| - The long rifle is the primary firearm used by the Rangers, outcasts who wander the galaxy experiencing all the sensation that is denied to them at home. It is similar in function to the sniper rifles used by the Imperium's armed forces, but superior in design and efficiency. Each long rifle is crafted by Bonesingers, moulded from psychoactive Wraithbone to enhance the already preternatural senses of its wielder. A long rifle is, as the name implies, a long and elegant weapon, as much a piece of art as a tool for killing. It works by projecting a minuscule needle from the barrel, suspended in a laser beam. The psychically-grown crystals that project this energy bolt, deadly in its own right, are capable of far greater accuracy than Imperial laser weapons, with a tighter beam that suffers le
| - The long rifle is the primary firearm used by the Rangers, outcasts who wander the galaxy experiencing all the sensation that is denied to them at home. It is similar in function to the sniper rifles used by the Imperium's armed forces, but superior in design and efficiency. Each long rifle is crafted by Bonesingers, moulded from psychoactive Wraithbone to enhance the already preternatural senses of its wielder. A long rifle is, as the name implies, a long and elegant weapon, as much a piece of art as a tool for killing. It works by projecting a minuscule needle from the barrel, suspended in a laser beam. The psychically-grown crystals that project this energy bolt, deadly in its own right, are capable of far greater accuracy than Imperial laser weapons, with a tighter beam that suffers less from diffusion over long ranges. Many an enemy commander has fallen to a pinpoint shot through an eye or a weak point in armour, leaving their bodyguards unable to locate the source or, often, even the entry wound, the Ranger who took the shot often sitting a mile away or more. The pan-spectral sights used in conjunction with long rifles are equally remarkable. More than just a rangefinder, they allow the firer to view their surroundings and target in multiple spectra, both physical and psychic. This means that it is rare that a Ranger with a long rifle can be ambushed by enemy stealth troops or surprised by an unexpected force shield or psionic barrier, allowing them to plan and execute shots that would be quite impossible for the snipers of lesser races. Unlike many Eldar weapons that are psychically linked with a single user, the long rifle is usable by anyone with the skill and patience to wield it. This is essential for Rangers, as few who forsake their craftworld and walk the Path of the Outcast do so permanently, and even fewer are able to commission their own rifle to take into exile with them. Most long rifles are therefore revered artefacts, passed down across the millennia from Ranger to Ranger. Most are named, and their history and notable kills are learned by their wielders, who desire little more than to add another piece to that roll of historic honour.