| - Dick Gumshoe
- Weight Eye color Dick Gumshoe is a homicide detective for the Los Osakangeles Police Department.
- Es sind nur einige wenige Fakten aus Gumshoes Vergangenheit bekannt. Als Kind wollte Gumshoe ein Zauberer werden. Außerdem kannte er Angel Starr; an einem Wintertag, als er 16 Jahre alt war, konnte sie ihm zum Reden bringen. Worum es genau geht, hat Gumshoe nie erwähnt. Es war anscheinend schon immer Gumshoes Traum, der Polizei anzugehören. Diesen Traum konnte er sich im Jahre 2012 erfüllen; er wurde Inspektor der Kriminalabteilung und gehörte der Mordkomission an.
- Sidenote: Dick lives in Compton, CA.
- Dick Gumshoe es un detective policial, que realiza la investigación preliminar. Trabaja en Los Ángeles durante la carrera de Phoenix Wright y Miles Edgeworth. A menudo coincidía en los mismos casos que Wright, en los que este último era el abogado. Por lo general, reunía pruebas y algunas veces ayudó a Wright dependiendo de las circunstancias que rodeaban el caso en cuestión. Usualmente también testificaba en el comienzo de los juicios sobre la información básica del caso. Ayuda a Edgeworth en la mayoría de sus investigaciones y hasta se autodenomina su "compañero".
- Dick Gumshoe is a homicide detective at the police department. He usually works with Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, but has also worked under Manfred and Franziska von Karma, Winston Payne, Godot, Shi-Long Lang, Yumihiko Ichiyanagi, and Klavier Gavin. He has been in charge of most of the cases that Phoenix Wright took on before the latter's disbarment, mostly due to the fact that most of Wright's cases pit him against Gumshoe's prosecutor colleagues. He generally takes care of the initial investigation, and is usually the first to take the stand during a trial to testify and give basic facts about a case. He would occasionally help Wright depending on the circumstances behind the case at hand. He also shares a particularly strong bond with Edgeworth and is always trying to help him out, even
- He is often the head detective overseeing the cases that Phoenix Wright is involved in, and provides evidence and his opinion both during the investigation phase and while on the witness stand during the trial phases. During trials he is usually the first witness called to the stand, giving an overview of the crime and presenting evidence that they have gathered. Gumshoe has a strong loyalty to Miles Edgeworth. He is very sensitive, often leading to his feelings getting easily hurt, but he is also a very optimistic and hard-working person.
- Just to reiterate, the top three are so incredibly close together that I really couldn't make this decision. But I had to, so I did. In 1-2 we first meet Detective Gumshoe, and things sort of don't get off to a good start. He's a bit too quick to jump to conclusions, he's not the brightest bulb in the box, and what's worse, his impulsive decisions are directed at your murdered mentor's younger sister. So at first, even if he's sort of funny, you don't get off on the right foot with Gumshoe.