There are 8 total badges to collect: In addition to the main badges, there are a few badges that don't correspond to abilities but instead provide other benefits:
There are 8 total badges to collect: In addition to the main badges, there are a few badges that don't correspond to abilities but instead provide other benefits:
Merit Badges are the second main area of the Boy Scout advancement program. Unlike ranks, there is a degree of choice in the merit badge program. A sub-group of merit badges are known as Eagle required merit badges. To earn Eagle Scout, most of these badges must be earned although some are "either/or" badges. The remainder of the badges help with earning ranks as well as Eagle Palms after the Eagle Scout award has been earned. The online Merit Badge Application is a Word doc file. This is a list of the the Merit badges, including eagle required.
There are 8 total badges to collect: In addition to the main badges, there are a few badges that don't correspond to abilities but instead provide other benefits:
Merit Badges are the second main area of the Boy Scout advancement program. Unlike ranks, there is a degree of choice in the merit badge program. A sub-group of merit badges are known as Eagle required merit badges. To earn Eagle Scout, most of these badges must be earned although some are "either/or" badges. The remainder of the badges help with earning ranks as well as Eagle Palms after the Eagle Scout award has been earned. The online Merit Badge Application is a Word doc file. Boy Scouts may work on merit badges from they time they join a Scout troop until they turn 18 years old. There is no time limit for completion of merit badges other than age 18. See the Merit Badge FAQ. Some Merit Badges Require Prior Approval before starting certain requirements. Most do not. This is a list of the the Merit badges, including eagle required.