| - "Blood Ties" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and is the ninety-first episode altogether. It was written by Steven S. DeKnight and directed by Michael Gershman. It originally broadcast on February 6, 2001. Dawn makes a profound discovery about herself and her origin. Ben is revealed to share a body with Glory.
- Blood Ties is a Fallout 3 side quest. It is also a Xbox 360 and PC achievement, and a PlayStation 3 trophy.
- Blood Ties is 2014 British-American drama thriller film based on Sophie McKenzie's novel of same name. This films stars
- Blood Ties is an event that can occur in The Barracks Level 2 in Diablo III.
- Blood Ties is the twentieth episode of Psycho Rangers: Insane Evolution. It introduces the All-Father into the story proper.
- 'Blood Ties is a cutscene that is part of the Resident Evil 6 storyline. It is present in Chapter 5 of Chris Story and Chapter 5 of Jake Story.
- Blood Ties is a Clan Aundae quest in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind available exclusively to a vampire Nerevarine. Although it seems impossible to imagine, the vampire elder was once a mortal, and had a family. She would like me to find what happened to a son of hers, Vilandon. After she was turned, she abandoned her family, and now feels a curiosity about what may have become of her son. I have agreed to find out what became of Vilandon.
- The Blood Ties is a secondary quest available in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It starts by Geralt of Rivia talking to a noble-woman outside the Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp. She asks him to find her son.
- "Blood Ties" is the third episode of the first season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow and the third episode overall. It aired on February 4, 2016.
- The series is based on the Blood Books by Tanya Huff. The leads are a private investigator, a vampire, and a cop. This show plays with and subverts several tropes of the Friendly Neighborhood Vampire genre: we are supposed to be sympathetic to him, but he isn't "friendly" in the usual sense. Henry Fitzroy has no visible Wangst. He is not The Atoner. He doesn't suffer from I Just Want to Be Normal syndrome, so he does not waste any time looking for cures. He likes being a vampire. Since he likes being a vampire, he does not want to kill his sire. He still carries a torch for her.
- Nerrok silently watched the blonde-haired Forsaken toil away at the forge, preparing what needed to be prepared and warming the coals. It was damn hot in Slaede's forge; both of them had to strip their armor off in the sweltering heat, leaving them in their shirts and pants. ************************************************************* Nerrok raised a solitary eyebrow. He'd gathered everything he'd been told to, to the best of his knowledge. "Oh yeah? What?" Nerrok's expression remained placid as he mulled this news over. At length he spoke again. "...How much blood?" "A lot." Nerrok didn't reply.