| - Lordaeron castle - In noble family of La Hire was new baby born, even when Human alliance still suffers from losing of Stormwind, this day was lucky for family of La Hire and many people. Healthy baby girl was born, named Barbara, Barbara La Hire. For family of La Hire it's lucky day, because they after many years of trying, baby was finally born, so was born another member to bloodline to be called in proper title when she grew up and will be able to continue in steps of her ancestry.
| - Lordaeron castle - In noble family of La Hire was new baby born, even when Human alliance still suffers from losing of Stormwind, this day was lucky for family of La Hire and many people. Healthy baby girl was born, named Barbara, Barbara La Hire. For family of La Hire it's lucky day, because they after many years of trying, baby was finally born, so was born another member to bloodline to be called in proper title when she grew up and will be able to continue in steps of her ancestry. Lordaeron castle - Legions of horde rushed on shores of Eastern Kingdom, slowly fighting their way up to Lordaeron, Few noble families decided, after hearing news that Horde will attack castle, to travel to safety, travel to east. One of those families was family of La Hire, with three years old girl Barbara which are their only child. Even when war is raging around, families goes to east. Lordaeron castle - Very sad day for many families which fled from horde few weeks ago, with great mourn in our hearts, we must say to people of Lordaeron, that those who left are dead. Early in morning big package of stinky something flew over walls of castle. Something stinky wrapped in fur and dirty clothes appeared to be package of heads of members of those families who left few weeks ago. Only heads who weren't there were heads of family La Hire who surely left as well. As soon as battle will fade out, they will be noted as missing. Lordaeron castle - Two years have passed since end of second war, members of family La Hire are still missing, King of Lordaeron will stop searching, if they are hiding, they do it very well, but people are affraid, they died somewhere, they could have been ambushed by trolls of Hinterlands or even worse things could have happened. Lordaeron castle - Five years have passed since end of second war and members of family La Hire are still missing, no one found their family relics (ring and sword) Who knows what could happen to those things. Even stories about family La Hire says the sword is haunted and cause insomnia and madness to someone who dare to wield it if not from La Hire blood line, but no one really have any clues or information about family. King of Lordaeron decided to put mark of Dead family in list of noble families of Lordaeron