| - Can be obtained from Wave Ornament Weapon Box
- Monster Hunter (怪獣狙撃手(ハンター) Kaijū Hantā?) is the 33rd episode of Ultraman Cosmos.
- Monster Hunter is a legendary sword in Diablo III. It requires character level 8 to drop. It is one of the two weapons in game (the other being Pig Sticker) to offer increased damage against Beasts. Prior to Patch 2.1, it also had innate Critical Hit Damage bonus.
- Monster Hunter is a Capcom video game series that was featured in the Worlds Unite crossover event.
- "Monster Hunter" is the third episode of season three of Wizards of Waverly Place, and the 54th of the overall series. It first aired on October 23, 2009.
- The True Atlantean Clan Skellian (Rifts: South America (one)) developed Monster Shaping Tattoos; have created an special force of warriors, similar to the Undead Slayers. They are trained in the arts of subterfuge and espionage. They have infiltrated the inhuman cities bringing back vital information to the Clan about their enemies.
- Monster Hunter (and all of its sequels) is a series of games in which the player is tasked with killing tiny dinosaurs, giant dragons, and other random shit that was made up on the spot. All within 50 minutes. It was created by Crapcom sometime during 2004.
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- Monster Hunter is played through quests given to the hunter by the Village Elder or the Town Guild. Quests can be classified into four categories: hunting, gathering, capture and event. They are also categorized into different levels, ranging from 1-8*. A newer level quests become available after certain quests of the previous * are completed.
- Monster Hunter is a best-selling series from Capcom. The series has been on a variety of platforms from the PS2 to the PSP to the Wii to 3DS and Wii U. It's one of the best selling series in Japan. The series has sold 38 million across 33 titles. The below are the entries that sold over 1 million.
- Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]]
- Das Monster Hunter Wiki befasst sich mit der Monster-Hunter-Spieleserie von Capcom. Hier findest du alle Informationen zur Monster Hunter-Welt. Für Details besuche die Hauptseite. Kategorie:Aktiv (+500 Artikel) Kategorie:Computerspiele
- Mission Type [[Category: missions]] Monster Hunter is an optional mission from the Badass Crater of Badassitude bounty board. "A monster prowls Southern Raceway. Can you slay it?"
- Monster Hunter is one part role playing game, one part action game, one part MMORPG and two parts adventure game, cooked by a pack of anthropomorphic cats and lifted from the flames the second it turns a delicious bronze hue, all to the sound of a surprisingly cheerful jingle. So tasty! Also spawned a manga adaption, called Monster Hunter Orage, written by Mashima Hiro of Fairy Tail and Rave Master fame. How popular is it? Portable 3rd for the PSP, sold over four million copies in Japan alone in a mere two months. Cha-ching! Current games:
- In Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Monster Hunter 4G in Japan), Mega Man's armor appears as the Mega Man Palico Armor set (ロックマンネコシリーズ, Rockman Neko Series in Japan) for Felyne comrades (Palicoes), and the Palico Weapon named Rushing Hammer (ラッシュハンマー, Rush Hammer) based on Rush. They are created with E-Tanks, which are only obtained by completing the Event Quest Protector of Peace.
- Monsters are everywhere! And where there aren't any monsters, there are monkeys, birds or other dangerous pests! Lets conquer them all! Special: There is a high required kill count in these quests, so it's best to choose something you can dispatch easily. The Guard also mentions that you can team up with other players to kill these monsters, A higher player may power level you on these quests by killing the required monters for you. Steps: i. Talk to the Captain and accept the quest to kill monsters. He'll give you a jar to capture their souls.
- It´s a pretty strong verse, the hunters that are easily superhumans in matter of stats and the weapons can have abilities like put things on fire, shock them with electricity, cause paralysis, eliminate the stamina, etc. While the regular monsters struggle to suppass building level, there are exceptions such as rare species, hardcore variants, and the Elder Dragons. These creatures are definitely forces to be reckoned with. As the hunters are able to stand up to all of these beasts, they are ranked very high as well.
- Monster Hunter è un gioco creato dalla famigerata ditta/casa di produzione erotica CAPCOM, già nota grazie ai titoli ad alto contenuto di sangue e gnocca come Devil May Cry e Resident Evil. Volendo estendere il proprio dominio anche sui bambini in tenera età (9-12 anni), e non volendo essere scomunicata dal Papa, pensò di creare un gioco dove regnavano ancora i dinosauri, di cui Alessandro Cecchi Paone era il capo assoluto. Venne dunque il momento per Emilio Fede, il titolare della casa produttrice del gioco, di trovare un nuovo disegnatore per la propria azienda, visto che il precedente era stato ucciso a tradimento da Steven Spielberg che non apprezzava le sue doti nel disegnare i suoi dinosauri. Il caso volle che Rocco Siffredi passasse di lì per caso mentre andava al lavoro, e si offrì
- Monster Hunter is a hack and slash, strategy, adventure game released September 21st 2004 in North America. The game is a simulation of hunting in a world filled with deadly monsters. Like actual hunting, successfully killing or capturing a monster requires the use of strategy, skill and provided items. Monster Hunter sold poorly in Europe and the Americas due to being given no advertising; however, it was a huge hit in its native land, Japan.