| - Jambi is a blue-faced (later green) genie who lived in a jeweled box. Usually appeared once per show to grant Pee-wee a wish, often with unexpected results. Sometimes he appeared more than once per show or not at all. His catchphrases included "Wish? Did somebody say 'Wish'?", and the magic words "Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho" (which grew more complicated as the show progressed), and once a wish had been granted, "The wish has been granted. All hail/Long live Jambi!". Rather than granting people three wishes or an unlimited number of wishes like most genies, Jambi is a special kind of genie that grants people only one wish a day, and he constantly reminds Pee-wee of this when the man-child selfishly asks for more wishes. Jambi says the rule is actually one wish per show; such as when one time Pee-Wee felt he had no desires and wished he knew what to wish for, Jambi granted that wish, but Pee-Wee had used up his wish, and asked Magic Screen to replay the event, to which Pee-Wee felt taken advantage of. Also, Pee-Wee can transfer his wish to another, as in the case when Cowboy Curtis wished to replace his worn-out boots. Jambi warns that will forfeit Pee-Wee's daily wish, but Pee Wee says it is good to let someone else take advantage of wishing for things instead of it being just him monopolizing the wishes; the same thing occurs later when Miss Yvonne wishes for a pair of clogging shoes, earlier when Jambi himself wishes for another cup of tea, and later when Cowboy Curtis wishes for a set of pajamas. However, Jambi cannot grant wishes involving dogs, as he is very allergic to them, although he says he would love to. In Fire in the Playhouse, although he states that it would be weird to do so, Jambi grants Pterri's wish to go into the dream world and see what Pee-wee is dreaming about. Jambi's wishes often obtained the desired results, but can sometimes run into trouble. When Pee-Wee turned himself invisible from a mail-order magic kit in Now You See Me, Now You Don't, he cannot reverse the process and figured Jambi can bail him out. Jambi actually cautions Pee-Wee against wishing, as mixing magics is dangerous and unpredictable. This proves true as Jambi makes Pee-Wee partially visible, but his head is still invisible. Jambi agrees to wishing again as that is more of an emergency and he is working with the other Playhouse characters, the audience, and fellow spirits of magic to save Pee-Wee, using an indeterminate amount of his powers to save him. In the Christmas special, when Pee-Wee and Jambi are readying everything for the party, Pee-Wee says he would like an extra wish, angering the genie. However at the end, Jambi agrees to an extra wish as it is the holiday season.