| - __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Aurochs File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Aurochs File:Aurochs.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Rare Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 10 File:Trade Icon 2.png 10 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Rare File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png Large, lumbering, slow and strong
- Un aurochs est une large créature cornue, aussi nommée « taurus », qui est décrite dans « Le Livre » que l'aïeule du village de Posada-le-Bas connaît par cœur.
- Similarly to other large huntables in the game (except Elephants and Rhinoceroses), it provides 400 Food, but due to its high HP and strong attack, it is recommended to hunt Aurochs in groups of several Villagers.
- An aurochs is a large horned creature, also known as a "Taurus", which is described in the ancient "Booke" which has been memorized by the village eldress in Lower Posada. The horned aurochs or Taurus, she recited, erroneously called bison by some ignoramuses. It hath horns and useth them to ram—. — page 179, The Last Wish (UK edition)
- Wild bull race sacred to Urox.
* The wild race was lost sometimes in the Imperial Age.
* Argrath recovered a herd in the Hero Wars with his Black Spear.
* The clan tattoo of the Red Cow Clan is an aurochs in black ink.
* The Aurochs Bringers and Verlain Neverdoubt seek to bring them back.
- Aurochs were powerful wild beasts sometimes revered and used as war mounts by some orc tribes, in particular those that worshiped Bahgtru.
- It was known to have existed in the majority of Westeros but through hunting and domestication, the areas where it is now found in the wild are limited. One place that is reported to still have aurochs is near the juncture of the Kingsroad and the Green Fork of the Trident river in the Riverlands. They are frequently used as a symbol of size, strength, and stupidity. Grenn, a member of the Night's Watch, was given the nickname Aurochs, by Ser Alliser Thorne. An auroch was used as a mount by the mythical Clarence Crabb as a display of his prowess.
- An aurochs is a large horned creature, also known as a "Taurus", which is described in the ancient "Booke" which has been memorized by the village eldress in Lower Posada.
- The aurochs, also urus, ure (Bos primigenius), the ancestor of domestic cattle, is an extinct type of large wild cattle that inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa; they survived in Europe until the last recorded aurochs, a female, died in the Jaktorów Forest, Poland in 1627.
- The Aurochs (S."Myrmynd"; "Black Bulls") was a domesticated breed of the wild cattle or kine that roamed Rhovanion. They varied in color, but most had medium length, dark brown fur on their bodies, and shorter, whiter fur on their legs and foreheads. Males had larger, curving, conical horns. Like all kine, aurochses migrated with the seasons and tended to wander wide areas whenever breeding. Rumors from northward suggested that aurochses had become the quarry of hulking creatures who wore the aurochs' long horns as part of their hunting garb. Little more could be said of these strange hunters.