| - Liberation is an episode of K-9. It has been released in various forms of media.
- Уровень содержит много эффектов, как и многие уровни автора. Сделан в версии 2.0. Стили у уровня разные- местами объекты сделаны в стиле модерн, где-то в художественном стиле или базовом. Длится он не долго - чуть больше минуты.
- Liberation ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, die mit dem Inhaltspaket 1 erschien und im thumb|LiberationCentral Park in New York spielt.
- Liberation is the third mission of the Chinese campaign in Zero Hour. The Chinese PLA is to destroy the victory statues constructed by the Global Liberation Army in the town of Coburg, Germany.
- Name: Liberation Run Time: 5:58 Year: 1994
- The Liberation, also known as the Resistance movement or simply "the Resistance" was a group of Humans who believed the Taelons were not on Earth as Companions to us but that they in fact had sinister motives. Under the leadership of Jonathan Doors, the Liberation sought to find evidence to incriminate the Taelons. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberation]] libération < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Liberation]] liberatio (“‘a freeing’”) < liberare pp. liberatus (“‘set free’”); see liberate.
- "Liberation" is the sixth mission of the Westside Rollerz story arc in Saints Row. Hey, meet me at the pool hall. The Rollerz are getting into something big.[[File:|301px]] — Lin to The Protagonist, in a phone call.
- "Liberation" is a musical track that appeared in Dead or Alive 5 as the stage theme for Lab. The theme is also heard in True Kasumi's chapter when Ryu Hayabusa, Hayate, and Ayane fight against Alpha-152. The theme is also optional in the Music Mode in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and can be selectable for any character and gameplay mode.
- Liberation is the collective name of four TrueType font families: Liberation Sans, Liberation Sans Narrow, Liberation Serif and Liberation Mono. These fonts are metrically compatible with Monotype Corporation's Arial, Arial Narrow, Times New Roman, and Courier New (respectively), the most commonly used fonts on Microsoft Windows operating system and Office suite, for which they are intended as free substitutes.
- Liberation was a flag on the Viridian Ocean. It was founded on July 21, 2007.
- Liberation – mapa w trybie multiplayer w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Walczą ze sobą Specnaz oraz Delta Force. Jest ona częścią Collection 1 oraz została wydana na Xbox 360, dla subskrybentów Call of Duty ELITE 24 stycznia, oraz 28 lutego dla graczy PlayStation 3.
- A liberation is one of the mission types in Just Cause and Just Cause 3.
- Liberation (англ. Освобождение) — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживание в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, добавляемая в первом DLC. 24 января эту карту получили платные подписчики Call of Duty Elite на Xbox 360. Карта хороша для снайперов.
- Liberation is Dormammu's most unique special attack. After storing any combination of Dark Spell: Creation and Dark Spell Destruction points (up to a maximum of three) Dormammu releases the stored energy to produce a number of different effects.