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- Kurt Steven Angle (Mount Lebanon, 9 de dezembro de 1968) é um lutador de wrestling profissional norte-americano. Trabalhou para a Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Angle começou a lutar em torneios de wrestling amador no final dos anos 80, tendo ganho vários títulos antes de conquistar uma medalha de ouro nos Jogos Olímpicos de 1996. Angle iniciou sua carreira de wrestling profissional na World Wrestling Entertainment onde permaneceu entre 1999 e 2006. NA WWE foi seis vezes campeão mundial.
- Kurt Angle, detto Curt Eingol o Curtello (lui ha l'eingol corto, chissà cosa sia...), è la contofigura ufficiale di Charlie Brown. Conosciuto anche per il suo lavoro da lottatore per finta, è sposato con Maria, con cui passa spesso bellissime giornate.
- Intensity, Integrity, Intelligence. These are the things that make Kurt Angle so great. A 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist(WITH A BROKEN FREAKING NECK), a multi time WWE champion, and a resume for making the all time greats tap the f**k out. Kurt has proven time and time again that he is one of the greatest wrestlers to ever live. Oh it's true! It's damn true!
- Kurt Angle(原名Kurt Steven Angle)目前是 TNA 活躍的一線選手,並且兩次成為TNA World Heavyweight Championship。而他最為人所共知是於1996年代表美國參加奧運會,並贏得自由式摔角金牌,當他轉戰職業摔角時,他的外號便順理成章是「奧運金牌得主」、「美國英雄」。早年於 WWE 發展了一段很長的時間,2006年9月開始轉戰 TNA。
- Greatest and now worst wrestler ever once he left to TNA. Tears his quad getting up every day. Drug addict. He won a Gold Medal at the 1996 Olympics despite having a freakin' broken neck, a dislocated shoulder, both legs broken, a fractured dick, punctured lung, AIDS, seven broken toes and male pattern baldness. Was once beaten to an inch of his life by a nobody shooter during a Tough Enough segment on Smackdown. A bloody and beaten Kurt Angle vowed one day to gain revenge over his humiliation and when this happens is expected to draw NO BUYS. May be related to Burt Angle.
- Kurt Angle is one of the biggest stars in Total Nonstop Action (TNA), as well as the lead singer of Wham!. He is also known for a good match with Brock Lesnar, who he kissed on a show once and recently beat for the UFC 5000000000 pound weight championship. He is the phoenix of which the new era of wrestling has risen. He is a wrestling machine. He is also well known for many slogans in the WWE, including his three I's - "I used them only when prescribed by a doctor" "I did it legally" and "I am the king of crank". He claims that they are the reason he is so unstoppable. Luckily for KERR, balding didn't hurt his career. He has recently developed a Randy Couture fetish and has significantly changed his look, in order to hopefully kidnap Randy and step into his spot at UFC 102 to face Antonio
- Kurt Steven Angle (Mt. Lebanon, Pensilvania, 9 de diciembre de 1968) es un luchador profesional estadounidense que trabaja desde el año 2006 para la empresa Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA). Angle ha conseguido durante su carrera un total de 8 Campeonatos Mundiales: 4 Campeonatos de la WWE, 1 Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado,1 Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado de la WCW y 2 Campeonatos Mundiales Peso Pesado de la TNA.
- Kurt Steven Angle (December 9, 1968) is an American professional wrestler, actor and 1996 Olympic gold medalist. Angle was involved in amateur wrestling during both high school and college. In college at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, he won numerous accolades, including being a two-time National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I champion. After graduating, he won the 1995 World Championship tournament. Angle then competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, where he won a gold medal in heavyweight freestyle wrestling.