| - Vengeful Spirit was a feat of those who concentrated their piracy in a campaign of vengeance.
- The Vengeful Spirit is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found inside the Dom Ruins. Vengeful Spirits may appear alongside Red Slime and Vampire Bats and have the ability to cast Divide.
- Vengeful Spirits are a type of ghost, they are the most recurring type of ghost there is, they are also amongst the most dangerous.
- Years ago a young woman had been betrayed by one man after another until she was no longer capable of love and she threw herself into the ocean. That woman's tortured soul evolved into a vengeful spirit fuelled by its hatred towards men. The spirit, presenting itself as a beautiful woman, lures ships to disaster and drags unsuspecting victims to the bottom of the sea.
- Shendelzare, die Vengeful Spirit (Rachsüchtiger Geist), ist eine Agilitäts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Fernkampf-Heldin der Radiant. Im Spiel kann sie die Rolle eines Supports, einer Disablerin, eines Lane-Supports und einer Initiatorin übernehmen. Magic Missile eignet sich zum kurzzeitigen Betäuben und Schädigen von gegnerischen Heldinnen und Helden, während Wave of Terror ganzen Gegnergruppen einen Rüstungsbazug verpasst. Durch die passive Fähigkeit Vengeance Aura gewährt Vengeful Spirit sich und nahen Verbündeten einen prozentualen Schadensbonus, basierend auf ihrem Schaden. Tötet ein gegnerischer Held Vengeful Spirit, erhält er die Vengeance Aura, die jedoch den Schadensbonus durch einen prozentualen Malus ersetzt, bis Vengeful Spirit wieder lebt. Ihre Ultimate-Fähigkeit N
- In the early days of the galaxy-spanning campaign known as the Great Crusade, the Emperor and the only one of his sons to have been recovered, the Primarch Horus, forged the initial expansion of the newborn Imperium of Man. The Emperor of Mankind still walked among humanity, and vast Legions of Space Marines sallied forth to take possession of the galaxy, subduing all that stood before them and exterminating any xenos encountered to make way for His divine Manifest Destiny. When the Adeptus Mechanicus first swore their fealty to the Emperor as their Omnissiah following the Treaty of Mars, many wondrous and terrible creations did the Adepts of Mars construct to reunite all the disparate peoples of Mankind into one unified Imperium. Among these vessels was a new kind of warship, one of unbel
- Vengeful Spirits are created by the Spectre in his rage. They attack citizens, separating their soul from their body, creating Torn Spirits. They are encountered during the missions Vengeful Spirits and onward. They may deflect player-thrown items, but rarely. There is currently a glitch that causes cars in their control to rise higher and higher until they reached the ceiling of the game world instead of throwing at the player.
| - Years ago a young woman had been betrayed by one man after another until she was no longer capable of love and she threw herself into the ocean. That woman's tortured soul evolved into a vengeful spirit fuelled by its hatred towards men. The spirit, presenting itself as a beautiful woman, lures ships to disaster and drags unsuspecting victims to the bottom of the sea. As discovered by Motoko Aoyama during her mission to exorcise it, the spirit can also take possession of women through cursed jewelry that the women find and wear. Through these trinkets the spirit was able to posses both Naru Narusegawa and Kikuko Onoue. Unwilling to physically hurt the girls to destroy the spirit, Motoko learnt the Rock Splitting Spirit Sword technique to vanquish the woman and finally put her soul to rest.
- Vengeful Spirit was a feat of those who concentrated their piracy in a campaign of vengeance.
- Shendelzare, die Vengeful Spirit (Rachsüchtiger Geist), ist eine Agilitäts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Fernkampf-Heldin der Radiant. Im Spiel kann sie die Rolle eines Supports, einer Disablerin, eines Lane-Supports und einer Initiatorin übernehmen. Magic Missile eignet sich zum kurzzeitigen Betäuben und Schädigen von gegnerischen Heldinnen und Helden, während Wave of Terror ganzen Gegnergruppen einen Rüstungsbazug verpasst. Durch die passive Fähigkeit Vengeance Aura gewährt Vengeful Spirit sich und nahen Verbündeten einen prozentualen Schadensbonus, basierend auf ihrem Schaden. Tötet ein gegnerischer Held Vengeful Spirit, erhält er die Vengeance Aura, die jedoch den Schadensbonus durch einen prozentualen Malus ersetzt, bis Vengeful Spirit wieder lebt. Ihre Ultimate-Fähigkeit Nether Swap lässt Vengeful Spirit die Position mit einem gegnerischen oder verbündeten Helden ohne Verzögerung tauschen, sofern sich dieser in einer bestimmten Reichweite befindet. Dadurch kann Vengeful Verbündete vor dem Tode retten oder gegnerische Heldinnen und Helden in einen aussichtslosen Kampf stürzen. Mit Aghanim's Scepter wird die Abklingzeit von Nether Swap verringert und ermöglicht auch den Tausch mit Creeps. Zusätzlich erscheint mit dem Scepter nach ihrem Ableben eine Racheillusion, der schwächer als sie selbst ist, keine Gegenstände aber alle ihre Fähigkeiten wirken kann.
- In the early days of the galaxy-spanning campaign known as the Great Crusade, the Emperor and the only one of his sons to have been recovered, the Primarch Horus, forged the initial expansion of the newborn Imperium of Man. The Emperor of Mankind still walked among humanity, and vast Legions of Space Marines sallied forth to take possession of the galaxy, subduing all that stood before them and exterminating any xenos encountered to make way for His divine Manifest Destiny. When the Adeptus Mechanicus first swore their fealty to the Emperor as their Omnissiah following the Treaty of Mars, many wondrous and terrible creations did the Adepts of Mars construct to reunite all the disparate peoples of Mankind into one unified Imperium. Among these vessels was a new kind of warship, one of unbelievably vast dimensions equipped with all the firepower of a Battleship but capable of transporting and delivering vast numbers of men and materiel directly to the battlefield. This new type of warship served as the chariots that carried forth the Emperor and his Primarchs to conquer the galaxy. Designated a Battle Barge, no other starship type came to be as feared and respected as these, and just their arrival would often result in the quick surrender of a contested star system. A heavy ingot of fashioned iron, the Vengeful Spirit radiated quiet power. Even from a distance one could see hundreds of gun turrets and the slender rods of massive accelerator cannons that were twice the length of most Imperial Battleships themselves. The prow of Horus' flagship displayed a massive golden ring which bisected a slim ellipse. This was the eye of the Warmaster himself, unblinking and open to see all that transpired. From the Vengeful Spirit's Strategium, and later the Lupercal's Court, a throne room centred upon the voidship's massive command deck, Horus would coordinate the military and diplomatic efforts of the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade, and countless thousands of Imperial personnel from a multitude of Imperial organisations who lived and worked on board. Additionally, because the vessel was so old, one of the first warships built for the Imperium by the Mechanicus of Mars following the alliance between the newborn Imperium of Man and the Priesthood of Mars in the late 30th Millennium, the core of the ship was a rotting, empty labyrinth of filth and vermin. It was there, in the bowels of the Vengeful Spirit, that the Chaos-tainted Word Bearers First Chaplain Erebus schemed to corrupt Horus to Chaos on the command of his new masters within the Immaterium. Erebus hid the Chaos-tainted blade known as the Kinebrach Anathame that would be used to mortally wound Horus on the feral moon of the world of Davin within this area of the warship after he stole the weapon from the Hall of Devices museum on the Interex world of Xenobia. The core of the Vengeful Spirit is also where Erebus would eventually hold the ritualistic ceremonies of dark worship and human sacrifices that were required for Horus to communicate with the Ruinous Powers of the Warp he later called allies. Over time, and especially after the Istvaan III Atrocity, the Venegeful Spirit became less of a warship and more of a temple to the Dark Gods of Chaos whom Horus came to revere in his quest for domination over the Imperium of Man. The Sons of Horus took part in many of the campaigns of the Horus Heresy, from the betrayal at the Drop Site Massacre of Istvaan V right through to the Siege of the Emperor's Palace. It was in the all-consuming fires of the Horus Heresy that Battle Barges proved themselves as both the bane and savior of Mankind. Countless worlds were reduced to rubble and seas of radioactive glass under the withering fire of its many rows of weapon batteries, and countless numbers of these vessels were lost defending Loyalist worlds against the host of the Betrayer's warfleets. In fact, it was aboard the Vengeful Spirit, the flagship of Horus throughout the conflict, that the final climactic battle of wills took place between the Emperor and his once favoured son who have become the most foul Arch-Traitor in Mankind's history. Though the Emperor was mortally wounded, Horus was slain, and this one act spelled defeat for the Forces of Chaos as the battle for Terra was won and Humanity's once-bright future was shattered beyond repair. Following the Horus Heresy, Abaddon the Despoiler, the former First Captain of the Sons of Horus, new Warmaster of Chaos Undivided and commander of the renamed Black Legion, claimed the Vengeful Spirit as his own flagship. It still forms the heart of the Black Legion's fleet to this day. Nearly all of the titanic warships of the Gloriana-class were lost or destroyed during and immediately after the Horus Heresy and subsequent reorganisation of the remaining Loyalist Space Marine Legions during the Second Founding into the many Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes that thereafter existed for millennia. Few of these vessels are still confirmed to exist, such as the Harbinger of Doom of the Black Legion and the Stonebreaker of the Iron Warriors, though others may still ply the unassailable reaches of the Maelstrom and the Eye of Terror. Though exceedingly rare, these vessels still rightfully command deep respect and fear.
- The Vengeful Spirit is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found inside the Dom Ruins. Vengeful Spirits may appear alongside Red Slime and Vampire Bats and have the ability to cast Divide.
- Vengeful Spirits are created by the Spectre in his rage. They attack citizens, separating their soul from their body, creating Torn Spirits. They are encountered during the missions Vengeful Spirits and onward. They are fairly easy to defeat, although their numbers may be overwhelming. Their normal attacks are quite weak, but they have the rare ability of telekinesis - they could throw vendor machines, cars, even buses and other Vengeful Spirits (encased) at players. While this does not make them immune to the player's thrown projectiles and they could not snatch cars out of the player's hands, in the case of multiple Spirits, they could smashing the player around repeatedly, making it rather disorienting, complicated by their ability to fly. Players are advised to steer clear of the land and fight them on open waters. They may deflect player-thrown items, but rarely. There is currently a glitch that causes cars in their control to rise higher and higher until they reached the ceiling of the game world instead of throwing at the player.
- Vengeful Spirits are a type of ghost, they are the most recurring type of ghost there is, they are also amongst the most dangerous.