| - Warbikerz are speed-addicted Orks known as Speed Freeks who are primarily members of the Kult of Speed, an Ork kult whose members rarely if ever leave the saddle. These grinning loons roar into battle upon massive single-seater attack bikes called Warbikes, with twin-linked mounted Dakkagunz -- an exceptionally heavy armament for such a small vehicle -- which often leads to their Warbikes bucking and spinning wildly out of control when the guns are fired. The Orks find that this adds to the appeal of the bike, making it more exciting to ride. Nothing can compare to the raw excitement of hurtling towards the enemy on a Warbike with all guns blazing. This is why so many Speed Freeks and Evil Sunz Orks are Warbikers. Warbikerz are so reckless that they will even let go of the handlebars when careening into the enemy the better to lay about themselves with Sluggas, Choppas and improvised weapons. Warbikerz typically have a specific set to their features, especially after a really good battle. Their lips are drawn back in an ecstatic toothy grin, and their bloodshot and unfocused eyes are opened frighteningly wide. They often seem to shake for a good hour or two after leaving the saddle, for suspension is unheard of in Ork vehicles. Even in times of relative peace Warbikerz have a tendency to let loose the occasional whoop or cackle as they relive their glorious charge into the ranks of the foe. Warbikerz function as outriders and shock troops for the main horde. The pall of exhaust and oily smoke thrown up by their vehicle helps conceal their advance, giving them a measure of protection from enemy guns. Some Warbiker tribes have even been known to use controlled skids to communicate messages back to their fellows by sending up clouds of dust. The Flaming Skull tribe go one step further, and are allegedly able to synchronise the skids of their bikes so precisely that when enemy aircraft pass overhead they are greeted by trails of oily smoke and dust that spell out "Zog Off."