| - Elemental damage is earth damage, fire damage, lightning damage and cold damage. Each of the above counts as elemental damage in addition to other damage types.
- Elemental Damage is one of four Damage Types most commonly found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Elemental Damage generally refers to fire based damages. Also, lightening based attacks should not be confused with Elemental Damage. Lightening attacks generally deal Energy Damage. Elemental Damage, along with Internal Damage, is one of two damage types that cannot be mitigated by Armor Rating.
- Elemental Damage is a special type of damage in Titan Quest, combining Fire Damage, Lightning Damage and Cold Damage. There is also an Elemental Resistance. Direct Elemental Damage (e.g. "+15 Elemental Damage") is dealt 1/3 Fire, 1/3 Lightning and 1/3 Cold Damage (in the example: "5 Fire Damage, 5 Lightning Damage, 5 Cold Damage"). Each of the damage types is resisted by it's corresponding resistance. Percent Elemental Damage (e.g. "+10% Elemental Damage") is applied to each of the elemental damage types (in the example: "+10% Fire Damage, +10% Lightning Damage, +10% Cold Damage").
- There are four types of elemental damage: Wind, Water, Earth and Fire. The damage caused by an elemental attack can be increased when cast on a target that is weak to that element or decreased when it is casted on a target that is resistant to it. If an elemental attack is made against a target of that same element the damage can be absorbed and will heal said target. {| style="border:1px solid #cedff2;width:300px;color:white;background-color:#000000;" cellpadding="3"
- There are four kinds of Elemental Damage that can be added to a weapon, or is already inherent to a weapon. Most crafted weapons can have customized elemental chambers while others have a limited set of elemental choices available. Some reward weapons come with elemental damage, and some do not. Heavy weapons have restrictions to the available elementals. None of these elemental damage types refer to Damage over Time specials that can be applied by professions such as Commando, Officer and Jedi. These effects are seperate from DoT Stacking and work with another stacking mechanic.
- Elemental Damage is a collective term for all seven (eight) major types of damage used in Diablo series.
* Diablo I-III:
* Fire
* Lightning
* Magic
* Physical
* Diablo II-III:
* Cold
* Poison
* Diablo III:
* Arcane
* Holy Note that Arcane and Holy count as one damage type for the purpose of resistance. In Diablo I and Diablo II, they were collectively named Magic Damage. As of Patch 2.0.6., the effective damage with the elemental skill bonuses can be seen in the Details tab, Offense section.
| - Elemental Damage is a collective term for all seven (eight) major types of damage used in Diablo series.
* Diablo I-III:
* Fire
* Lightning
* Magic
* Physical
* Diablo II-III:
* Cold
* Poison
* Diablo III:
* Arcane
* Holy Note that Arcane and Holy count as one damage type for the purpose of resistance. In Diablo I and Diablo II, they were collectively named Magic Damage. In Diablo III, many items can roll increased damage of all skills of specific damage type. Normally Bracers and Amulets can do so. A Smart Loot drop for a class will only roll the damage types this class can use, for instance, only Fire, Cold, Lightning and Arcane for Wizards. Convention of the Elements Legendary Ring is unique in that it boosts all damage types fit for the current class, cycling between them and augmenting each for 5 seconds before switching to the next one. Weapons often roll +(X-Y)-(Z-N) Elemental damage, meaning that each attack will add that amount of damage to the base weapon damage, of the specific type (either of the seven, including Physical, although Cold damage ranges are generally slightly less on lower levels, to compensate for the ability to Chill on hit). Interestingly, each hit of that weapon will have a chance (equal to Proc Coefficient of the skill) to count as having double damage type, if those of the elemental damage on weaponry and of the skill itself do not match. This is important for skills like Elemental Exposure or Tal Rasha's Elements set. It becomes especially evident when you see the Critical Hit death animations. Many skills and attributes require a specific damage type to be used. It is a popular tactic to stack bonus damage of the same type, choosing skills that use the same damage type (commonly called by the selected damage type name, for example, 'Arcane build' or 'Fire build'), thereby effectively boosting all damage done. Even in single damage type builds, some skills are taken with a specific Crowd Control or stat buffing rune, even if that rune has a weaker damage type (as for those skills, their secondary effects are more important than plain damage). As of Patch 2.0.6., the effective damage with the elemental skill bonuses can be seen in the Details tab, Offense section. There are five amulets in Diablo III that can make characters entirely immune to one non-Physical damage type (it is advised to carry them around, even if they offer no good stats, in case the character encounters a monster who would prove too powerful otherwise):
* Countess Julia's Cameo (Holy / Arcane)
* Star of Azkaranth (Fire)
* Talisman of Aranoch (Cold)
* Xephirian Amulet (Lightning)
* Mara's Kaleidoscope (Poison)
- Elemental damage is earth damage, fire damage, lightning damage and cold damage. Each of the above counts as elemental damage in addition to other damage types.
- Elemental Damage is one of four Damage Types most commonly found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Elemental Damage generally refers to fire based damages. Also, lightening based attacks should not be confused with Elemental Damage. Lightening attacks generally deal Energy Damage. Elemental Damage, along with Internal Damage, is one of two damage types that cannot be mitigated by Armor Rating.
- There are four types of elemental damage: Wind, Water, Earth and Fire. The damage caused by an elemental attack can be increased when cast on a target that is weak to that element or decreased when it is casted on a target that is resistant to it. If an elemental attack is made against a target of that same element the damage can be absorbed and will heal said target. {| style="border:1px solid #cedff2;width:300px;color:white;background-color:#000000;" cellpadding="3" |- BGCOLOR="#cedff2" !Element Name !Weak Vs. !Strong Vs. |- BGCOLOR="#242A42" | Earth | Wind | Water |- BGCOLOR="#242A42" | Wind | Fire | Earth |- BGCOLOR="#242A42" | Fire | Water | Wind |- BGCOLOR="#242A42" | Water | Earth | Fire |}
- Elemental Damage is a special type of damage in Titan Quest, combining Fire Damage, Lightning Damage and Cold Damage. There is also an Elemental Resistance. Direct Elemental Damage (e.g. "+15 Elemental Damage") is dealt 1/3 Fire, 1/3 Lightning and 1/3 Cold Damage (in the example: "5 Fire Damage, 5 Lightning Damage, 5 Cold Damage"). Each of the damage types is resisted by it's corresponding resistance. Percent Elemental Damage (e.g. "+10% Elemental Damage") is applied to each of the elemental damage types (in the example: "+10% Fire Damage, +10% Lightning Damage, +10% Cold Damage").
- There are four kinds of Elemental Damage that can be added to a weapon, or is already inherent to a weapon. Most crafted weapons can have customized elemental chambers while others have a limited set of elemental choices available. Some reward weapons come with elemental damage, and some do not. Heavy weapons have restrictions to the available elementals. None of these elemental damage types refer to Damage over Time specials that can be applied by professions such as Commando, Officer and Jedi. These effects are seperate from DoT Stacking and work with another stacking mechanic. One of the benefits of elemental damage is that it is calculated differently than Kinetic and Energy damage. In PVP, your typical player will have over 10k Kinetic and Energy armor values (65% Mitigation), while their elemental values will be around 6k armor values (48% Mitigation). Granted your elemental damage is not a large value like your Energy and Kinetic damage, but every little bit helps.