodies, and fuse them into a new Will of the Planet. It serves as the final boss battle song for Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica, and excepting for the first part, each part corresponds to a phase of the final boss battle, as it follows: The titles to its second to fourth parts translate to the following:
| - This is the Song that Infel designed to bring the Sublimation Project to everyone in Ar Ciel. Basically, what this Song does is take the minds of every living being in Ar Ciel, separate them from their bodies, and fuse them into a new Will of the Planet. Since this Song can only affect the areas covered by the combined broadcasting range for both Ar tonelico and Sol Marta, it would leave Sol Cluster completely unaffected, and it has to be sung to the end in order to work. It works by intervening Ar tonelico through Infel Phira, given the server extensions it has. While it seems to be enshrouding the sky in darkness, it isn't actually doing so: the people affected think that's the case because the linkage between their D-Waves (bodies) and H-Waves (souls/minds) is being severed, and while that happens, each person only becomes able to perceive D-Wave activity within the boundaries of their own bodies, which is why more than a darkening, it's more as if the entire world was being covered in black paint. Additionally, it has been mused that this Song actually transforms the parts of Ar Ciel where it takes effect into a Fifth-Dimensional world where while people would still have their physical bodies, they would lose meaning because they would be able to phase through solid matter and their eyes wouldn't be able to make any sense of the new world due to being tridimensional sensors. And while it wouldn't affect the entirety of Ar Ciel, according to Fifth-Dimension theories, the world created through this Song would have no physical bounds or limits. However, these theories have never been proven, so it's unknown if this is true, especially after it was established by the Qualia Dimension Theory made by the Ra Cielans how the Fifth Dimension is the Possibility Axis that connects all parallel universes. It serves as the final boss battle song for Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica, and excepting for the first part, each part corresponds to a phase of the final boss battle, as it follows:
* lamenza: first phase of the Ryuju battle.
* ee wassa sos yehar: second phase of the Ryuju battle.
* omness chs ciel sos infel: final battle against Infel x Nenesha. Additionally, each part from the second on is also a process that causes the combined effect of the Song to come about: stopping the world, destroying it, and then making it be reborn. And as an extra note, the parts sung in Standard Hymmnos are sung by Nenesha, while in the other hand Infel sings all the parts that are in New Testament of Pastalie, so it could be said they lead different parts of the song. It also should be noted that its third part, ee wassa sos yehar is still a point of interest for Hymmnos researchers and students due to containing corrupted Pastalie Hymmnos, which no one has been able to decipher or translate so far. Akiko Shikata has stated they are formed by placing multiple Hymmnos words together, but that she was told to keep which words these were a secret. The titles to its second to fourth parts translate to the following:
* lamenza -> Laments
* ee wassa sos yehar -> The Grand Festival of Release
* omness chs ciel sos infel -> Sadness will Become a World for the sake of Love/Infel Note: The Feelings Contained in This Song section covers the feelings contained in all of the parts of the Song.