| - Shark Magnum Arcee Megatron Nitrogear Slipstream Echo NPC Nobyl It is another cycle in the chaos that currently holds Iacon in its grip. All major systems are currently offline or in a state of severe damage. Mechanics are working as fast as possible to keep only the most critical systems online - but even through their efforts, Iacon's defensive grid flickers offline. Magnum is stationed here, complete in Hover platform mode. Instead of hovering, Magnum has planted himself firmly on terra firma, with siege stabilizers out and anchoring himself to Cybertron's surface. His cannon is out and ready to defend Iacon with his very spark if need be. Upon closer examination, even the surface of Cybertron seems uneasy under Magnum's weight and siege defensive mode. Shark is standing with Magnum, watching over the workers as his scanners along with sonar and radar are actively checking out the landscape as well as the sky. "I wish this would stop, getting really annoying when you wake up out of recharge and the lights won't come on." he mutters. "This is getting annoying," Arcee says. She's with Magnum and Shark, and worried about all these malfunctions. "Do you think maybe the Decepticons are responsible?" Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 3! Nobyl approaches in from receiving the alert that Iacon's defensive grid is offline. It seems like all available Autobots have been called to aid in the defense of Iacon. Nobyl takes the front line, away from Magnum so he can have the range required for siege mode. "Worry not, fellow Autobots!" Nobyl proclaims. "We will protect our fair city in this time of need." However.. Nobyl's presence only amplifies the power of the radiation field unknowingly being emitted from Nobyl due to the close proximity. Of course, Megatron has heard word of the Autobot's peril, and has decided that now would be the premier time to attempt to destroy the Autobots once and for all. Megatron has brought two of his strongest warriors.. Nitrogear, recent victor of the Tron games, and Slipstream, recent.. augmentee. Megatron leads the way with his pack of Decepticons in flight to the Ruins of Iacon's Suburbs. Barely working, Iacon's warning claxon sounds with an unnatural whine as it dies again at the end. "HAhahahaha! How pathetic! I will allow you to plead for your Sparks before I destroy you and I become the new ruler of Iacon!" Nitrogear sneers, "Submit to the might of the Decepticon Empire!" Nitrogear points his finger directly at Nobyl, "As for you, I'm going to beat you into next orn!" Turning his optics to Megatron, Nitrogear grins as he says, "Ready for your orders, Lord Megatron. Direct the might of the Empire and we will crush them!" Megatron picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Megatron rolls a 10! Megatron picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Megatron rolls a 1! Shark picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Shark rolls a 14! Slipstream is flying with Megatron and Nitrogear, knowing her presence would be expected. She still has a slight raise in her systems thanks to the Nucleon infusion, though it's dropped a bit since then. She is right off of Nitrogear's wing, chuckling a bit at the bravado from the two mechs. Her lance is on her nosecone, ready to spear anyone that isn't quick enough to avoid it. "Ready to dive at your order, my Lord." Slipstream picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Slipstream rolls a 1! Arcee picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Arcee rolls a 6! Luckily, Magnum hasn't been affected yet by Nobyl's radiation field. Magnum stands his ground, "We will never give up, Decepticons! Leave now!" Magnum's cannon raises and points directly at the largest threat - Megatron. "Megatron, you will never force your rule on us! We will always oppose the likes of you. This is your last warning!" Magnum radios in, "Maintenance, this is Magnum. Get those defenses online, Decepticons are Here! This is not a drill!" Nobyl also issues a similar directive. He points his rifle also at the Decepticon group, and walks boldly towards them. With this action, Nobyl has unknowingly directed his radiation field directly at the Decepticons. Power remains offline in Iacon as Nobyl's radiation field is quite large and powerful. Residual effects also remain in the system. "Megatron! I will beat you back to Polyhex where you belong! Now go!" Shark hrms as his scanners somehow missed the Decepticons that come into the area. Must have came in through a dead spot or something. He has his weapons system online and ready to go. Pistol in hand. Rifle and turret ready to shoot. "Yeah go home or I'll bite you again Megatron!" he yells up. "You won't win here, Megatron!" Arcee shouts. She raises her pistol to fire at the incoming Decepticons. "It figures you would try to take advantage of a situation like this! What's the matter? Too much of a coward to face us on even terms?" Arcee picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Arcee rolls a 2! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 11! Slipstream picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Slipstream rolls a 13! Megatron picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Megatron rolls a 10! Megatron picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Megatron rolls a 12! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 18! Shark picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Shark rolls a 14! Arcee picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Arcee rolls a 20! Megatron picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Megatron rolls a 3! Since Megatron was firing on Arcee, he gets hit by Shark's rifle shot. His armor easily takes the shot, but this gets Megatron predictably angry. "I will enjoy showing you the true meaning of pain. And this time, it is NOT your lucky day." Megatron aims his cannon towards Shark now, acquiring his new target. "Now take a bite out of THIS!" Megatron exclaims as he fires his cannon towards Shark. Nitrogear grins, "With pleasure, Lord Megatron! NOBYL! You are mine! Face me!" Nitrogear rushes into the battle, engines thrusting him forward towards Nobyl. He transforms in midair, allowing himself to land in front of Nobyl. Unfortunately, his maneuver gets him too close to Nobyl as the radiation field penetrates his armor. "What in the PIT..?" Nitrogear swears loudly while taking up a fighting stance and aiming his fist directly towards Nobyl's head. Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 2! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 16! Slipstream's systems feel some sort of electrical interference as they fly closer to the Autobot grounders below. She's annoyed by it enough that she will power dive toward the obvious threat of a cannon toting Autobot called Magnum in hopes of impaling him with her lance. Once Megatron starts things off, she dives toward the mech. Shark picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Shark rolls a 19! Shark picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Shark rolls a 4! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 20! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 3! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 8! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 7! Arcee picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Arcee rolls a 20! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 14! Arcee picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Arcee rolls a 18! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 9! Magnum is finally affected by Nobyl's radiation.. "It's affecting me too.... Autobots! System report! Maintenance, what's the status on those defenses?" Maintenance responds with, "Still offline, Sir!" This is not looking good for the Autobot defense force as he looks around, seeing all but Arcee behaving abnormally. His optics flicker, allowing Slipstream to easily pass his minimum range requirements with her lance. Magnum can only take a educated shot towards Slipstream's trajectory for a return shot. Nobyl gets clocked right in the mug by Nitrogear's punch. "Ah, finally a Mech who wants to fight honorably. Let us duel!" Nobyl exclaims, also taking up his fighting stance. "That was a decent opening move, but we will prevail in the end!" Nobyl winds his punch up as well, directing it to the midsection. Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 17! Odin picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Odin rolls a 13! Shark grins toothily as his shot scores on the Decepticon leader, though it doesn't seem to bother him but more like really make him mad. The cannon shot toward him was expected so he can evade it easily as he looks for some cover to shoot from safely. (No attack) He radios back, "Something is messing with my scanners. Wait.. now my weapons systems are going weird on me. Not a good time for that." he sighs. Slipstream picks up the dicebag and takes out a D20 Slipstream rolls a 6! A white flash streaks across the sky. Having been on patrol and called in to assist, Echo arcs high overhead, watching below. He flips over, wings dazzling as he radios his comrades