| - "Brayhorn" is an unknown Tauren. His entry into the world was chaotic. His only tribe's village, Camp Re'nahki, was set upon by the Black Dragonflight. He watched as his mother and the rest of the tribe were set upon by the hungry drakes. They razed huts and left a burning scar in the high mountains of Mulgore. It was when one of the biggest drakes grabbed the young Tauren, a soothing energy was unleashed. He crippled the mighty drake with kindness. Rather than expiring on his own, He was taken in by nature. Some call him lucky, others called him mental, As the huge Drake provided many a meal...
| - "Brayhorn" is an unknown Tauren. His entry into the world was chaotic. His only tribe's village, Camp Re'nahki, was set upon by the Black Dragonflight. He watched as his mother and the rest of the tribe were set upon by the hungry drakes. They razed huts and left a burning scar in the high mountains of Mulgore. It was when one of the biggest drakes grabbed the young Tauren, a soothing energy was unleashed. He crippled the mighty drake with kindness. Rather than expiring on his own, He was taken in by nature. Some call him lucky, others called him mental, As the huge Drake provided many a meal... Not long after this event, he had subdued a large bear, the Alpha male of his pack. Using the same power used in the scuffle with the drake, he crippled the bear, ripping out the bears skull and fashioning it into a helmet. The other bears took him in, revering him as their leader. Brayhorn spent around 30 years traveling with the bears, growing into a huge forbearing giant. Emotions didn't phase the bull-mountain, and he slew many a Kodo on his own. He adopted a form of a bear, training himself to fight into his form. his fingers would gnarl and twist into deadly sharp claws, his overgrown horns twisting into longer, sleeker weapons. His already matted fur would sprout and grown, forming a massive thick coat for him to wear. He was a monster in almost every way. His Tauren form was all but forgotten, he grew more and more grievious in his attacks, forming raids on Tauren caravans, his astute primeval tactics working well. Only when his life was threatened by a rather large assualt from the Tauren of Bloodhoof Village, did he retreat further north, to the wilds of Ashenvale. In Ashenvale, he took over another bear pack, and lived tranquily in the forests for several more years... Until the day. Brayhorn was out hunting in the northern reaches of the forest, when he came across a huge gaping portal... Merely dipping his head inside, he was tortured by the dream. What he remebered was gaining a second personi. A second identity. He could somehow speak Orcish... confused, a lulling, calming voice persuaded him to bind the wilder side of him into a artefact... The skull of the bear he slew. Brayhorn spent his life as a traveller, wandering the cities of the Horde. He also joined the Opened Eyes, (Coming soon!)