| - Bandai is a Japanese toy making and video game company, as well as the producer of a large number of plastic model kits. It is the world's third-largest producer of toys after Mattel and Hasbro. Bandai has made toylines based on Super Sentai and it's American counterpart Power Rangers. Regarding toy distribution, there are three large divisions to Bandai.
* Bandai Japan - releases Super Sentai toys
* Bandai America - releases Power Rangers toys
* Bandai Asia - intermixes both lines for certain territories
- Within the Godzilla, Gamera and Ultraman fanbases, Bandai is most well-known for manufacturing countless vinyl figures and merchandise based on the aforementioned properties.
- Bandai Co., Ltd. is a Japanese toy making company, as well as the producer of a large number of anime and tokusatsu programs. It is the world's third largest producer of toys. After the merger with video game developer and producer Namco, Bandai Co., Ltd. is now under the management of Namco Bandai Holdings Inc. Bandai has made numerous One Piece video games, starting with their own system, the Wonderswan.
- thumbBandai (株式会社バンダイ, Kabushiki-gaisha Bandai) es una empresa japonesa dedicada a la creación de juguetes y Figuras de acción, en muchos de los casos posee los derechos exclusivos para la promoción de mercadería basada de series animadas; es uno de los principales auspiciantes que han ayudado a poner en marcha diferentes series de anime, entre las más famosas se encuentran Dragon Ball, Digimon, Saint Seiya, Gundam, Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Naruto Shippuden y One Piece. Además comercializó los Tamagotchi y está presente en otros campos, como por ejemplo, la creación y distribución de videojuegos.
- Bandai Co., Ltd (株式会社バンダイ Bandai Co., Ltd?) is a Japanese toy and video game producing company founded in 1950. Besides its own merchandise, Bandai released a large variety of products over the years from different animations and video games, including the Mega Man franchise.
- Bandai Entertainment is a animation and media corporation from in Japan. Among its many anime series are Eureka Seven and Eureka Seven: AO. Bandai also published the film, Eureka Seven: Pocketful of Rainbows. They have released model kits based of the LFOs Nirvash typeZERO Spec 1, Nirvash typeZero Spec 2, Terminus typeR606, and Terminus typeR909, that are inspired by their popular Gunpla (Gundam models).
- Some Bandai branch groups produce anime and Tokusatsu, including the Kamen Rider Series. Besides Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, Bandai is known for products such as Gundam Models, Tamagotchi, and Digimon (anime, manga, and other video games included). Bandai also made Masked Rider and Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight toylines.
- Bandai Japan, one of Japan's leading producers of various media and retail merchandise, including video games, toys, TV series, and the like, is the publication company and driving force behind the .hack Universe. Established in 1950, Bandai has grown into the 3rd largest producer of toys in the world. Though once its own independent company, a recent merger with video game developer Namco has left it in the hands of Namco Bandai Holdings, Inc.
- Some Bandai branch groups produce anime and TokusatsuImage:Icon-crosswiki.png, including the Ultra Series. Besides Ultraman, Kamen RiderImage:Icon-crosswiki.png and Super SentaiImage:Icon-crosswiki.png, Bandai is known for products such as Gundam Models, Tamagotchi, and Digimon (anime, manga, and other video games included).
- Bandai Co. Ltd. is a Japanese toy making and video game company. After merging with the company Namco, Bandai went under the management of Namco Bandai. Some Bandai branch groups produce anime and Tokusatsu, including the Metal Heroes Series. Besides Metal Heroes and Super Sentai, Bandai is known for products such as Gundam Models, Tamagotchi, and Digimon (anime, manga, and other video games included). Bandai also made Big Bad Beetleborgs and Beetleborgs Metallix toylines.
- right Bandai Co., Ltd. (jap. 株式会社バンダイ Kabushiki-gaisha Bandai) – japońska firma produkująca zabawki.
- A l'origine, dès l'arrivée de Yu-Gi-Oh sur les écrans de télévisions japonais, en 1997, la marque Bandai édita la toute première extension de cartes à jouer Yu-Gi-Oh. Cette première extension, éditée en 1998 Série 1 Série 1 - Première Génération Série 1 - Seconde Génération Série 1 - Troisième Génération Série 1 - Cartes Promotionnelles
- Bandai war ein japanischer Spielzeughersteller und ist seit der Fusion mit Namco eine Marke von Bandai Namco. In den 1990er Jahren vertrieb die Firma in Europa eine Reihe von Star-Trek-Spielzeugfiguren, sowie dem dazugehörigen Inventar und einigen Raumschiffen des US-Herstellers Playmates Toys. Die Firma schaltete in den 1990er Jahren auch Werbung für Star-Trek-Figuren im deutschen Fernsehen.
- Bandai later merged with Namco to form Bandai Namco. The Bandai became a subsidiary of its merger company, specializing its role on producing toys. Bandai still continues to create Tamagotchi merchandise.
- Japanischer Spielzeugkonzern, der auch im Anime- und Merchandisingbereich sehr aktiv ist. Außerhalb Japans beschränkte man sich jedoch lange Zeit vor allem auf den Spielzeugbereich, bis man in den USA durch Bandai Entertainment aktiv wurde.
- It also manufactured the DVD I Love Thomas DVD Collection and the Games Riding on the Thomas the Tank Engine, Unten Thomas Deluxe Set, a kids station game and a Game Boy Color game.
- Bandai is a Japanese toy manufacturer that had first launched their Hyper Yo-Yo range in 1997, in time for the worldwide yo-yo boom. The company didn't develop their own yo-yos initially (though they did develop the Hyper Dragon and Hyper Dragoon yo-yos), but rather licensed products from other manufacturers such as Yomega, Duncan and Russell. Bandai was very active in the community, sponsoring teams such as Team High Performance Japan and Team Hyper Viper. Also produced during the 1990s was a side-series, Hyper Diabolo, which focused on diabolos.
- Bandai es una empresa japonesa que se dedica a la creación de juguetes y series, thumb|149px|Logo de la compañiaalgunas de sus creaciones más famosas son Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, Power Rangers y Naruto Shippuden. También comercializo juguetes como los Tamagotchis y se encargan de la distribución y creación de videojuegos.
- Bandai is Japan's largest toy company, and Takara's biggest domestic rival. It is also, the world's third largest producer of toys. During the 1980s, when Bandai had very little direct presence in the North American market, they not only licensed their Machine Robo toyline to Tonka as GoBots, but also licensed several other molds to Hasbro. These molds were used by Hasbro for the Transformers line that they obtained, when they bought out another Japanese company, Takatoku.
* Jetfire
* Roadbuster
* Whirl
* Barrage
* Chop Shop
* Ransack
* Venom
- thumbBandaies una empresa japonesa dedicada a la creación de juguetes y series animadas, entre sus creaciones más famosas se encuentran Dragon Ball, Digimon, Saint Seiya, Gundam,Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Naruto Shippuden. Además comercializó los Tamagotchi y está presente en otros campos, como por ejemplo, la creación y distribución de videojuegos. Desarrolló la consola Pippin, algunas de cuyas características más notables eran que poseía lector de CD y un curioso sistema para depositar el mando cuando no se usaba. En 2005 Bandai se fusiona con la empresa de videojuegos japonesa Namco. El valor total de la operación ascendió a 170.800 millones de yenes (más de 1261 millones de euros). La fusión dio nombre a la empresa como Namco Bandai Holdings. En 2003, en el Pla
- Bandai unveiled it's ThunderCats toy line at the 2011 New York Toy Fair. The toy line consisted of three different lines, including an 8" action figure line based on the original 1980s animated series . The 4" action figure line focuses on the new ThunderCats animated series produced by Warner Bros. Animation Studio. Each of the figures in the 4" line can interact with the different vehicles and playsets using the "ThunderLynx" magnetic action feature. Finally, the 8" Classics line includes figures with 18 points of articulation and high detail. The first two figures being Lion-O and Tygra.
- Bandai Co., Ltd est une société de fabrication de jouets japonais, ainsi que le producteur d'un grand nombre de programmes d'anime et Tokusatsu. Il est le troisième plus grand producteur au monde de jouets. Après la fusion avec le développeur de jeux vidéo et producteur Namco, Bandai Co., Ltd est maintenant sous la direction de Namco Bandai Holdings Inc. Bandai a fait de nombreux jeux vidéo de One Piece, en commençant par leur propre système, la Wonderswan. Bandai fut fondée en 1950 et beaucoup des jouets fabriqués à cette époque sont devenus des pièces de collection. Depuis 1980, Bandai est une société majeure du jouet au Japon, et possède à ce jour une majorité de licences les plus populaires, dont One Piece, Saint Seiya, Tamagotchi, Digimon, Kamen Rider, Godzilla, Ultraman, la série Sup