| - [[Category:]] Scare, which was originally called Hamring's scare, was an arcane necromancy spell used induce fear in several creatures. Clerics of Bane, Ghaunadaur, Gruumsh, Set, and Urdlen were also granted the ability to cast this spell.
- Scaring monsters, causing them to flee can be useful in many cirumstances. Scaring a monster will typically cause it to move away from your position. It will not prevent the use of ranged attacks however, including offensive wands and breath weapons.
- Scare was a Tsuno spell which, drawing the power from Gaki-do, allowed the Tsuno Soultwister to cause fear in lesser creatures.
- The Senate Committee for Ace Resources and Endeavors (later Special Committee for Ace Resources and Endeavors, acronym SCARE) is a United States government force formed around the regulation of aces. It has also employed many aces throughout the years, even in the 1950s when anti-wild card hysteria was at its peak.
- Level: , Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living creature per three levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart Duration: : 1 round/level or 1 round; see text for Cause Fear Saving Throw: Will partial Spell Resistance: Yes
- This spell functions like Cause Fear, except that it causes all targeted creatures of less than 6 HD to become frightened.
- Scare ist eine Erfindung/Erschaffung von Dr. Eggman. Er steht Eggman immer bei und ist seine beste Erfindung. Scare ähnelt vom Aussehen her etwas Sonic.
- Scare is a creature ability in Dragon Age: Origins.
- This occurs if Cooper encounters:
* Gwenyth or another Ghost
* Jessie and Clyde
* A phone
- The SCARE is the sniper rifle variant of the SCAR family of rifles. The SCARE was cut from the final version of Crysis 2 for unknown reasons. It does not appear in the leaked beta version, and it may not have been intended to be in the game at all.
- Spell level: bard 1 cleric 1 sorcerer/wizard 1 Innate level: 1 School: necromancy Descriptor: fear Components: verbal, somatic Range: short (8 meters) Area of effect: single Duration: 1d4 rounds Save: will negates Spell resistance: yes Additional counterspells: remove fear Description: A target creature with 5 hit dice or less is afflicted with fear and suffers a -2 morale check to attack, damage and saving rolls.
- A LuthorCorp experiment is released into the atmosphere - a toxin that causes its victims to hallucinate their worst fear. Chloe, Clark, Lana, Jonathan, Martha, and Jason all fall victim to the toxin, and Lex, desperate to find a cure, takes a dangerous antidote. Meanwhile, Lionel is released from prison and his conviction overturned thanks to a mysterious benefactor.