| - The 888 is a set of enchanted golf clubs used by Terry Cr.
- 888是介於887與889之間的自然數,為現今遊戲系列中,極限連段數的8/9倍。 因為「8」與「發」諧音的關係,因此在台灣,「888」經常被眾多銀行業者,當作是信用卡活動的一種工具。 目前在《太鼓の達人》中譜面最大連段數達到888的曲目如下: 1.
* 拝啓、学校にて…(裏) 2.
* 首次登場:《太鼓の達人11》,也是本遊戲第一首歌曲長度超過4分鐘的加長版歌曲。 3.
* 首次登場:《太鼓の達人12》 5.
* マオウのショウタイム 6.
* 首次登場:《太鼓の達人 ちびドラゴンと不思議なオーブ》 7.
* 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》
- El número (888) es el número natural que sigue al 887 y precede al 889. Categoría:Números
- Julia returns to the Old House and notices someone is in the drawing room. The unknown man blows out the candle and leaves. Julia, hiding in the bushes, catches him and demands to know who he is. Julia asks repeatedly who he is and why he was in the Old House. He claims he was meeting someone there, and asks Julia if she knows who he is or not. Julia threatens to call the police unless she gets answers, but Carolyn suddenly shows up, and the unknown man runs off. The two go into the Old House, and Carolyn bolts the door behind her. Together they both ponder why the unknown man was in the Old House. Carolyn asks Julia if she has looked for Barnabas, but Julia says she is certain he isn't there. Julia then explains that while Barnabas was in a trance, his body vanished before their eyes, and
- Lena sorgt sich um Annette und Alexander, die nie beim Kinderarzt angekommen sind. Maximilian macht sich auf die Suche nach den beiden und findet Annette und Alexander schließlich völlig durchgefroren. Zunächst scheint es Alexander gut zu gehen, bis sich über Nacht sein Zustand rapide verschlechtert. Als Richard erfährt, dass sich sein Gesundheitszustand verbessert hat, überrascht ihn das nicht. Seiner Meinung nach wirkt seine neue Freundin Celine wie ein Jungbrunnen auf ihn. Doch als Richard seine Tabletten eigenverantwortlich absetzen will, erhält sein Selbstbewusstsein ausgerechnet durch Celine einen herben Dämpfer. Annette ist immer noch in ihrer Panikattacke gefangen und ihr wird erst nach und nach klar, dass sie Alexander gefährdet hat. Katja versucht alles, um Annette die Selbstvorw
| - The 888 is a set of enchanted golf clubs used by Terry Cr.
- 888是介於887與889之間的自然數,為現今遊戲系列中,極限連段數的8/9倍。 因為「8」與「發」諧音的關係,因此在台灣,「888」經常被眾多銀行業者,當作是信用卡活動的一種工具。 目前在《太鼓の達人》中譜面最大連段數達到888的曲目如下: 1.
* 拝啓、学校にて…(裏) 2.
* 首次登場:《太鼓の達人11》,也是本遊戲第一首歌曲長度超過4分鐘的加長版歌曲。 3.
* 首次登場:《太鼓の達人12》 5.
* マオウのショウタイム 6.
* 首次登場:《太鼓の達人 ちびドラゴンと不思議なオーブ》 7.
* 首次登場:《新 太鼓の達人》
- El número (888) es el número natural que sigue al 887 y precede al 889. Categoría:Números
- Julia returns to the Old House and notices someone is in the drawing room. The unknown man blows out the candle and leaves. Julia, hiding in the bushes, catches him and demands to know who he is. Julia asks repeatedly who he is and why he was in the Old House. He claims he was meeting someone there, and asks Julia if she knows who he is or not. Julia threatens to call the police unless she gets answers, but Carolyn suddenly shows up, and the unknown man runs off. The two go into the Old House, and Carolyn bolts the door behind her. Together they both ponder why the unknown man was in the Old House. Carolyn asks Julia if she has looked for Barnabas, but Julia says she is certain he isn't there. Julia then explains that while Barnabas was in a trance, his body vanished before their eyes, and when he reappears, he can only reappear in the cellar. Carolyn then tells Julia to go search the cellar for Barnabas, but he isn't there. While Carolyn is alone in the drawing room, she sees the unknown man watching her through the window. Carolyn informs Julia she saw the unknown man outside. The two decide to stay at the Old House for the night for concern of their own safety. The next morning, Carolyn walks downstairs, not having slept very well. She tells Julia she had a strange dream. In her dream, she was about to marry Chris Jennings, and he disappeared right before the ceremony began. Julia asks why she dreamt about Chris, and Carolyn explains he called her last night and asked to see her. Carolyn wonders why he goes for long periods of time without talking to her, and says he seems like he is "two different people" sometimes. Julia merely replies she doesn't know Chris very well, and quickly changes the subject. At the antique shop, Megan and Philip Todd are unloading new items for their store. Carolyn and Julia arrive. Philip shows Carolyn a painting that he purchased at an auction. The painting doesn't seem to impress anyone until Philip reveals that it was painted by Charles Delaware Tate, which immediately catches Julia's attention. Julia begins to ask numerous questions about the painting. Philip says the painting was created about 20 years ago, which surprises Julia, who claims that most of Tate's famous works were made around the turn of the century. Julia wonders if Tate might still be alive. Philip agrees to sell Julia the painting for $300, which shocks Carolyn. Megan and Philip celebrate their first big sale. At Collinwood, Julia searches for Tate's phone number in the phone book, but he is unlisted. Carolyn questions Julia's sudden interest in Tate's work, but she is evasive in her answers. Julia calls the auction house where Philip purchased the Tate painting from, but she learns they do not have any other Tate paintings. Julia wonders to herself where she could find Tate, if he is still alive. While walking through the woods at night, Carolyn sees the Leviathan Altar. She frantically wonders where it came from, and how she has never seen it before. Suddenly, the unknown man shows up at the altar. Carolyn asks who he is and why he is lurking around Collinwood. The unknown man says he is actually not sure why he is on the estate. She reveals herself as Carolyn Stoddard, which renders the unknown man speechless. After a short conversation, the unknown man leaves, saying they will be seeing each other again soon, much to Carolyn's dismay. At the antique shop, Philip and Megan are recording their sales for the day. Suddenly, a look of concern comes over Megan's face, and she suggests they close the shop early. Philip is curious about Megan's behavior. Megan explains she has had a terrible premonition that something bad is about to happen to them, and tells Philip they should sell the shop and leave Collinsport immediately. Philip dismisses her claim, and assures her that the antique shop will be a big success. In the woods on the Collins estate, the unknown man approaches the Leviathan Altar. He gazes at it momentarily, and then continues walking. After he leaves, there is a crash of lighting, and the altar opens up. Carolyn finds the alter. The stranger comes up and Carolyn asks who he is then asks him to leave.
- Lena sorgt sich um Annette und Alexander, die nie beim Kinderarzt angekommen sind. Maximilian macht sich auf die Suche nach den beiden und findet Annette und Alexander schließlich völlig durchgefroren. Zunächst scheint es Alexander gut zu gehen, bis sich über Nacht sein Zustand rapide verschlechtert. Als Richard erfährt, dass sich sein Gesundheitszustand verbessert hat, überrascht ihn das nicht. Seiner Meinung nach wirkt seine neue Freundin Celine wie ein Jungbrunnen auf ihn. Doch als Richard seine Tabletten eigenverantwortlich absetzen will, erhält sein Selbstbewusstsein ausgerechnet durch Celine einen herben Dämpfer. Annette ist immer noch in ihrer Panikattacke gefangen und ihr wird erst nach und nach klar, dass sie Alexander gefährdet hat. Katja versucht alles, um Annette die Selbstvorwürfe zu nehmen und sogar Ingo kommt nach Hause, um für sie da zu sein. Doch Annette fühlt sich schrecklich - erst recht, als es Alexander zusehends schlechter geht.