| - Designed primarily as a reconnaissance vehicle, the All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT) walker is both swift and lightly armored letting a trooper advance through the enemy quickly as well as providing a small amount of protection. Manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards during the height of the Clone Wars, it has since been replaced by the All Terrain Scout Transport.
- The All Terrain Recon Transport or AT-RT, is one of the many predecessors to the AT-ST. In the game, it's great to use, but you must be careful that the droids don't shoot you. This scout vehicle is often pitted against the much larger, better armed and armoured AAT. This is a very tough opponent to destroy with such a tiny walker. The key is to keep moving around while keeping your Mortar Cannons aimed on to the enemy. Though this walker is mediocre at targeting tanks. It is however one of the best Infantry support vehicles in the game, its Mortar Cannons can take out groups of enemies in one hit, and the Laser Cannons are great for finishing off survivors.
- Az All Terrian Recon Transport (AT-RT) egy egyszemélyes, lépegető jármű, amely feladata az ellenség felderítése és az segítséggel való megsemmisítése. A gépet elsőként a Galaktikus Köztársaság és a Galaktikus Birodalom használta, de sokat szerzett magának a Lázadók Szövetsége is.
- The AT-RT was released in 2005 with the Revenge of the Sith set.
- Der AT-RT 75002 enthält die Minifiguren von Yoda, eines Klon-Kriegers der 501. Legion und die eines Captain der Kommando-Droiden.