miniatur| Das Wappen von Hard Hard ist eine Marktgemeinde Bezirk Bregenz im österreichischen Bundesland Vorarlberg an der Grenze zu Bayern. Sie grenzt an Bregenz, Lauterach und Fußach.
Hard jobs are found in the Employment Office. There is currently only one hard job in Webkinz World: KinzPost Sorter. Hard jobs give you a lot of KinzCash.
Hard (also known as Advanced in Guitar Hero Live) is the second hardest difficulty in the Guitar Hero series after Expert (except on drums where after Expert and Expert +). While it uses all five fret buttons (or six buttons in Guitar Hero Live), its note patterns are not as difficult as Expert, and most songs are easy to Full Combo for an experienced Expert player. Hammer Ons and Pull Offs are not as common in Hard (and there are fewer streaks that last for several hundred notes.
"Think your hot stuff huh?" Tagline for Hard. Hard is the 2nd hardest difficulty in the game and is reccomended for players who are great at the game.
(Not to be confused with Hard difficulty) Hard is a Bloon property. Hard Bloons have a 15% chance not to be affected by sharp things that hit them. It is difficult with the Unstoppable property. Hard Bloons have a grey rock on them.
Hard was a Belgian robot that competed in Series 7 of Robot Wars. Hard reached the second round of Series 7 and represented Belgium in The Third World Championship. Hard was built by Team Compactory, with help from Team Mad Science and Team KODOX roboteer Mario "Maddox" de Jongh, who lived near two of the team members in Belgium. "The big problem is to stay in the arena." — Frank Van Rest