| - Blue Moon is a drink. Woody Boyd accidedentally reinvents it as "Blue Boyd of Happiness".
- A planet with an unusual orbit.
* It controls the tides of Glorantha.
* Pieces of it lies at the Blue Moon Plateau and at Bavero
* It climbs the sky dome from the other side each time before the tidal wave.
* It then plunges to the Underworld from the Pole Star via Magasta's Pool once per tidal cycle.
* When visible, it is known as the Blue Streak.
* Known as:
* Annilla by the Dara Happans and Uz
* Serartamal by the Torabs
* Veldara by the Doraddi
* Vendara by the Pelandans
* Anehilla possibly by the Seshnegi
- "Blue Moon" is a classic popular song. It was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart in 1934, and has become a standard ballad.
- Blue Moon is a magical mercenary. She was hired by Strega to destroy the Shadowpact. Blue Moon was one of the villains who participated in the ambush against the Justice Society, led by Tapeworm. It turns out she was also working as Dr. Polaris' bodyguard on this mission.
- Blue Moon is a un-released fan-anime by MidnightTheKitteh. This page is pure spoilers, so HAVE FUN! >:D P.S. This plot involves characters from Nintendo. Please dont sue me, four sword doesnt belong to me.
- The Blue Moon is one of the six known moons in Skies of Arcadia.
- Blue Moon is the 37th level in Bloons Insanity.
- The Blue Moon is the natural satellite of a gas giant. It orbits slowly around the giant. One day is as long as five Earth days and so is the night. The moon has a very dense atmosphere so enormous creatures can take flight. High levels of oxygen mean the atmosphere is pushed to the point of spontaneous combustion during storms. Forest fires are frequent.
- Песня, которую можно услышать на Радио Нью-Вегас в исполнении Фрэнка Синатры
- Piosenka została napisana przez Richard'a Rodgers'a (muzyka) oraz Lorenz'a Hart'a (tekst) w 1934 roku. Wersja, którą możemy usłyszeć w Fallout: New Vegas została pierwszy raz wykonana przez Franka Sinatrę w 1961 roku.
- The Water tribe from The Five Moons of Japan.
- Blue Moon is one of the five main forces of Wars World. To date it has appeared in all installments except for Advance Wars: Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict (and the Japan-exclusive Game Boy Wars titles in which it is replaced with an army known as "White Moon"). Due to the actions of Clone Andy, they are at war with Orange Star at the start of Advance Wars, though later ally with them. They are also a member of the Allied Nations.
- Blue Moon is a fantasy story set 367 years after High Queen, and concurrently with Huron Space. It centers around the Golden Empires of Yalos and Ur, and the invasion of the Kals by the Motherlanders in allusion to the real-world invasion of the Americas by Europeans. Its main characters are Buroa the Bison, Luko Halu-Iru, Yikai II, Skrii, Alda-thu, Ayale, Biyuwengo Gawaiil, Black Kangaroo, Red Kangaroo, Jagion, Fras, Sonn Ekator, Tholar, Uyari, and Marry Bella.
- The surface is covered in large forests of Pagoda trees. The canopy is kilometers in height and blocks sunlight. Living near the trees are helibugs. Helibug larvae are hunted by the large aerial kites. Feeding on floating moss are the massive Sky Whales. The whales are hunted by Caped Stalkers which send out scouts and later workers to kill the whales. Stalkers are eaten by deathtraps which catch them using Ghost Traps.
- "Blue Moon" is a song broadcast on Radio New Vegas in Fallout: New Vegas, and also featured in the debut trailer.
- While some witches may find the ties between themselves and their powers weakened, the Charmed Ones will have an added worry, because not only will the ties between each sister and her powers lessen, but each sister's bond to each other will be weakened as well, thus weakening the Power of Three as a whole, which makes it easier for evil to attempt to destroy it. It is imperative that the Power of Three be guarded on this day.
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- Tequila, Saft und Milch mischen, Sahne langsam dazu geben, dann Curacao einrühren. Alternative:
* 3 cl Teqila
* 1 cl Gulliano
* 1 cl Blue Curacao
* 4 cl süße Sahne Erst der Alkohol, dann die Sahne.
- "Blue Moon" est une chanson diffusée sur Radio New Vegas dans Fallout: New Vegas, qui a également été jouée dans la bande-annonce.
- Blue Moon ist eine Kurzgeschichte von Oli Smith. Diese erschien ausschließlich auf der Doctor Who Website in Andenken an den 40. Jahrestag der Apollo-11-Mondlandungen.
- The Blue Moon was a strip club and bar located in the city of Trid on Danuta.
- Blue Moon is a white and blue from the Marketplace.
- Blue Moon (Lune Bleue) est une nouvelle commandée par la BBC spécialement pour le quarantième anniversaire de l'alunissage d'Apollo 11.
- Blue Moon is the 37th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3. It was created by John Lewis. Move L 2D U L U 2D U L R D R D R into the teleport to get the 2 chips to the top and the 2 chips to the left. Enter the teleport R then move 2U D R L and get the 2 chips to the bottom. Now enter the teleport U then move 2R L U D to collect the final 2 chips. Finally move R into the teleport and move 3U D R to exit.
- A blue moon is a rare astronomical event of second appearance of the full-moon during one month, usually with the moon turning blue. In the comic books and the cartoon show, it is used to indicate when a baby Smurf is about to be delivered to the Smurf Village. In the 2011 Smurfs movie, it is a time of celebration for the Smurfs, when Papa Smurf is able to see into the future to foresee what may happen to his little Smurfs. However, it is also the time when a special portal within the Forbidden Falls opens up that transports whoever enters it through time and space, with its other end exiting into a waterfall in Central Park in New York City in the modern age.
- The term blue moon has at least four related meanings. One is a common metaphorical phrase for a rare event. Full moons are given names in folklore, and two definitions of blue moon are a name for a rare full moon that does not have a folk name. One modern blue moon definition is a result of a misinterpretation of the Maine Farmer's Almanac, where a second full moon occurs in a calendar month. The older definition of blue moon is for an extra full moon that occurs in a quarter of the year, which would normally have three full moons, but sometimes has four. Oddly, it is the third full moon in a season that has four which is counted as the "extra" full moon and named blue moon. According to certain folklore, it is said that when there is a blue moon, the moon has a face and talks to the item
- The Blue Moon is a Flail that can be found in Dungeons. When used, it will emit light around it. The Blue Moon is the second weakest flail in the game, being stronger than the Ball O' Hurt but weaker than the Sunfury. When the Blue Moon is thrown far from the player or hits a block, it will quickly retract, throwing the weapon behind a line of enemies will force it to retract through them all, dealing damage to all of them. There is another way to use the "retract method" as mentioned above. If you turn around when it's coming back to you, you will swing it the other way; you can do this an infinite number of times, as long as you time it correctly. It looks like you are spinning it around and around. The Blue Moon is especially effective in dealing with Goblins, groups of enemies and enem
- __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::This card can only be activated with "Shadow Moon". When you activate this card, destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card on each player's side of the field, then Special Summon 1 "Homunculus Token" (Fairy-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 800) to each player's side of the field in Defense Position. While on the field, "Homunculus Tokens" are treated as Continuous Spell Cards and cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon.| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Field Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Field Card|Field]]| ]]