| - Clak'dor VII is a toxic planet. Homeworld to the Bith species. More information is availible on Wookipedia: [1]
- Clak'dor VII era un pequeño planeta que orbitaba la gran estrella blanca Colu, en el sistema Colu de los Territorios del Borde Exterior, en la Ruta Comercial Rimma. Era el planeta natal de los bith, con una antigua membresía en la República Galáctica.
- A Clak'dor VII egy kis bolygó volt, ami a nagy fehér csillag Colu körül keringett a Colu rendszerben a Külső Peremen a Rimma kereskedelmi úton. A Galaktikus Köztársaság régi tagja volt és a bith faj otthona.
- Clak'dor VII, conosciuto anche semplicemente come Bith, era un piccolo pianeta in orbita attorno alla grande stella bianca Colu nel Sistema Colu dei Territori dell'Orlo Esterno sulla Rotta Commerciale di Rimma. E' stato per lungo tempo membro della Repubblica Galattica e fu anche il pianeta natale della specie dei Bith.
- Clak'dor VII is the Bith homeworld. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Clak'dor VII on Wookieepedia
- [Source] Clak'dor VII, aussi appelée Clak'dor ou plus simplement Bith, était une planète du système Bith dans les Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. Elle était le monde d'origine de l'espèce Bith. Elle se trouvait le long de la Voie Marchande de Rimma, entre Eriadu et Triton.
- Clak'dor VII, also known simply as Bith, was a small planet orbiting the large white star Colu in the Colu system of the Outer Rim Territories on the Rimma Trade Route. It was a long-time member of the Galactic Republic and was also the homeworld of the Bith species.