An English superhero and member of the Nightwatch.
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- Taliesin
- Taliesin
| - An English superhero and member of the Nightwatch.
- Taliesin was also head of the Hall of Lore at Caer Dathyl. That spacious chamber, cheered by a warm hearth fire and furnished sparsely with a long varnished table and a few chairs and benches, was filled with stacks of ancient volumes and rolls of parchment scrolls, which crowded the walls and rose high into the shadows of the raftered ceiling.
- Taliesin was a seer to the great Kings, in the time of Old Religion. He apparently died around 300 years before meeting Merlin, though he appeared and showed him to the Crystal Cave. It is to this cave that he attributed his power of prophecy, as he was aware of Merlin's destiny and seemed to have foreseen their meeting. It is unknown exactly how was the apparition of Taliesin- he may have been a ghost or an illusion created by the cave, though he was shown to be capable of using magic, and so perhaps he never died at all. It is also possible that he had the power to return from the dead at his own will.
- Taliesin was the Lord of the Andain after he sealed and deposed Kagetsu I at the end of the War of the Andain. He was unflaggingly loyal to the gods, especially his father Cardia, and instituted a policy of nonintervention in mortal affairs until Kagetsu was unsealed by Leon Alcibiates in the Second Age. Taliesin was killed in the Explosion which ended the Arawn Losstarot War, but he was summoned back to life as a shade known as the Shadow in the Third Age. He has recently recovered his memories and past shape although he remains in a shifting form which is signifcantly weaker than his original Andain body.
- Name(s): Taliesin First Mafia Game: (Era 1) On MafiaManiac: No
* MVP of ??
* Prefers playing as
* Favourite part of Mafia: ??
* Known flaws: ??
* Member of ??
- Volk: Organisation Zugehörigkeit Geschlecht Status Jahr Herkunft Ort Gebiet Mutter Vater Geschwister Partner Kinder Taliesin ist eine Keltische Sagengestalt aus dem Kreis der Artussagen. Dieser Barde taucht erst in Artusgeschichten neueren Datums auf, doch der historische Sänger und Dichter hat eine Reihe Gedichte hinterlassen, in denen er die Gestalten besingt, in denen er einmal existiert hat. Als mythologische Figur symbolisiert er den inneren Wandel.
- Taliesin is a legendary celtic figure. He was a poet, a shapechanger and a pupil and companion of Merlin. He came to Mochdref after the death of Artorius and the end of Camelot. He would often take the form of an eagle and observe the knights of the Round Table disporting themselves. On occasion he is said to have gazed upon Perceval in his hermitage after he had fulfilled the quest of the Grail.
- Présentation Taliesin dans l’Histoire Celtique est ce que l’on nomme un Barde, certainement le plus célèbre d’entre-eux qu’on dit même avoir été leur Maître à tous. Il est un pilier historique majeure de cette culture par ses écrits qui auraient dit-on traversé les siècles jusqu’à nos jours. Il est ainsi incontournable dans le legs des légendes et de la mythologie Celtique à l’instar d’un Snorri Sturluson pour les mythes Scandinaves ou d’un Tacite pour les Romains mais aussi les Germains. Tel le fameux Scalde Bragi, une chose est certaine, Taliesin est le plus légendaire des Bardes.
- Taliesin was a sixth-century poet and one of the five chief bards of the Isle of the Mighty (Wales). Twelve poems attributed to him have survived to the present day, some of which are thought to be authentic, collected in the Book of Taliesin.. Although it is considered too late to be Taliesin's, the poem The Spoils of Annwfn connects him with Arthur and the raid on Annwn. As with his contemporaries, fantastic tales have naturally grown up around Taliesin.
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involved in quests
| - *Blessed Radiance
*Mirror Images
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| - *Andain
*Clergy of Cardia
*Clergy of Mardük
*Grey Cult
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