Iriaebor, also known as the Overland City and the City of a Thousand Spires, was a large city in Sunset Vale in the Western Heartlands region of west Faerûn.
Iriaebor, also known as the Overland City and the City of a Thousand Spires, was a large city in Sunset Vale in the Western Heartlands region of west Faerûn.
Iriaebor, die Stadt der Tausend Türme, ist eine Handelsstadt in den Westlichen Herzlanden, am Fluss Chionthar.
Iriaebor, also known as the Overland City and the City of a Thousand Spires, was a large city in Sunset Vale in the Western Heartlands region of west Faerûn.
Iriaebor, die Stadt der Tausend Türme, ist eine Handelsstadt in den Westlichen Herzlanden, am Fluss Chionthar.