| - Jirou ist Yamamotos exklusive Box Waffe, erstellt durch den Umbau eines Regen-Attribut Hundes. Er ist mit Vongola's modernster Technik ausgestattet. Jirou ist noch recht jung und seine Hauptaufgabe ist die Unterstützung Yamamotos, indem er seine drei Kurzschwerter transportiert. Und obwohl er zwar die Schwerter bei sich trägt und sie augenscheinlich auch gut im Griff hat, war er noch nicht im Nahkampf zu sehen, deswegen ist noch nicht viel über Jirous restliche Fähigkeiten bekannt. Yamamoto nannte ihn "Jirou" und, zusammen mit Kojirou, ist er eines der beiden Tiere, die zu seiner Vongola Box gehören.
- Jirou is Yamamoto's exclusive Rain Vongola Box. It was created by remodeling a Rain-attribute dog Box Weapon and is imbued with the Vongola Family's latest technology. It provides support by carrying Yamamoto's three short swords. That being said, there is nothing to criticize about its basic performance and one can hold expectations about its future development. Jirou, along with Kojirou, is one of the two Box Animals that comprise Yamamoto's Vongola Box.
- Jirou (ジロ, Jiro) is a character who appears only in the manga version of the first part of the Spirit Detective saga and is omitted from the anime.
- Jirou ist ein Genin aus Konohagakure.
- Jirou would be the second son of Akodo Yusuke and Tonbo Yuniko, but he was born dead. Yusuke had refused to follow a Tonbo ritual previous to the childbirth, to don his wife's clothes and paint his face as a woman.
- Jirou is a legendary Gourmet Hunter who is well known as the Knocking Master in the Gourmet Age. Despite his elderly appearance, he is one of the strongest individuals in the world and was one of the three disciples of the legendary and revered "Gourmet God" Acacia. Despite technically being retired, he will still on occasion hunt for ingredients for his own pleasure and like many other well-known individuals, he is currently trying to acquire the holy and phantasmal ingredient known as GOD.
- Jirou (Japanese: 次郎 Jirō) is a Youngster trainer, as well as a recurring character in Pokémon ANT, being a rival of Sage. He also appears as a trainer who can be battled in Pokémon Aether, Nether, and Tether Versions.