| - Sovani oriented executioner.
- Marbas was a demon who was trapped in a Pyxis by Edmund Herondale.
- Marbas can heal or cause disease. He answers questions about things that have been stolen and gives great wisdom and knowledge. He teaches mechanics and gives knowledge about things hidden or secret. He can cause one to shape shift.
- Marbas era un demonio de alto rango que solía ir a la tierra en diversas ocasiones para provocar estragos, su penúltima visita a la tierra fue en 1853. Su peor enemigo era Edmund Herondale, quien lo encerró en una pyxis. Es el segundo principal antagonista de Príncipe Mecánico.
- Marbases are Monsters from Maplestory. __TOC__
- Marbas is an Inferno Demon Lord hero in Heroes of Might and Magic V.
- The fifth demon listed in the Ars Goetia, Barbas is a President of Hell with the appearance of a great lion although it can change its shape into a man under the conjurer`s petition. He governs 36 legions of demons and has the power to answer truly hidden or secret things, heal or inflict diseases, teach mechanical arts and change men into other shapes. According to the Grand Grimoire, he is a direct subordinate of Lucifuge.
- Marbas egy démon, akit Edmund Herondale tizennégy éves korában egy pyxis-be zárt. Sok évvel később Edmund fia, Will kinyitotta a pyxis-t. Marbas kiszabadult és Will-re támadt. Miközben Will nővére, Ella a testvére segítségére sietett és elüldözte Marbas-t, megsebesült és még aznap éjjel meghalt Marbas mérge miatt.
- In demonology, Marbas or Barbas is a demon described in the Ars Goetia. He is depicted as a great lion that, under the conjurer's request, changes shape into a man. He is described as the Great President of Hell governing thirty-six legions of demons. He answers truly on hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes men into other shapes.
- Marbas war ein niederer Dämon, der von Edmund Herondale in einer Pyxis gefangen wurde.