| - This is a development timeline for The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
* November 1, 2011- 093VG00ZSep15 released.
* November 6, 2011- DOD-DocRef#009AFT released.
* November 13, 2011- SortieReport-AFT010, a report about a bombing run, is released.
* November 14, 2011- 022112-Enhanced, an enhanced version of the photograph in the previous post, is released. It has been noted that, as with SortieReport-AFT010, the HERC logo can be seen in the bottom left corner.
* November 22, 2011- op16201813208, a military report about survivors being seen after the recent bombing runs, is released. It has been noted that the HERC logo has been whited out in the top left corner.
* November 25, 2011- A note written by an unknown survivor is released.
* December 12, 2011- Day 350, a note with a photograph (likely concept art), is released
* December 18, 2011- Day 412 – Old Flyer, a note with an old HERC flyer included, and the first solid evidence of a fourth The Last Stand game, is released. The code in the top right corner translates to "DEADZONE" and the code at the bottom of the HERC flyer translates to "SURVIVING OPERATIVES, UNION CITY HAS BEEN DECLARED A DEAD ZONE. HERC THANKS YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE."
* January 10, 2012- XYUXTIHY, a photograph of zombies, is released. The code in the top right corner translates to "DEADZONE."
* January 15, 2012- A teaser trailer for The Last Stand: Dead Zone is released. Link to the Youtube video.
* January 21, 2012- An info file introducing the Fighter survivor class and the Survivor Morale feature is released. All subsequent info files were also released on The Last Stand's Facebook page.
* January 22, 2012- Info file introducing the Scavenger survivor class & the Survival Resources feature is released.
* January 23, 2012- Info file introducing the Engineer survivor class & the Construction feature is released.
* January 24, 2012- Info file introducing the Recon survivor class & the Compound Security feature is released.
* January 25, 2012- Info file introducing the Medic survivor class & the Survivor Comfort feature is released.
* January 26, 2012- Info file introducing the Leader survivor class & the Scavenged Loot feature is released.
* January 29, 2012- A screenshot from the game is released.
* January 30, 2012- The final info file introduces the titular Dead Zone & the Missions feature.
* January 30, 2012- An image showing the female versions of the survivor classes is released.
* February 1, 2012- An image showing examples of the characters a player can create is released.
* February 2, 2012- An official poster for The Last Stand: Dead Zone is released, along with news of a semi-open beta which will be released sometime in February. It can only be accessed by liking The Last Stand: Dead Zone Facebook page.
* February 15, 2012- An image showing some of the lootable items is released.
* February 21, 2012- First semi-open beta is released. Link
* February 29, 2012- v1.02 beta is released.
* May 7, 2012- v1.04 patch is released.
* May 20, 2012- v1.043 fixed glitches, new weapons.
* June 7, 2012- 1.05 patch, including the Crafting system, is released.
* July 30, 2012- 1.06 patch is released, overhauls PvP.
* August 14, 2012- The Last Stand: Dead Zone now available on Armor Games. An Armor Games account is required to play. Link
* September 18, 2012- 1.08 patch released, contains Traps, the Communications System and a number of other changes.
* October 8, 2012- 1.09 Melee Update released, along with DPS recalculation.
* October 11, 2012- 1.091 Deathmobile Update released, cut return times from missions by 50% and increased time limit to 7 minutes, introduced Rested XP and enabled an upgrade for the Deathmobile.
* October 25, 2012- 1.092 Halloween Update released, containing new locations, weapons, Ammunition as a resource and reworked Range mechanics, among other things.
* November 13, 2012- 1.093 Task Update released, including Survivor Requests and the first ever Dead Zone Task.
* November 22, 2012- 1.0935 Fixes Update released, including various bugfixes and tweaks.
* November 28, 2012- Patch 1.094 released, adds Unique and Rare equipment.
* December 20, 2012- Patch 1.095 Merry Z-Mas Holiday Update #1 released, includes trading and various other additions.
* January 14, 2013- Patch 1.096 Books Update released, adds Books and various other additions.
* January 23, 2013- Patch 1.097 Packages released, adds Packages, Brookvale East and West, new location types and weapons, as well as various fixes.
* February 19, 2013- Patch 1.098 Active Gear released, adds along with minor fixes.
* February 26, 2013- Patch 1.099 - The F.U.E.L Generator released, adds the titular F.U.E.L. Generator and includes various tweaks.
* March 13, 2013- Patch 1.1 - Bounty Office released, includes titular Bounty Office and various changes.
* March 20, 2013- Patch 1.2 - Clothing released, adds cosmetic outfits and hair customization, along with several bug fixes.
* May 15, 2013- Patch 1.3 - Injury and Inventory Update released, adds Medical Items and Medical Bench, as well as overhauling the Injury system and Inventory screen.
* May 31, 2013- Patch 1.35 - Inventory Upgrade & Balancing released, adds the ability to upgrade the inventory's capacity, the Brookvale South district and several new schematics, in addition to rebalancing certain weapons.
* June 16, 2013- Patch 1.4 - Alliances Stage #1 released, introduces Alliances and several related features, as well as a further overhaul of the Injury system and various miscellaneous fixes.
* July 9, 2013- Patch 1.41 - Doors, Alliances, Pathing released, adds Compound Doors, the ability to disband an Alliance and edit its banner, and Rotter zombies. Pathfinding for survivors and zombies was improved as well.
* July 26, 2013- Patch 1.42 - Raiding Fixes released, rebalances Raiding and several weapon types, as well as adding ranks to Alliances and several miscellaneous fixes.
* August 2, 2013- Patch 1.425 - Various bugs fixed, survivors can heal and throw grenades whilst suppressed.
* August 29, 2013- Patch 1.426 - Adds Brookvale Banks and Pinedale, plus the Military Base and Depot locations. Also adds 5 new weapons and gear items.
* September 11, 2013- Patch 1.43 - Introduces Alliance Wars, adds Banner Protection.
* December 18, 2013- Build 1090 - Z-Mas 2013, introduces Canal Park, Canal Park South, and Newtown West. Adds Motels, Bridges, and Prison locations. New weapons and gear items.
* February 5, 2014- Patch 1.44 - Winter Update. Introduces several new weapons, schematics, and clothing items. Level cap raised to 50 on Kongregate version. The Store begins its first major overhaul.
* February 26, 2014- Build 1785 - Introduces survivor voices, ability to change survivor gender, skin tone, and voice. Allows Leaders to retrain all their skills.
* March 23, 2014- PvP Update - Long rifles now have a "Minimum Effective Range", Suppression can no longer be maintained indefinitely, Raid AI has been tweaked.
* April 16, 2014- Build 1921 - Introduces Alton, Unknown Building location, new Water Storage appearance, improved raid defender AI, previous changes to suppression has been reversed.
* June 2, 2014- Speed Week. Raiding return time reduced to a maximum of 2 hours. Raiders cannot attack same compound more than once within a six-hour period. Return times are now counted if a player abandons a PVP mission.
* June 16, 2014- V1.45 - Introduces Infamous items. Introduces Uptown and Newtown East. New Tasks introduced. Vintage weapons no longer tradeable. Survivor requests now reward fuel instead of XP.
* June 27, 2014- Introduces raid practice mode.
* August 8, 2014- Introduces Infected bounties, Bounty Boxes, and Ammo Caches. Higher chance of finding quality items when running a manual mission. Maximum bounty for players now at 100 File:Dzfuel.gif.
* September 10, 2014- Introduces Premium Supply Boxes, as well as random bonus boosts obtained from said boxes.
* October 24, 2014- Halloween 2014. Introduces Terrible and Tremendous Trick or Treat Trunks, 4 new Halloween-exclusive weapons and schematics.
* November 12, 2014- Build 2540. Tweaks compound raid defender AI.
* December 17, 2014- Build 2634. Introduces Z-Mas 2014.
* February 9, 2015- Introduces compound filters in the neighborhood screen. "Scouted" lockout timer to prevent fleecing by alliances added.
* March 16, 2015- V1.5. Introduces the Incinerator. Introduces Upgrade Tokens. Changes some of the names of Quality items. White Flag book will now remove individual war points when equipped.
* April 30, 2015- Build 104. Introduces Crafting Kits.
* July 27, 2015- Introduces the Raid on Union Island. Also introduces bows, HERC Mines, and a number of other weapons.
* August 18, 2015- Updates the inventory upgrade system — up to 2000 slots can be purchased for $30 USD. Inventory can no longer be upgraded with fuel.
* October 12, 2015- Adds a new Recruiting channel for alliances in the communication system.
* October 14, 2015- Halloween update. Loot display during missions is now color coded based on item quality. XP is no longer awarded to survivors who partake in missions that are ten levels below their survivor level. Moving the cursor over the XP bar in a mission report now provides a breakdown of the XP earned during said mission.
* November 19, 2015- Patch 1.7 build 971. Introduces Research and the Research Bench.
* December 15, 2015- Patch 1.7 build 1004 — Z-Mas update. Introduces new components, new , and the Z-Mas Hunt Mount structure.
* January 27, 2016- Patch 1.7 build 1035 — Lucky & Skilled Update. Introduces new research opportunities, Lucky and Skilled weapon mods, and new challenge books.
* March 1, 2016- Build 1092. Revamps the Alliance Wars feature.
* March 15, 2016- Patch 1.71. Clothing Update.
* April 18, 2016- Build 1178. New Horizons update. Introduces Green Plains and Waterside. Adds Shopping Strips, Suburban Blocks, and Forests.
* June 14, 2016- Elite Infected Update. Introduces Elite zombies and Elite Boxes. Introduces Infamous Trophies and new Infamous items.
* June 21, 2016- Patch 1.74 Build 1381. Added the option to abandon an infected bounty. Elite infected will no longer spawn at the end of a mission. Elite infected arrival now announced with a brief UI change.
* July 1, 2016- Build 1382. Independence Day 2016. Introduces new weapons and 4th of July themed items.
* April 3, 2017- Build 2059. Tactics Manuals introduced.
* May 24, 2017- Patch 1.75 Build 2238. Containment update. High Activity Zones introduced.
* July 2, 2017- Build 2300. Freedom Week 2017.