Red Rock Canyon is a location that serves as a refuge to the Great Khans, in the north-west of the Mojave Wasteland, west of Chance's map. Before the Great War, the area was reserved as a "Southwest Commonwealth Conservation Area".
Red Rock Canyon ist ein Canyon und die Heimat der Großkhane. Er befindet sich im nordwestlichen Teil des Mojave-Ödlands, westlich von Chance's Karte. Vor dem großen Krieg war dieser Ort ein Naturschutzgebiet.
Red Rock Canyon is a location that serves as a refuge to the Great Khans, in the north-west of the Mojave Wasteland, west of Chance's map. Before the Great War, the area was reserved as a "Southwest Commonwealth Conservation Area".
Red Rock Canyon es una localización en la parte noroeste del Yermo de Mojave. El mismo sirve como refugio de los Grandes Khans.