| - The Russian Mafia are a group of armed peasants who lived in Kimbaherskye. There leader, Victor, was killed by Crypto in an odd job. Their weapon choice was a shotgun. They are dressed like other male peasants in Tunguska, except, like Yakuza gangsters, wore dark black sunglasses. The Russian Mafia have formed a relationship with the Blisk. It's not for sure how they have formed this relationship, but a Russian Mafia soldier can go into blisk territory without being attacked. Russian Mafia soldiers will not attack blisk either.
- The Russian Mafia also known as the Russian Mob, or Russian Organized Crime (ROC) refers to a powerful Russian crime syndicate (or possibly multiple syndicates) based in several cities of the United States, including Los Angeles. Since the Farmington District is mostly made up Hispanics and African-Americans, the ROC does not have a large presence. However they are very powerful outside of Farmington.
- Not nearly as powerful as they used to be, the Russian Mafia is known for kidnapping people and selling their cyberbrains and organs oversees. This black market is the largest financial source for the Mafia. They began this kidnappings almost ten years ago, being dubbed the Blindfold Ivan abductions. They stopped for a short time and then restarted again, only to be stopped in their tracks by Section 9.
- Russian mafia is an independent mafia group. The purpose of the organisation is to destroy Europe by the nuclear bomb. They are commanded by their present leader Ekk.
- The Russian Mafia was a Russian organized crime syndicate active in Northern California and Oregon.
- Mafiya, or Mafya (aka "Red Mafia" or "Krasnaya Mafiya), is a name given to a broad group of organized criminals of various ethnicity which appeared from the Soviet Union after its disintegration in 1991. Apart from ethnic Russians, the term comprises disproportianately large numbers of Jews and Chechens, as well as the Georgian, the Ukrainian, the Armenian, and the Azeri mob, as well as so called "mafia" groups from other former USSR republics. Within this article, the terms "mafia" and "mafya" will both be used.
- thumb|Russian Mafia GTA IV:ssä[[Tiedosto:Russian_Mob_GTA_SA.jpg|thumb|Russian Mafia San Andreasissa.]]Russian Mafia eli Venäjän Mafia on jengi GTA 2:sessa, San Andreasissa ja GTA IV:ssä. Jengi oli erikoisuus ennen GTA IV:tä, koska Venäjän Mafia on myös oikeasti olemassa. Jäsenet pukeutuvat yleensä venäläistyylisesti.
- The Russian Mafia were a group of Russian Human friends of Viktor Tikhonov, a cadet at Starfleet Academy in 2255 in an alternate reality. The group was named for elements of Russian organized crime. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent)
- History: The Russian mafia, also known as the Bratva, Russian for 'Brotherhood' started on Terra, in the nation of Russia, in the form of banditry and thievery, known as Vory v zakone or "thieves in law". Over time, this loose affiliation of thieves and bandits would grow closer, and form a real organization, which would come to rule the Russian underworld, controlling the black market, and having signifigant governmental influence. Seat or Government center: Moscow, Russia, on Earth, in the Sol system. Current LeaderBorys Antonov
- The Russian Mafia is regarded by the U.S. Government, and the FBI to be one of the most powerful, influential, efficient, ruthless, dangerous, and feared crime syndicate's in the world. The Russian Mafia is extremely notorious for murder, bombings, terrorism, arson, ruthless torture, brutal violence, brutality, viciousness, ruthlessness, and the fact that they will kill anybody or anyone who stands in their way and threatens their organization. their main criminal activities that they are involved in are weapons trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking, forced prostitution, drug trafficking, counterfeiting, prostitution, fraud, protection racketeering, pornography, extortion, murder, fencing, bribery, arson, bombing, terrorism, contract killing, wildlife smuggling, and smuggling. Th
- The Russian Mafia are one of the five factions in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. They are very different from all the other factions in the game, and not just because they are not an army representing a cause and nation. Unlike the Chinese, who want to annex North Korea, the South Koreans, who want to reunify North Korea with them under their government, the Allied Nations, who want to find North Korea's nuclear weapons and disable them and capture or kill Choi Song, and the North Koreans, who oppose the goals of everyone else, the Russian Mafia is in North Korea to work their way into NK society and engage in as much looting and war profiteering as possible while the fighting goes on. The Russian Mafia is in North Korea to make money, and they never pretend otherwise.
- The Russian Mafia (Russian: Русская мафия, Russkaya mafiya) or Bratva (Братва; slang for "brotherhood", which applies to all gangs, including rivals) — often transliterated as Mafiya — are names designating a diverse group of organized crime syndicates originating in the former Soviet Union, Russia and the CIS. Since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, these groups have amassed considerable worldwide power and influence. They are active in virtually every part of Russian society. Russian criminals are internationally active in illegal oil trade, smuggling of weapons and nuclear material and money laundering.
| - The Russian Mafia are a group of armed peasants who lived in Kimbaherskye. There leader, Victor, was killed by Crypto in an odd job. Their weapon choice was a shotgun. They are dressed like other male peasants in Tunguska, except, like Yakuza gangsters, wore dark black sunglasses. The Russian Mafia have formed a relationship with the Blisk. It's not for sure how they have formed this relationship, but a Russian Mafia soldier can go into blisk territory without being attacked. Russian Mafia soldiers will not attack blisk either.
- The Russian Mafia also known as the Russian Mob, or Russian Organized Crime (ROC) refers to a powerful Russian crime syndicate (or possibly multiple syndicates) based in several cities of the United States, including Los Angeles. Since the Farmington District is mostly made up Hispanics and African-Americans, the ROC does not have a large presence. However they are very powerful outside of Farmington.
- History: The Russian mafia, also known as the Bratva, Russian for 'Brotherhood' started on Terra, in the nation of Russia, in the form of banditry and thievery, known as Vory v zakone or "thieves in law". Over time, this loose affiliation of thieves and bandits would grow closer, and form a real organization, which would come to rule the Russian underworld, controlling the black market, and having signifigant governmental influence. Today, the Russian mafia still exists, though it is much larger in scope than their forebearers could ever have imagined, existing now as an interstellar crime organization, with operations throughout the Former Confederation, the Terran Empire, and even some inroads into the Talosian territories. The Russian Mafia makes most of its money in simple racketeering, extortion, and prostitution, though they have expanded into smuggling, arms dealing, slavery, mercenary work, and even terrorism. Seat or Government center: Moscow, Russia, on Earth, in the Sol system. Controlled Regions of space: "Little Moscow", on Ceres, large parts of Ford City, Adhara, All of Moscow, on Earth, various smaller holdings. Current LeaderBorys Antonov
- Not nearly as powerful as they used to be, the Russian Mafia is known for kidnapping people and selling their cyberbrains and organs oversees. This black market is the largest financial source for the Mafia. They began this kidnappings almost ten years ago, being dubbed the Blindfold Ivan abductions. They stopped for a short time and then restarted again, only to be stopped in their tracks by Section 9.
- Russian mafia is an independent mafia group. The purpose of the organisation is to destroy Europe by the nuclear bomb. They are commanded by their present leader Ekk.
- The Russian Mafia was a Russian organized crime syndicate active in Northern California and Oregon.
- Mafiya, or Mafya (aka "Red Mafia" or "Krasnaya Mafiya), is a name given to a broad group of organized criminals of various ethnicity which appeared from the Soviet Union after its disintegration in 1991. Apart from ethnic Russians, the term comprises disproportianately large numbers of Jews and Chechens, as well as the Georgian, the Ukrainian, the Armenian, and the Azeri mob, as well as so called "mafia" groups from other former USSR republics. Within this article, the terms "mafia" and "mafya" will both be used.
- The Russian Mafia (Russian: Русская мафия, Russkaya mafiya) or Bratva (Братва; slang for "brotherhood", which applies to all gangs, including rivals) — often transliterated as Mafiya — are names designating a diverse group of organized crime syndicates originating in the former Soviet Union, Russia and the CIS. Since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, these groups have amassed considerable worldwide power and influence. They are active in virtually every part of Russian society. Russian criminals are internationally active in illegal oil trade, smuggling of weapons and nuclear material and money laundering. In December 2009, Timur Lakhonin, the head of the Russian National Central Bureau of Interpol, stated: "Certainly, there is crime involving our former compatriots abroad, but there is no data suggesting that an organized structure of criminal groups comprising former Russians exists abroad".
- The Russian Mafia are one of the five factions in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. They are very different from all the other factions in the game, and not just because they are not an army representing a cause and nation. Unlike the Chinese, who want to annex North Korea, the South Koreans, who want to reunify North Korea with them under their government, the Allied Nations, who want to find North Korea's nuclear weapons and disable them and capture or kill Choi Song, and the North Koreans, who oppose the goals of everyone else, the Russian Mafia is in North Korea to work their way into NK society and engage in as much looting and war profiteering as possible while the fighting goes on. The Russian Mafia is in North Korea to make money, and they never pretend otherwise. This selfish and materialistic goal makes the Russian Mafia an ideal potential friend, ally, and employer of the Executive Operations mercenary. Both the mercenary and the Mafia are not in North Korea for patriotism or any political cause- money is the primary motivation and concern for both of them. The Russian Mafia stands to make a truly spectacular profit if its operations in North Korea are successful, and they are more than willing to share that profit if the mercenary helps them along the way. However, the other factions all have strong disagreements with the Mafia, as they are unwilling to make room for organized crime in their goals for North Korea. Though they wield immense financial and political power and influence, the Mafia is first and foremost a criminal organization and therefore has no major military presence in North Korea. However, its well-armed thugs and customized vehicles patrol the streets of many North Korean cities, including the capital, Pyongyang. The men working for the Russian Mafia go well-armed and even start fielding light attack helicopters during the game. Most Mafia Thugs carry Type 85 Sub-Machine Guns and most Capos (officers) carry Shotguns. The Mafia Enforcers are equipped with RPD light machine guns, Dragunov SVD's, and RPGs. But the Mafia still have the lightest ground presence out of all the factions, with few men and no tanks or APCs, and very few helicopters. The Northern Province, however, has a vast presence of Mafia Technicals and SUVs, presumably since at this point, there is no Allied or NK navy blockade to stop their import. Any land vehicle can be sold to the Mafia's chop shop. High-end vehicles (such as tanks) are naturally worth the most money. The less damaged the vehicle being delivered is, the more the Mafia will pay for it. They do not reduce payment if a vehicle has less ammunition than its full capacity, however. This is the only way outside of missions and killing NK, SK, or Chinese soldiers to raise the player's standing with the Mafia. The Russian Mafia also runs the Merchant of Menace shop, which can be accessed via your PDA. This shop allows you to purchase vehicles and supply drops, as well as air strikes unlocked throughout the game. If the Mafia becomes hostile to the player, the player will be locked out of the shop. The shop also increases prices the more unfriendly the Mafia is to the player, and lowers it if they become friendlier. If the player works with the Russian Mafia steadily and assists them in making higher and higher profits as their operations become broader and more daring, the game can end with the Russian Mafia firmly in control in North Korea if they are the most friendly faction to the player. The Russian Mafia never meant to just come to North Korea, make a big profit during the war, and then leave; they fully intended to settle in for a long and very profitable stay. Whether it is China or South Korea who absorb defeated North Korea with the player's aid, the Russian Mafia- if the player has consistently aided them- has a strong grip on North Korea and will not give it up easily.
- thumb|Russian Mafia GTA IV:ssä[[Tiedosto:Russian_Mob_GTA_SA.jpg|thumb|Russian Mafia San Andreasissa.]]Russian Mafia eli Venäjän Mafia on jengi GTA 2:sessa, San Andreasissa ja GTA IV:ssä. Jengi oli erikoisuus ennen GTA IV:tä, koska Venäjän Mafia on myös oikeasti olemassa. Jäsenet pukeutuvat yleensä venäläistyylisesti.
- The Russian Mafia is regarded by the U.S. Government, and the FBI to be one of the most powerful, influential, efficient, ruthless, dangerous, and feared crime syndicate's in the world. The Russian Mafia is extremely notorious for murder, bombings, terrorism, arson, ruthless torture, brutal violence, brutality, viciousness, ruthlessness, and the fact that they will kill anybody or anyone who stands in their way and threatens their organization. their main criminal activities that they are involved in are weapons trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking, forced prostitution, drug trafficking, counterfeiting, prostitution, fraud, protection racketeering, pornography, extortion, murder, fencing, bribery, arson, bombing, terrorism, contract killing, wildlife smuggling, and smuggling. The Russian Mafia is a 8.5 Billion dollar a year vast organized crime syndicate. The Russian Mafia has approximately 350,000 official members across 450 groups. The Russian Mafia has always been just as powerful and efficient as the Italian Mafia and the American Mafia, but are more violent than both. The Russian Mafia is well known for having elaborate and hierarchical tattoos, They frequently use military tactics, and they also use advanced high-tech military weapons, such as Mini-Guns, M50 Machine Guns, M60 Machine Guns, Carbine Rifles, AK-47's, M16 Rifles, .50 Caliber Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, RPG's, Grenades, and high-tech bombs. It has been said by the FBI that "the Russian Mafia has just as much resources, reach, and influences as the Russian Military, The Russian Mafia also has the resources and reach to have access to Nuclear Weapons, and either use them or sell them on the black market. The Russian Mafia is the most scariest and treacherous criminal organization on the Planet. The Russian Mafia is also the most dangerous people in the World." Organized crime in Russia began in the imperial period of the Tsars, but it was not until the Soviet era that vory v zakone ("thieves-in-law") emerged as leaders of prison groups in gulags (Soviet prison labor camps), and their honor code became more defined. After World War II, the death of Joseph Stalin, and the fall of the Soviet Union, more gangs emerged in a flourishing black market, exploiting the unstable governments of the former Republics, and at its highest point, even controlling as much as two-thirds of the Russian economy. Louis Freeh, former director of the FBI, once said that the Russian mafia posed the greatest threat to U.S. national security in the mid-1990s.[3] In modern times, there are as many as 6,000 different groups[citation needed], with more than 200 of them having a global reach. Criminals of these various groups are either former prison members[clarification needed], corrupt Communist officials and business leaders, people with ethnic ties, or people from the same region with shared criminal experiences and leaders[clarification needed].[4] However, the existence of such groups has been debated[clarification needed]. In December 2009, Timur Lakhonin, the head of the Russian National Central Bureau of Interpol, stated "Certainly, there is crime involving our former compatriots abroad, but there is no data suggesting that an organized structure of criminal groups comprising former Russians exists abroad",[5] while in August 2010, Alain Bauer, a French criminologist, said that it "is one of the best structured criminal organizations in Europe, with a quasi-military operation."[6]
- The Russian Mafia were a group of Russian Human friends of Viktor Tikhonov, a cadet at Starfleet Academy in 2255 in an alternate reality. The group was named for elements of Russian organized crime. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent)