| - Mage Armor is a mage ability learned at level 80 for those with the arcane specialization. It is a self-only buff that improves mastery; in addition, the duration of all harmful Magic effects used against the mage are reduced by 25% when Mage Armor is active.
- An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.
- Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 8 hours You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
- The Mage Armor is the armour that Jill wears.
- Level: Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: No
- Mage Armor denotes a perk and corresponding spells from the Alteration School of Magic in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Serving as Skyrim's counterpart of the Shield spell from previous titles, Mage Armor spells boost the armor class of the caster and may be dual-casted.
- Innate level: 1 School: conjuration Descriptor: force Components: verbal, somatic Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 1 hour / level Save: harmless Spell resistance: no Description: The selected target gains the following bonuses to his AC: +1 natural armor, +1 dodge, +1 deflection, and +1 enhancement. The dodge bonus stacks with other dodge bonuses to AC, but the other bonuses do not stack with bonuses of the same type.
- [[Category:]] Mage armor (originally called General Matick's armor and later simply armor) was a common conjuration spell used by arcane casters to create an armor for themselves out of magical force. Deities of magic, such as Azuth, Mystra, Savras, and Thoth, also granted some of their clerics this power.
- 1st-level abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a piece of cured leather) Duration: 8 hours You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
- Mage's Armor : Enchanted Cotton Hat Enchanted Cotton Hat 8 11 5 3 Enchanted Cotton Tunic(T) Enchanted Cotton Tunic(T) 18 20 8 9 Enchanted Cotton Tunic(B) Enchanted Cotton Tunic(B) 12 15 7 6 Enchanted Cotton Shoes Enchanted Cotton Shoes 2 5 12 6 4 Magic Leather Set Full Set Bonus: Magic Power +25, Def +5, Atk Spd +5 Magic Leather Hat Magic Leather Hat 5 5 26 10 13 Magic Leather Clothes(T) Magic Leather Clothes(T) 24 29 11 15 Magic Leather Clothes(B) Magic Leather Clothes(B) 11 27 11 14 Magic Leather Shoes Magic Leather Shoes 5 5 26 10 13